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Everything posted by CJEB

  1. Just think "at least they are coming." This is your wedding day and don't let them take the magic away
  2. We are going to give the guests at our DW something which doubles up as table decorations. Then we are getting some favour bags with 5 almonds for all women, even thoses who couldn't attend.
  3. We had the same problem. We are having a DW because we can't afford one in the UK. If they want to come then they can pay for themselves. Maybe offer discount for people in the wedding party e.g. bridemaids etc
  4. Wow that's dreadfully nasty! I'm glad things have worked. Hopefully you will now get some peace
  5. Does any one know a UK supplier. Thanks
  6. Our TA says 5 days - excluding day of travel & weekend or public holidays I'm in the UK
  7. In UK, green is big this season. I don't care colours this season. Me and FI just got some swatches and did Yes/No, got our shortlist then we have 2 - just got to decide between them Blue and Red
  8. I've been getting up 1/2 hour earlier and going for a power walk. I feel a lot better for it - still got to lose my "quitting smoking" tummy/bum!
  9. Aw bless, I can understand your frustration especially since it's your wedding. But never forget they are doing it because they love you. Have you spoken to them? be honest with them, they love you and you love them - have faith in your relationship with them and talk. It's your day, you can't have regrets
  10. Congrats on exam. Keep going, once you're rested, find you next challege - be a life long learner / continuous learner etc
  11. congrats on dress fitting - me still got to go dress hunting yet.
  12. heehee just read your link and couldn't help but have a checky smile
  13. Kelly - keep your chin up, it's natual to have a big wobbly every now and again, it's called being a bride. Good luck hun,
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by vale I was quoted $170 pp, but I'm based in the UK so that could be why. Vale - who quoted you that? I'm in the uk too, our TA is saying £145 per document min of 2 documents per person
  15. Same here - ours cost much money than it should but we had to have the holiday booked to confirm the wedding
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