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Everything posted by aimee!

  1. okay what are your votes?? who's going home? i'm thinking blayne or suade. will leanne get 3 in a row?! i think tonight is a team challenge.
  2. there will be blood was about oil. the single father & his son running around out west. i thought it was a pretty cool story, even though i'm terrible describing it. this is from the netflix website: ms. pettegrew lives for a day- i really liked it. i'm a huge amy adams fan, so that may be part of the reason. very cute story. has anyone seen ps i love you? i read the book and loved it, but the movie was awful! i was very disappointed. as for tonight- i'm watching the new little mermaid movie. yes, seriously, i know... has anybody seen anything good in the theaters lately? i was thinking going to the movies would be a good date night next week.
  3. ooh i hope it works out! i would love to be sort of an "outside" participant until i rack up some more points winning the lottery. :) but i wanted to chirp in & let you ladies know that i wouldn't mind or feel excluded. but, of course, that is just how i feel about it- there a many other members out there with their own opinions. how nice of you to think of the "little people" thanks!
  4. ooh thanks Jacqueline, i just added both to my netflix queue. the best movie i've seen lately is "there will be blood"
  5. hahahaha. too fun. i could see myself playing this for waaay too long
  6. ohmigosh! so creepy!! i don't think i would feel comfortable eating the bride! hahah.
  7. aimee!


    hi! welcome & happy planning.
  8. aimee!

    15 days

    welcome!!! curious to know where your destination is.
  9. hi! welcome & happy planning
  10. aimee!


    hi!! welcome & happy planning.
  11. aimee!


    welcome! i am also looking at an early 2010 date. i'm sure it'll sneak up on us very quickly!! happy planning.
  12. my fav. is #4, but they are all really great!
  13. oh i missed it!! i'll have to try & catch a re-run, i'm sure a few will air in the next few days! ps. i LOVE perez !!
  14. those are all so great! & i love the outfits you ended up choosing
  15. well don't stress too much... we have a resort & date picked but we won't be able to confirm until MARCH 2009!!!!! and then what happens if we can't get that date?! ugh, i don't even want to think about it. STDs are out with a "tentative" date, so I'm really just hoping we can seal the date with the resort. ...maybe if my travel agent would reply to my emails! lol.
  16. Shoes & Handbags - Free Overnight Shipping & Return Shipping: Endless.com it's powered by amazon with free overnight shipping!! the BEST! edit: oops, someone already posted it, sorry i did a quick scan before posting, but i was just too excited and missed it! sorry.
  17. lol, i'm sure we all know what song is running through my head now... here's to a FAST friday afternooon!!! i am ready to get out of here. ..mm, mmm, i'm fergielicious... lol i'll be singing it all afternoon i'm sure.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Hi Aimee: I printed mine on the color laser printer at the office. I printed 60 of them, and didn't have to change the cartridge out. But then, I think the color laser cartriges are good for about 5,000 sheets. One thought would be to strip the background color out and either go with a white background or actually print them on colored paper or patterned paper. That will save a ton of ink. Let me know if that helps! Thanks for the speedy reply! It definitely helps! I think i'll look into a patterned paper that is double sided, and try to cut down on pages as much as possible. I think that printing them myself might just be the way to go about this project. ...not to mention it's a really great excuse to buy a new printer. haha. thanks!!
  19. wow!! i want one of those in my house. i kept thinking i picked a favorite, and then there would be another one that i liked even more! the last one with the giant frog & the baby is soo awesome.
  20. ugh, scary! now i'm running all my passwords through my head... there are soooo many! thanks for posting & giving us a "heads up"
  21. well i found an auction where you can buy the actual pieces from the designers! [i had no idea they did this!!] Project Runway Auction | Episode 8 - Leanne's Winning Design but i can't find anything about the dress being mass produced. i remember something on tv about a website with something like "projectrunway/americanexpress" in it... maybe it'll take a few days?
  22. Thanks for posting Becks! I am thrilled at the thought of getting to do another DIY wedding project, even though it seems like I just got my STDs out. [ok lets be honest-- there are still some sitting next to me that need to get mailed, lol] but I did have a quick question for you. From the instructions you posted it seemed like you printed these yourself, and I was wondering how many you made, and about how much ink it took. I'm worried about bringing this to a copy place, because I didn't have the best of luck with the staff, and this would be much more complicated with cardstock and regular weight paper, and everything being double sided. buuut, on the other hand I am going to have to print about 100 of these babies, and that is sounding like a lotta ink. thanks!!!
  23. AAAARGH! i'm disappointed!
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