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Everything posted by Jen5372

  1. Awww how awesome-have a great day and weekend together
  2. I wish the vegas forum was more active-but I guess vegas isnt as much a DW as the ocean ones....but I still love it! I have no idea about the thread thats reorganized but sounds awesome
  3. Welcome to the forum-you will learn and do more than you ever imagines-after seeing these girls amazing ideas!!
  4. I am getting married in vegas in...a week! (wow a week-holy shi*t!!!) I dont feel anywhere has the scenery Vegas has-BUt thats for me---Im from NY!! Vegas is our place-we have been together like 10 times and our best friends live there. Id say do as you wish-but many people might not pay 2000 to go to mexico-if you are ok with that-go for your dream. if you want more peole-stay with vegas! Im using Vintage Vegas Weddings | The Las Vegas Wedding Professionals for mine-they have good locals packages!! The photographer is awesome! You can do a Lake las vegas package-sure not the ocean-but maybe a good substitute?? Hope that helps a little!
  5. I agree with everyone else-I wonder though-was this just a lady out of her house? if so-then theres no one to complain to. Id try being really nice at first-but firm....then see what she will do! She should fix it-its ridiculous. Sorry about your mom passing. I know she is with you and will be on your wedding.
  6. OMG I was pissed spending 135.00! I was advised to not get them done at the bridal shop-way overpriced...so I listened and got asweet italian lady (referral) and she did a hem, french bustle and took it in under the amrs and waist. The dress was 2 sizes too big for me-but...i was in a rush. I thought 135 was alot-considering the hem was 65.00 of it-but she did have to take it in twice...and ddnt chare extra! The dress was only 300 to start with. I wanted to stay cheap cheap-since the wedding is so short and no real reception. Im also in small town-Rochester-I assume its more in a bigger city!
  7. I ONLY have it on Howard 100! I listen to the replays-I hate Bubba and the other one with the smoker voice!! I have checked out other stations....not 111, Ill have to check it out after howard
  8. Thanks-yah I went but maybe they were sold out! makes sense! I tried Michael's but they ha d none. I guess m going without....i wanted one for my AHR!
  9. I love the 3 ring look-especially if the 3 are delicate. But I have fat ( so i say) fingers so I got a BIG e ring and a meduim wedidng band-If i added a third-it woud be at my knuckle almost!!! LOL Perhaps one for the right hand!!! Ah -ha I gt another thing to tell FI! LOL
  10. How about the fact that red Robin does unlimited french fries?? LOL Talk about adding up!!
  11. I wonder if a TA can help you? i wonder if booking early early can lock in prices so in case it goes up-youre all set?? Good luck. Welcome
  12. Ok I called jetblue-the dumb bitch was sooooo flippin rude! I told her I will have a roiller bag and a dress and she says "our policy is only one CARRY ON". I tell her no it isnt it clearly states one carry on and one personal item. She doesnt believe me-puts me on hold and says She says I have to go check-15 minutes on old I hang up so pissed off! What an idiot-how do they even get hired!!!Ughhhhhhhhhhhh So I drove to the airport-the lady said carry it on and no worries! She said the people on the phone dont know shit! She then marked our reservation that I have a wedding dress and I will be carrying it on! So lets hope I dont get any assh*les on the way and all shall be fine Thanks. Maybe this thread helped someone else as well!!
  13. Thanks.....buy when yu carried it on-did you also have a carry on bag? See I am so paranoid I must bring all the essentials as carry on in case the idiots lose my checked bag-so everything important comes with me in the rolling bag.
  14. Hi all. Ok i have a dilemma. I am leavin Tuesday for my DW in Vegas. I am flying on jetboue-they offer no closets. They supposedly dont even have one. I HAVE to bring my carry on rolling bag..so that counts as one of the 2 allowed carry-ons. their policy is one carry on and one personal item(purse, laptop, briefcase, etc). Will they let me bring a roll on and a big ole dress? I refuse o check either one b/c we connect hru JFK-could you imagine if god forbid they lost something? Id have a nervous breakdown! So then I thought I woud ship it-well the 2 day express shipping is over 130.00-up to 147.00 on Fedex! What did any of you do? Did yu bring a dress and a carry on bag? Any advice today would be super appreciated!! Thanks
  15. Thats a cute story-creative!! I feel like I know you both-only by reading all your posts and seeing all your amazing ideas. You are both going to have great days!! Congrats!
  16. The wedding ring is supposed to be on your ring finger-closest to the heart, so put on first. The engaegement ring "holds" the place til the wedding band arrives. People shoud ( or so i have read) take the E ring off for the ceremony-after the wedd ring goes on you then slip the ering back on after the weding ring. Again-not my opinion-just what I read online. I think Ill do this-put the e ring on my right hand for the cereoney and when he places the wedding ring on-ill slide the e ring on too
  17. I would be so pissed at meself too! Im sure they wont give you money back-maybe a credit??
  18. Someties it is cheaper to take a day and say fly to vegas....spend the night and then book a direct flight from vegas to HI. Remember-IF you book any airline ticket with an airline....on their site ( not on priceline) and the fare goes down-CALL immediately-they give you a full CREDIT of how much it went down! I watched our wedding airfare for days-it stayed at 749 for 2 people for days so I booked it. No chit-the next day it went down to 639 for 2 people-I was so annoyed. I called, got the credit and then used the credit to book the "bigger" seats! At least its something. Airline credits are good for one year. GL!
  19. Maura-I wonder if it would be easier for you to fly into Buffalo and drive up to Toronto? ( 1.5-2 hours only by car) Then you dont need a passport to cross the bridge (but its great if you do-easier)...and you could rent a car cheaply at Buff airport. Then you could do niagara falls for a day and Toronto as well. Theres 2 casinos that are fun in Niagara, ON and one awesome on in Niagara falls NY side. Buffalo is boring-but there is amazing food joints ( like ted's hotdogs LOL) I am from Buffalo so if you need info let me know. I bet airfare to Buff might be cheaper and then maybe you could save money or have more to spend?? I also have an 800 number that tells you bridge traffic so you can decide which bridge to use to cross into canada in case you were to drive. I go thru CA all the time to Michigan...so I use the bridges all the time and the traffic number saves me so much! HTH
  20. OK I went to JoAnns a couple times and couldnt fine that iron on!! Is it an iron on in one piece? Did they have bride or just married ones? I have like 5 days left-so any feedback wuod be awesome. dang its after 9 so they are cosed so I cant even call the store bummer
  21. I agree. I found it on aol and was apalled and sickened for her and her family. Then I immediately worried about all my BDW sister brides and I think awareness is KEY for all of us-everywhere-not just Antigua. Prayers to you all:)
  22. I have a boustierre(sp?) strapless that sucks me in and smooths me out. i considered spanx under the bustierre but its gonna be so hot.....I said forget it Go to a bridal shop and try a bunch on-I went everywhwre and ordered online-and the best was BY FAr from the bridal shop!!
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