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Everything posted by CJEB

  1. It originally was a Monday Now it's a Wednesda Who knows what day by the time we get out there
  2. hehee like the "toy" party - looks funny
  3. Minde, thery are great. Did you just print them out? How did you stick them together?
  4. I go on the Special K diet. Bowl of cereal in morning & dinner. In the evening you just have your normal meal I find eating my dinner on a smaller plate helps Try drinking glass of water before meal too
  5. CJEB


    Welcome and good luck with the planning
  6. Congratuations, I'll keep fingers crossed for a healthy baby. All the best
  7. Yes. took my dog for a walk this morning, like every morning. My new routine
  8. CJEB


    Welcome, the site is amazing, you'll find us a friendly bunch
  9. Ouch thats expensive - hope the are not going to be that dear
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Loopy2021 I live in the UK and we measure our petrol (gas) in Litres, at the moment we are paying £1.16 a litre. Which converts to approx $8.39 US, so you guys have got a long way to go to catch up with the astronomical prices we are currently paying for fuel. I sure hope it does go down soon as the cost of filling our cars up for work is crippling us, but with current trends and oil prices as they are I can't really see it happening Yeap I live in North Wales, the petrol in our local station is £1.19 now! It's going up everywhere, just in the UK the government rake the tax!
  11. I'm having a veil. The length will depend on the dress I get. I love the long cathedral veils but I dont want to overpower my dress. I don't know what dress I am getting yet, so once the dress is decided then I will look at veils I'm going to have small roses weaved into my hair
  12. Sorry to hear about that Hate the fact some people can be so mean!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by kitty_kat_uk there is no way I'm trashing my dress!! You don't have too! I didn't think I wanted too because the dress has sentimental reasons, I think I might try to find a cheap on to do TTD with!!!
  14. Welcome Sara, Punta Cana is amazing, I'm getting married Sep 09
  15. I've not long joined the site either - it's been amazing for finding information about our WD. Not to mention all the support you get
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by vale Great review. I can't wait to go, only 1 month and 1 week. Congratulations Wishing u good luck. Can't wait for you review & it will be 1 month & 3/4 weeks nearer my wedding too
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by shellb CJEB, Thank you for letting me know, just googled it, I had no idea it was that bad. Assumed it was more like a zoo here in NA. I'll be removing it from my list for the guests. Just removed it from above as well. I don't want to actively promote any place that is cruel to any animal. Michelle Hi, Yeap I didn't want to just say it's got a bad reputation. I think people are best doing their own research. I did the dolphin swin in Ocean World (North DR), last year. We originally wanted to go to Manati Park in the June (2007) but found out about it so in Aug we stayed in Playa Dorada (nice hotel Blue Bay just not as nice beaches). Ocean World is all about money, however it's a lifetime experience We did a lot more activities on our Aug holiday because we were there for two weeks. In June we just wanted to rest
  18. Thanks Lexiee. The email address would be great - btw your slideshow photos are excelllent
  19. LeXie - can I ask for personal questions such as costs etc. I'm looking for info on anything I need to get flowers table decorations meals etc We've got no WC - our TA is unbelievebly rubbish. They are still trying to confirm date!
  20. My grandfather and partner are going off in a helicopter for a ride. It's our way of thanking my g'dad for giving me away
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