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Everything posted by Sapphire723

  1. Ugh, I hate it when someone tells you that something will be there and it isn't. Because what do they lose when they're wrong? Nothing unless you cop an attitude and even then they're just going to laugh about it when you leave. What do you lose? Possibly the dress you really wanted, your time, and maybe a bit of your sanity! There are a lot of really awesome BM dress choices out there, so don't stress too much. And we can always help with the search. Sorry you had to deal with this, though.
  2. Thank you ladies for all of your concern and advice! Y'all made me feel a lot better. I talked to my boss today, and she was concerned but not freaking out. I was honest and told her what happened. I think I could have gotten away with making up a BS excuse, but I wouldn't feel right about deceiving my boss like that. It obviously doesn't look great for me, but I've racked up a decent amount of brownie points for working my butt off all the time. I'm just up for a possible promotion this week, and it was really crappy timing because my boss will have to go to bat for me in order to get me a raise with the new job. It's just been one of THOSE weeks. I've been working on getting my house ready because my MOH is coming to visit for the first time since we bought the house. One of my friends from college died in a car crash and I traveled out of state for the wake. I also traveled out of state for the interview for the possible promotion. I've been jerked around by my mechanic a few times in the past week, and I've had a couple minor but obnoxious medical issues this week. It's just been like "COME ON!!!" this week.
  3. The short answer is Yes. If you can get people to donate stuff, then awesome. Otherwise, it's kind of your responsibility to buy stuff. When we helped with FI's friends' party, we purchased several different things to raffle off and were not reimbursed. The proceeds should go towards the happy couple. I would ask other close friends to pick up something to raffle. Although, if you know people who own local business who are willing to donate gift cards or items, that would be the best course of action. On a side note-- I did not know that CT legalized same-sex marriage. I don't know where I've been all year!
  4. Did you try asking your local shops if they would get a sample in for you? I know that many bridal salons rotate their sample stock so they can offer a larger variety without as much investment for storage or inventory. Some might be willing to foot the bill for shipping the dresses into the store in order to make a profit on the actual sale. I would call around and see.
  5. Okay, so I was supposed to log on for work at 7pm tonight and I realized what time it was about two hours too late My boss didn't send me an e-mail and no one called me. I checked my work and realized that I didn't have any issues and I would have been able to log off quickly anyway. I'm just super nervous about going in to work tomorrow. I don't even know how much trouble I'm in, because if it were a big deal, I'm sure someone would have tried to contact me. It's just been such a crappy week, and I don't know how what to do about this.
  6. First of all.... great job on that price! We live in Waterbury (nicer area) and paid a good chunk more than that. Secondly, unless the seller is being unfairly discriminatory (ie racist, sexist, etc), it is the seller's choice on who they want to sell it to. My friends bought a house in Torrington for way less than the asking price. The sellers gave it to them even though others offered full price, because they're teachers and because they wrote them a nice letter explaining what the house would mean to them. The only problem might arise if the seller tries to back out of your agreement because the other people are asking more money. Since it was verbal, it's a little harder to prove. I'm really sorry that this his happening to you. Good luck with everything.
  7. Heh, I would have handled it like this -- "You're going to buy us a brand new bedroom set, Mom?! That is SO THOUGHTFUL!"
  8. My FI did not ask, and I'm actually disappointed that he didn't.
  9. The ShamWow commercial just came on and John mentioned that that creepy guy on the commercial might have tried to knock off Billy.
  10. This past week has been crazy for deaths. Including the celebrities, one of my friends from college also died this week (25 years old) in a car crash. I don't know what's going on!
  11. I don't know... I really feel like the cakes he made for her were so off from what she wanted. Ruining the cake was unacceptable, but I can definitely see why she would be upset because the cake was so generic and unlike her in any way. I think the second one was even more off base than the first one. When a girl says she wants her cake "funeral-like," it doesn't really say quilts and pearls to me. This is the first episode I've seen, and I have to say I'm not really a fan. It feels like a less creative, ruder Ace of Cakes. The "Cake Boss" seems like he doesn't want to take input from anybody and doesn't try to get all the information on his clients or staff. All in all though, we all know that not everything for our weddings will be perfect, and I do hope that that girl had just taken a crazy pill that day and doesn't treat her husband like that!
  12. I had a lighter confiscated from my checked bag, but my candle was fine.
  13. I would be willing to do a BD shoot at the end of this year. I'm in CT, so I don't mind traveling to NYC. Keep me posted on what y'all are planning!
  14. okay, on tomato day, it says you can eat as many as 6 tomatos... anyone know if there's a minimum that you have to eat?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Nikki07 Here's the one I saw Jon & Kate on the Road to Splitsville for Two Years? - Yahoo! News If she's claiming the 2 years as separated for the money that's brutal! It's hard to say though, the media and editing can make anything appear the way THEY want it to, so who the hell knows what was really going on behind the scenes, KWIM? I wonder if it's a power play. If she does it that way, Jon gets his divorce quicker, but Kate gets the money made from her book (which Jon admits was all her anyway). But, if he wants a cut of the money, then he's probably going to have to spend more time locked in the marriage which might give him time to get over his "I'm 32" crisis. I find it funny that even though he wants the divorce, he's too lazy to file for it himself. He just adds it to Kate's to do list! She might also be trying to hide the money from Jon, so it doesn't get spent frivolously and can be saved for college.
  16. I would follow up your resort and TA details "Please note that your presence is present enough." If you're having an AHR, then you can add "We understand not everyone will be able to make it to the resort, so we invite you to join us for our AHR (followed with details)." If you're not having an AHR, I don't think it's necessary to explain that you understand that not everyone can come. It's pretty much a given that not everyone's going to come.
  17. I'm gonna have to agree with Christine on this one. Yeah, Kate is unreasonably bitchy sometimes, but Jon never stood up to her. You teach people how to treat you, and if you let someone with an alpha personality walk all over you, they will. And he was super passive aggressive. At first I thought Kate was horrible for cutting him off and not letting him speak, but then when he started to talk, I realized why. She didn't want him to come off as a moron to the national public. He's definitely mid-life crisis-ing, and he's acting really immature. My John and I both agreed that if we had to deal with him on a daily basis, we might yell at him too! Plus he's both complained about having to work and then complained about not being able to escape to work... you can't have it both ways! He wants to have all of the fun and none of the responsibility. Overall, I hope Kate learns to mellow out and Jon learns to grow up and they can reconcile and live peacefully. It has got to break Kate's heart every day to look at some of those kids because some of them look so much like Jon.
  18. OMG, my coworker just got back from her honeymoon. She found out that the social security card that she got a few years ago as a replacement says Mellissa instead of Melissa on it, so when she changes her name, she has to either pay to change her social or start using Mellissa as her legal name, even though it was someone else's screw up! I feel for you, and I hope you get everything sorted out.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR when you're DQd for missing a couple weeks, you don't get your $$ back! but since this wasn't written into the rules, it's up for debate. seems to be it should go without saying that if you spam the forum, or blantently break the rules, you should be DQd from any contests on this forum. but that's just me! Me too. Has a final decision been made?
  20. I'm another who has all her old letters and pictures from her ex. However, I store the letters in a box at my parents house. To me, it was a 3 year chunk of my adult life which is significant. If I destroy everything, then I've lost all that. However, I know why exes are exes, and there's no danger of me pining after them instead of focusing on my man. I would definitely ask him before tossing them, because if he does notice, then it makes you look insecure and a little crazy jealous.
  21. I say DQ them both. If it was more than a simple one time mistake in judgment, then they suffer the consequences. If he was his own member, then I wouldn't DQ him, but by not signing up on his own, he's allowing her to be his voice on the forum. If she violates the rules, she's doing it on his behalf as well. If he didn't want to be linked with her wrong doing, he should have created his own account. It sucks, but so does DQing anyone. Not following rules gets you DQ'd.
  22. Okay, I just got back from the gym (they're closed now) and I already did some biking and stair climbing. Plus it's raining out here, so I think I'm out of today's challenge. However, tomorrow's challenge looks awesome!
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