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Everything posted by IslamoradaBride

  1. Ooh, I think you found a fantastic place! That area of Florida is so lovely and has awesome beaches. I hope it works out for you!
  2. Gorgeous! I am in love with letterpress but couldn't work it into the budget. Your guests will swoon!
  3. I agree with the other ladies-- you are beautiful inside and out. Hers was a very superficial kind of beauty, but if your man is over her, you should really move on. Several of my FI's exes are drop-dead gorgeous with a more alternative/hipster/artsy "look" than me, and I did feel a little insecure about that at first. But the bottom line is that he is with you, not this other chick who treated him like crap.
  4. These are so fun-- I love them! The ticket jackets and air mail envelopes are a great touch. And I love the cartoon! So cute!
  5. Ugh, that reminds me-- I desperately need to schedule a bikini wax! TMI, but Aunt Flo came later than expected so I haven't been able to make the appt. And we leave on Thursday! I do not have enough patience to grow out my leg, underarm and eyebrow hair though! I shave & tweeze that ish myself.
  6. Have you thought about holding it at an alternative location? Not a resort or hotel, but maybe at a beach house or public park? That would probably be much cheaper. We have rented a beach estate (in the Keys, not Sanibel) & are bringing in a caterer and paying for our own alcohol so it's much cheaper that way. You could also do a brunch or lunch. Have you looked into restaurants? Your group is small enough that you could have a private room and not have to buy out the whole restaurant.
  7. Thank you! Staples doesn't seem to have it online but they did have it in the store. I wanted something that was fun but not too cutesy I guess.
  8. I just did mine-- they are super simple. Picked up some cute paper from Staples & used their template online to make sure I had the right borders. I used Zapfino and Eurofurence for the fonts, and wm Trees for the palm tree dingbat. I did blur out the details, hehe.
  9. I've had only great experiences with Vistaprint, but like the ladies above said, you definitely need to read the fine print & make sure you're not signing up for anything you don't want. That said, I've also heard good things about overnightprints.com and catprint.com.
  10. Not necessary, but my 2-year-old niece is such a doll so I picked her. Aside from cousin's kids that we don't see much, there aren't any other children the right age in the family. So we don't have a ringbearer.
  11. I bought my wedding earrings from Etsy seller lizix26. They are very simple and pretty. I needed something to go with an heirloom necklace and a lot of the pieces have a vintage flair if you like that.
  12. I think that would be a nice touch since your guest list is so small. We're not doing announcements, but we invited 160 people (only 80 including us are coming) so it's not a surprise or anything,
  13. I fed my cats Nutro for years and didn't have any problems. However, my new vet recommended canned food for my kitty with a weight problem. I did a little research and saw that what I had been feeding them was kitty junk food! So I switched them. They now get either Natural Balance, Trader Joe's canned or another one that I can't remember. The fat one has definitely slimmed down and they love it!
  14. I have had good luck with the whitestrips that are actually a wax that molds to your teeth. Target had a knock-off version that was cheaper than Crest. I hope I can find it again!
  15. Awww that sucks! Never been a night shifter but I have worked swing shift in the past. My FI is working from home right now and he pulls some pretty late hours, and I think he is ready to throttle the leafblower guy at our complex!
  16. I agree with everyone else-- your FI is being unfair to you and the cats. Honestly, I would seriously question a relationship with someone who wanted me to get rid of my pets. And think about breaking it off. Keeping them cooped up in the basement or an apartment all day is just cruel in my opinion.
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