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Everything posted by CJEB

  1. congratulations, time to get the blue decorations
  2. aw sorry to hear that - keep everyone informed. All the best
  3. We didn't do any excusions on our week holiday but 2 weeks for us and we start to get restless
  4. CJEB


    welcome - we're all the same here and love any wedding talk
  5. CJEB

    Punta Cana Bride

    welcome to the forum. I'm a punta cana bride too
  6. hello, welcome to the forum
  7. Hi JamaicaBride Welcome to the forum
  8. Hi Becs, welcome. I'm from the UK too, (N. Wales). Don't you think this one is less catty than some uk based sites.
  9. hi, I'm a Punta cana bride from UK. Welcome
  10. awww so cute - we have no little girls in our family, they are all boys
  11. Nan is making main - so designers will me myself, nan and mum Cost - just fabric and lots of flowers for nan! I can buy dress if I want but it will mean more to me to have her make it I'm thinking of buying a cheap dress for TTD - FI not happy though!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by cja1976 I agree. I have never been so scared about being pergant before the wedding. I will be getting off the pill this February and I'm so scared that I may hit a bump in the road. I know that I have had so many friends that couldn't get pergant so I must thing of it as Gods will and be grateful of this miracle. Well just remember the probability is that you will concive within a year I'm spending the year before we get married preparing my body to be a fit as I possibly can, I've given up smoking (3 months ago!), limiting alcohol (with exception to the bottle of wine at weekend but it was birthday) & increasing my fitness (cardo & muscle tone)
  13. I would tell her, no because I've not budgeted for it!
  14. well if it makes you feel good - go for it!
  15. I just cant help but think that you parents must really fear losing their home - for them to miss their daughters must be really bad
  16. When I contacted WC at ocean they said that the TA needed to confirm and that they would do everything for me
  17. hun - thought are with you. Keep you head held high. I really hope you find the strength to hope
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