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Everything posted by aimee!

  1. LOVE the dress, LOVE the hair. i didn't read all the posts, but i did search "veil" and saw that you are wearing one-- YAY! can't wait to see pics.
  2. aww. i'm sorry about your blues. but i know that you are not the only one! there actually is another thread about this floating around the forum somewhere... but i have an idea for you.. how about a new mindless hobby? lol, i am addicted to a few TV shows that i can share with you. or a fun book series? otherwise a hobby that involves thinking is okay too... i'm not sure i could help you too much with that, because by the time i get home from work i'm sick of thinking. chin up lady-- you've got a forum full of support behind you. <3
  3. somebody correct me if i'm wrong... but you can wait. you can wait as long as you want. there is nothing that requires you to ever change your name. ever. when i signed my marriage license i signed my maiden name, and there is NOTHING on the license that has my married name on it. that is a completely different process. i was married in wisconsin, and every state is different, but in our state we had to apply for the marriage license 2 weeks before the ceremony date, and that is when we signed it. then, at the legal ceremony, the pastor & 2 witnesses signed it and then it was legal. after that i needed to request (pay) for copies of the license and take them to the social security office and DMV to get a new SS card and drivers' license. it was only then that my name changed. we were legally married for over a week before my name changed, and it was a completely voluntary process. another important note: if you are planning to travel after your legal day you should be careful to make sure that your name on your passport & drivers license match. it might just be easier to take care of the name change after the destination wedding (which seemed like your plan all along)
  4. hey Lisa, i just purchased some clear labels from officemax on Sunday-- and it was a little tricky. the packages are labeled for "laser printer" or "inkjet" but it's in a spot that isn't very obvious. (at least not to me... haha!) with avery brand labels, it was toward the bottom right corner. and i thought they were a little pricey ($12.50 for 300 labels) i printed black ink on clear labels with my junk $50 printer and they turned out GREAT. i think printing with color ink would be the same. my only advice to you would be: if you are printing the addresses of your guests, go for it & print them yourself. BUT if you are printing a return address label, purchase them through vista print. you can sometimes get 140 for only the cost of shipping & they can be in full color. i don't know if you can get clear labels from VP, but there are websites where you can find a great price. we used current & got about 300 clear labels with palm trees & cutesy font for about $10, which is cheaper than the print-them-yourself labels. have fun!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by chulzle ahh i cant wait to get mine! have you chosen a dress? i swear, TTD hunting was SO much more fun than searching for the "real" dress. it was a "no stress" purchase. i set a strict budget (about $150) and stuck to it. when i was on the prowl for THE dress it was all emotions and pressure. i kept second guessing myself. but in the end i couldn't trash my maggie-- even if it was under $800. GOOD LUCK!
  6. that is awesome!!! hopefully the wedding-fever your FI is experiencing is contagious & will spread across the forum to our men.
  7. thanks for the head's up jac. any excuse to get to target, lol!
  8. welcome! and congrats. Happy Planning!
  9. garlic & onion pistachios... i just cannot stop eating them! good thing they're gone!
  10. I got my TTD dress in the mail a few weeks ago, and I think it's going to be perfect- I'm so excited. It's a little big, so alterations are a must, but here it is: I purchased it from one of our very own BDW members! It's a nice, HUGE, dress that I think will be lots of fun to drag around underwater. LOL, DH will have a helluva time helping me out of the ocean I think. And, because I am completely obsessed, here's my ceremony day dress: it seems so tiny!
  11. awww! it made me laugh out loud (in a good way of course)! it's so silly and adorable and PERFECT!!! i LOVE it! i'm sure it'll be a hit. i just looked at it again, & i want one! for me.
  12. i also like the first one- because of the neckline. but you'll be a knock-out no matter which one you choose.
  13. ugh, what a brat!! she prob. emailed you to make sure you WEREN'T there when she dropped it off. i'm sorry you had to deal with that, but thanks for giving me a new reading recommendation! i'm off to amazon to check them out.
  14. Congrats!! How awesome that you found the ONE & you got a deal! Your price quote for alterations sounds great too. I love the dress!
  15. Cattie- I watched Changling recently- and it was what I thought it was going to be. I think it's worth seeing. I liked it. I also watched Stardust last night, and kind of liked that one too. Has anyone else seen it? I feel like it might be one of those movies that nobody likes except me.
  16. everything is so cute! i love your necklaces too!! are they the "medium" size ones from overstock?
  17. ohmygosh, how did I miss these threads? I just realized I was nominated. Thanks!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Just wanted to chime in on this one too. DH and I were initially looking in to using fotocaribbean as it was a more cost-effective option as opposed to hiring an outside photographer, however, after seeing fotocaribbean's website (yikes, it looks a bit better now but it used to be much worse) and seeing samples of their work via a very dissatisfied bride on the mr. iberostar boards, I decided against using them. Best decision I ever made. I am so thrilled with how my PROFESSIONAL pictures turned out that I can't believe I ever considered using fotocaribbean. I find their shots to be very posed/cheesy/fake and they make all couples that get married there use the exact same locations and the exact same poses. It is not creative or original at all. Just my opinion though. Best of luck to you! There is a plethora of talented photographers that post here on BDW, I would talk to them and see what they can do for you. i'm glad you chimed in Kathy, because your pictures are AMAZING!! and they were definitely why i made my decision. without all the support of you ladies on this forum wedding planning would be much more stressful!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Bridget810 My Maggie Sottero took just under 4 months to come in. From what I hear, MS dresses take longer than most other designers (maybe because they are so popular?) I ordered my Maggie on Feb. 14 and they're expecting it the first week of June- so about 3 1/2 months. It feels like so long!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by nathanielthompsonphoto Also, I just checked out her wedding website, and it looks like she offers the disk of images in her wedding packages, so she doesn't seem to have a "philosophical" issue with giving out the disk. Maybe try asking her how much it would be to purchase the disk in addition to your package? Thanks! You're doing my research for me. I will definitely ask.
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