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Everything posted by Jen5372

  1. No NO LOL It was a dream ( nightmare)....I always have bad dreams b4 I travel! LOL I hope I make the fight! LOL
  2. The pics are beautifulo!!!! You are simply stunning-wow your DW is gonna be amazing! Im lucky to "know" you via BDW-your pretty, TALENTEd and kind-your husband is a lucky man!
  3. Very true about off the rack-I had to buy mine off the rack-good news is they took 50 bucks off. Heck anything helps
  4. Great reply! My mother said the same thing the day i annoucned my wedding officially-2 days later she was calling travel agents! My sisted refused and then on the 4th of July-she decided to come! People are weird!
  5. 403 Good luck!!! We will share a date-i hope we can chat when we both get home! I am nervous/excited/sad. people ask me why i am sad-well because al this planning and anticipation-and its coing so fast!! I hate when I look foreard o something and then its over. I want this excitement to last and last!! LOL Im weird I gues??
  6. HI! ia am a Vegas bride to be also! I leave for our dw in 2 days!! Welcome! PH is such fun! Really hip-way better than the Aladdin ever used to be!!! I cant wait for my vegas wedding-were doing everything at Bellagio-picutes....fun! then our "reception" is at Firefly! Its coming so fast....YIKES!! If you need info or help-Im here!
  7. Only those who come to the wedding is my opinion. Orrr just groomsmen-like a GM gift!
  8. Wow thats simpky stunning-the veil is perfect on yuo too! What a perfect match!
  9. The other one on thats egmant was the 4 day lash stain-made my tarte. Unfortunatelyt its sold out everywhere-even on spehora.com. I tried some on today ( sample at spehora) and Ill see how it works....ill look at sephora in vegas too!
  10. I wanna go to the movies too-df is at a golfing thing wiht his dad, Im so bored and feelinbg lonely...a movie alone might shove me over the edge! I wish he would just come home LOL
  11. Thats awesome. Im jealous youre there-I wish I was already. Im starting to freak-not for the wedding just everything. Here I am home alone....df out golfing and feeling so emotional and scared and excited-I just wanna get there!! LOL
  12. Thanks The nightmares have started....missing the plane was the first one! LOL
  13. I just woke up this morning with a horrible one about missing a plane.....having a dog with me ( why??) someone said I couldnt get on the plane...my sister got on and my FI and my sister was crying b/c they didnt let me on....LOL So silly-but the way I looka t it-I usually dont dream about things that will happen so if we have ridiculous dreams our trips will be fine! Good Luck!
  14. Yeah if it holds up in Las vegas-it should work in Jamaica-considering vegas heat is gonna be 110! ( yikes lol)
  15. My mom stayed at GBP Akamal and said it was the best resory shes ever been at! ( they do a resort/AI trip once a year). Her pictures were fantastic and she said the place was huge! She loved it and they like to try a new place every year but this one was so good shes going again. She said she saw weddings and they were gorgeous set ups!!
  16. misohapi-Just get the license ahead of time!! Im going Tuesday night-or go to a different clark county building-like henderson....i see you live there so you can go now even!! LOL The application is online...
  17. Mini? How much was it?? I didnt see a mini on their site-all I did was make sure it was under 3 oz for the plane.....mini is a god option!
  18. I am getting married from a company called Vintage Vegas Weddings | The Las Vegas Wedding Professionals they have a chapel(cheesy) so I decied to do an outdoor cermoney in the gardens of Bally's. Quiet, sorta parklike....not as cheesy as a LV strip wedding they also offer! LOL We are staying at bellagio-and the wynn for 2 nights at the end of our trip. Pictures at bellagio and some at the LV sign. reception is at Firefly, a tapas restaurant. Small, but amazing food-good fun atmosphere. yes-lets not discuss first weddings-not when were on our second...err....CORRECT wedding. ( I call it the right wedding...finally made the right choice)
  19. Ok I was wondering-I think you look so amazing dark!! Fall is approaching and BOY do you look chic!! You are sooo super pretty-and that pic of you is gorgeous! Im jealous!! LOL What an amazing haircut also-great style!
  20. OMG Lizzz Im so sorry that happened! i thought about the baby to--whew!! That sucks-our hands are so the major part of our daily lives-I hope you heal soon!!! Tylenol isnt gonna cut it-I hope you can sleep alot and get thru the pain!! Hubby needs tot ake care of you even more now mommy!
  21. I will let ya know how it worked when I get back-for sure! Ill let my MOH and anyone else use it too and see how it works!! Thelady at ULTA said its always out on their stations to put on women after they do makeup for people....like trials or whatever. They had a ton of samples at the stations...so I hope its awesome!
  22. OMG I didnt know that! Thats fun I love love love your wedding pictures on here!! My question is-is your hair blonde now or brown? I love them both!!
  23. Im posting this in attire-because I believe make-up is part of our attire for our weddings! Ok so on the Today show 2 days ago-they did a make-up session (segment?) There was a girl who was there reviewing products-various ones. The one that caught my eye was from Untitled Page It is called 'make-up finishing spray". It resists color loss, resists creasing, and sets your makeup for flawless look -in the sun and HEAT! I read all about it-it got amazing reviews! dermatologist tested, fine for sensitive skin. ( which I have-I usualy only use Clinique or aveeno) It is 29.00 on www.skindanavaia.com My FI went to ULTA and got it for me ( i saw it there) 29 bux-but you can use one of those uLTA coupons ( if you dont have one-do a google search) Its 3.50 off a 10 purchase-not much but something at least! The lady said its been selling like mad this week-he got the last bottle! (Today show worked I guess) Sephora didnt carry it! Im gonna use it-I think it will really help. They have a whole scientific reason for how it works-cools your face and keep it cool to hold make up perfectly! Hope this helps someone!!
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