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Everything posted by aimee!

  1. i just found this thread bummer!! anybody know if they'll air re-runs? otherwise jumping in next week won't be the end of the world. we really need a dvr!! so thursdays at 7pm central time? off to google it...
  2. i just got 2 in the mail from VS today... and i have blue glue & venus opened in my tabbed browsing! lol, wish me luck!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by tylersgirl Yes, I totally agree with Aimee. I had my nails and toenails done. I put on individual false eyelashes. One last minute thing I thought of that FI will like: I brought one of my FI's button down dress shirts and just wore that and panties and high heels. Just bring lots of lingerie and heel choices. Also, I brought tons of jewelry. I did put on an all over shimmer lotion and it made me feel great, not anything with major sparkle just suddle and my photographer loved it. I had a couple drinks and I was good to go. You will do great! I can't wait to see the teasers! i did fake lashes too... they were awesome!
  4. so i was just bumming around the forum & decided to buy some lottery tickets... & i clicked on previous lottery winners and saw that i wont the weekly lottery a week ago. how did i miss that! lol! yay.
  5. i had my shoot on the 2nd, and here are a few tips i have for you: make sure you're feeling beautiful... lingerie, getting your hair, makeup, & nails done. if you feel sexy it'll come through in the pictures. bring jewelry, & remember to put it on. i went through my whole shoot with no earrings & 3 pairs in my bag. (oops!!) eat a light snack or meal, depending on the time of your shoot have a glass of wine to loosen up. Have FUN!
  6. I, personally, would not be offended if you asked me to sign a contract after all of the wonderful things you are doing for your 'maids. but it looks like i am in the minority on this one, so maybe my opinion isn't the best advice today. I just wanted to put my 2 cents in. best of luck with everything!
  7. omigosh. i'll eat salt & vinegar, or better yet dill pickle, chips until my mouth is on fire! i'm not big on eating sweets, but the salt gets me every time!
  8. yes yes yes!! i was obsessed with the show. i netflix`ed the first disc of season 1, and then ended up BUYING the whole season that same day b/c they didn't have it at Family Video. then i proceeded to scour the internet trying to find bootlegged copies of season 2 since the cw doesn't have them all available online. (and the ones they do have run SO slow, and the commercials every 5 minutes are insanely loud compared to the actual show...) haha, it was worth every minute of effort to finally get caught up & i am loving it.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by paraisobeachbride2009 Crocodile Dundee! Q: But my lips hurt REAL bad! napoleon dynamite i tried my best to match up quotes with answers, so please forgive me if one, or more, of these have already been answered! but i think these are the unanswered quotes: Thank you for a frightening, confusing, strange and dangerous time, what more could a girl ask for. What we do in life, echoes in eternity. "Let me tell you what 'Like a Virgin' is about. It's all about a girl who digs a guy with a big dick. The entire song. It's a metaphor for big dicks."
  10. i finally got caught up with the season & watched my first "live" episode last night... i'm totally hooked on this show, & can't wait for the episode next week with "little" lily & rufus.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jpitts78 Jawbreaker Quote "I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?" Meet the Parents! Quote "look what you did, you little jerk"
  12. 27 dresses! new quote: "TROLL in the dungeon!"
  13. ohmygoodness! i want one. and i think the name is perfect.
  14. ohmygosh!! i think i might have missed this thread the first time around! your pics are fantastic, what a beauty
  15. well we had a chat about rights & posting pics on the web, and everything worked out exactly how i had hoped. yay! and now my session is tomorrow!! i'm so excited & very nervous all at the same time. wish me luck ladies... & i'll have to remember to bring a bottle of wine to the session . thanks for all the help!
  16. hello & welcome from a fellow madison bride!
  17. guess who the new WC @ the Tucan is... Gabriela i'm a little nervous about how communication is going to go. i just drafted a 2 page word document of questions-- anything to avoid a 2 hour long distance phone call!
  18. what a bummer! i'm sure it was very difficult asking them to call off the party, but good for your for sticking up for yourself!! you have every right to enjoy all of your wedding related events, & you certainly shouldn't have to lose sleep over them. i'm proud of you
  19. they sold my name to a local mary kay consultant who told me i had won a "free glamour session". when i asked her how she got it she said "she wasn't sure... it's a national thing" why can't they just be honest?
  20. i've been searching for similar jewelry as well. i've found a few items on etsy... but it's tough to search through everything.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by CaliaA07 I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Zelda. When we didn't have a Wii I bought Zelda: TW on gamecube. It's the same game just reversed. So if you played it the house would be on the left instead of the right. It is the best game. I Love all Zelda games but how they did it on the Wii is amazing! I too wish I could find something similar to play. If you find something let me know!! i'm a HUGE zelda nerd too! nothing compares... but if you are looking for a "lighter" game that make you think a little you can try zack & wiki. i guess i wouldn't say it's similar to zelda, but it does make you think along some of the same lines. they are all short puzzle levels that get progressivly more challenging. i picked it up at toys r us about a year about for $20.
  22. i just got the sean white snowboarding game, and i play it with the wii fit balance board. it's AWESOME! very fun & almost feels like you're really snowboarding.
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