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Everything posted by IslamoradaBride

  1. Personally I don't think it's a good idea, but I'm probably not the person to ask because I don't have any tattoos! I guess with jewelry, you can always take it off or get something new if your tastes change. With tattoos, no chance of that.
  2. Hah, I knew my BDW ladies would have something to say about these jerks! I knew from this forum that it's not easy or spur-of-the-moment to get married in Mex.
  3. Kathy, I agree- I think you may have to go with a different font (though it's gorgeous!) because it's too spindly-looking at that size. I love the background and colors though.
  4. How bizarre and awful-- you were right to block them both. I can't even imagine contacting someone's long-ago ex to cuss them out. It's so low-class and tawdry.
  5. Ack, that is so scary! If it's any consolation, KarmaB, I had a breast reduction earlier this year and was knocked out for the whole thing. I also had my wisdom teeth out and an operation on my foot & never had an experience like the lady in the story.
  6. Oh my gosh I just want to scoop them up! Too adorable.
  7. They are beautiful! Have you tried BCBG? They tend to have lots of long gowns with color. Also I would check Bluefly and search for evening dresses.
  8. My FMIL is planning an AHR for us in my FI's hometown for family and friends that can't make it. (My family is way too spread out to do this.) I don't think she's booked anything yet, but last I heard they were planning to book a community center and get a local Italian place to cater. I figured we could do a slide show of pics but otherwise just hang out and have fun-- casual with none of the regular wedding stuff. I suppose we'll see though!
  9. I would demand a refund as well and go somewhere else. Can you get recommendations from other brides in your area? I wouldn't trust that shop to touch your dress again.
  10. I prefer #1 on you, though the detailing on #2 is very pretty. I don't think the sheath silhouette does you any favors.
  11. Well, my suggestion would be for the Keys but you've already vetoed that . Islamorada has a place called Theater of the Sea that has swimming with dolphins. Also there are a lot of resorts and beachy places in the area. Let me know if you need more information cuz I am packed with details!
  12. My main concerns with wearing my hair down (or half-up) are wind and heat. If it's so sticky hot that my hair feels like a scarf on my neck and back, that is not good! And if my hair is blowing around like crazy, people will laugh. If the weather is more temperate and there's not much wind, I'll probably do half-up. Otherwise I will do a soft updo.
  13. As a fellow hourglass girl, I say go for the fitted one! It gives you a great shape. Mine is a slim a-line so it is sort of in between the two that you have. I am thinking about having it altered to be more mermaidy but I'm 6 months out so who knows!
  14. Hunnyhun that is a gorgeous dress! So beautiful-- hot pink is one of my favorite colors.
  15. That dress is a great dancing dress and you have a slamming bod, girl!
  16. What a precious little sweetheart he is! Congratulations on your new bundle of joy.
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