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Everything posted by *Krista*

  1. OKay, so I tried the dress on and took a pic to show you the shape of it on. Of course, it is quite huggy on me, because it's too small, but you can see how it accentuates the waistline. Here's the pic: Excuse the wrinkles, it was shipped to me in a box, so it will need to be cleaned/pressed when you get it.
  2. Okay seriously!!! They actually charge you $150 to put up the canopy with white tulle over it if you are having the free package. That is what I'm being told by Aurora, and it states it in the wedding guide as well....I think that's crap because who has the wedding on the sand, with just chairs You would think that the canopy would be included! So now I have to pay $150 for the canopy, plus $150 for the sound system, $175 for blood work, $50 for judge transportation, plus they have a special fee if you want to have your wedding dinner in a restaurant that isn't the world cafe buffet, so their "free" wedding, isn't really a "free" wedding, even though I have several guests staying in rooms for more than three nights so I could have this wedding. I'm really frustrated with Dreams and how I'm getting nickled and dimed for everything! Sorry thats my vent.....
  3. It's a beautiful dress, but out of my price range for a ttd. Good luck selling it!! Does it have laceup or zipper back?
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by jaynreneewed Krista, What color chair bows are you having? Are you planning on buying or renting? Hey! I'm undecided right now, we only have about 8-9 guests, so we are considering just having the white chairs, white tulle and then sprinkle deep pink colored petals on the sand....going for the classic look. We are having a huge reception when we get back with decos, etc. so I think we might just keep it minimal in Mexico. Plus I really like the look of the pure white on the beach. I hope it's really sunny on our day so we have the beautiful blue of the ocean and sky for backdrop! What color are you having for bows? I've heard that they have quite a selection at the resort to rent if you choose not to bring your own. The other thing I was thinking when I was originally planning on having bows was to take a roll of tulle in my color and then just cut 3or4 feet strips for making bows and tie them that way, rather than ordering specialty bows since they cost more.
  5. LMAO - these stories are awesome!! I can see something funny like this happening with hubby and I because we have been together for 6 + years, so sex is nothing "special" lol....our friends told us that they were both too tired on their wedding night as well, and they didn't even get back to their room until 4 am...brutal! anyway, we'll see what happens. I'm sure if we don't do the horizontal mambo that night, he'll make some joke about now that we are officially married the sex stops...lol!! he always tells this joke about the one substance found that can stop a woman's sex drive - wedding cake! lol...
  6. Hi Affiwin, I had the same problem with my guests not booking, so I sent an email with a polite message reminding them of when the wedding was, how much time was left, and that the resort requires me to let them know all the details of wedding, guests, ceremony, etc by such and such date, and so I need them to be booked by that date, that way if they are not booked by that date, then you are assuming they are not coming. Then just plan for oots bags for those guests who have booked. That's what I'm doing....may sound harsh, but I gotta plan!
  7. For the chair bow question, I also asked this question of Aurora and was told that the bows cost to rent and then also to set up. It was something like $5 per chair for renting bows and then another $2 per chair/per person for setup fee. However, I have been reading from girls on here, that often Aurora quotes higher, and then the actually WC doesn't charge those things. Rather they just charge a flat fee of $150 for all setup (bows, flowers, centerpieces, little extras, extra tulle, etc), as long as you bring the materials with you. If you rent from them, I think they would charge the rental fees on top of the $150. To play it safe, I would estimate costs based on what Aurora quotes, and then if you get it for cheaper, bonus!!! If not, at least your wedding tab won't be ridiculously higher than you anticipated.
  8. Hi Cindy, I don't have any pics of me in the dress since I put it on and couldn't get it zippered up in the back, but I could try it on again tonight and have my FI take pics of me so you can see the shape of it. I found this pic online which is the same designer as the dress - Leann Balter - it's the same/or similar dress as the one I have. Hopefully that helps and I will post a pic later tonight!
  9. Hi Everyone, I have a dress that I bought from another BDW member, and I thought it would fit, but my chest is too big...lol....I'm actually very sad about it because it's so beautiful, perfect for a TTD, and the perfect price for a TTD, anyway, it's a size 10, but to give you a better idea of the sizing, my measurements are 37.5, 30, 40 (I'm a street size 10/12), and it won't do up by about 1.5 inches or so. If anyone is interested in this dress, I would just like to get what I paid for it to recoup my costs (I'm a bride on a budget). I paid $70 including shipping from the US. I will sell it for $70 shipping included. As I said, it was purchased by another BDW member at a charity, for the purposes of a TTD, so it needs a good cleaning and ironing/steaming. Also the top botton is loose, but can easily be sewn back on with white thread. From what I could get it done up, it had a very flattering/hugging shape and accentuates the hourglass shape. It also has beautiful beading along the top of the chest. It is lightweight silk so it would be great for TTD in the water. If you are interested, please PM me or respond. Thanks! I will post some of the original pictures below as posted by the original seller.
  10. Okay, to anyone who has been married/been to Dreams Tulum, can you tell me if the ipod docking station is removable? I'm thinking we could take it down to the pool to do a first dance after the ceremony, but I'm not sure if we can. Also, what batteries does it take. A while back someone mentioned AAAs or Ds but I don't think anyone confirmed it. Help? Thanks!
  11. Sue - you have the best stories! HA HA! Love it! Krista I'm glad to hear that your AHR went so well! I saw the pics on facebook and it looks like you guys had a great time!! Chris - I can't wait to see more pics!! Happy birthday Tricia!!! Brooke I can't wait to see house pics, and also new baby belly pics! I love seeing baby belly pics and how the belly gets bigger and bigger. So, did wedding stuff this weekend ladies and it was awesome!! My FMIL and I figured out AHR invitation list, and next weekend we are going to send out the AHR invitations. We also figured out some of the details for decos, food, etc. We have decided against punch bowls on the tables (thanks ladies for the advice!), and instead, we will have glass vases with seashells, flowers, water, etc. and fuschia rose petals and candles on the tables. We are still having punch, but since the venue is inside, with doors open, we will have a big clear glass lemonade jar with a spout. That way we still have the awesome colors show through, without all the spill with a ladel. Anyway, Alison my dress arrived!!! YAYYYY!! I haven't seen it yet, because it arrived yesterday at my in laws, but I'm going over there sometime this week to check it out. Thanks again! I also received my iron on transfers from etsy that I ordered to make t-shirts, so I'll post pictures once I have those done, probably in a few weeks! I love the ones I ordered because they are in the disney font (I'm in love with disney everything), and the bride one I got is hot pink rhinestones, and I got a "just married" one in disney font too! My resort WC sent me the form to fill out by May 15 with all my preferences, guest list, etc. so its starting to feel even more real! YIKES! I can't believe that I only have 3 weeks to fill that out. I better get started! As a side note, I asked Sean about writing his vows, and I told him that we need to get on that. He said, don't worry, and I said, what does that mean, you'll wait till last minute? and he says, no, I started on mine 6 months ago. I was like, what And he said, yeah, everytime I think of you and think of something I want to say in my vows, I write it down.....awwwww!! I feel totally lost and don't even know where to begin with vows, I'm not a very creative person, and FI is Very very very creative, so I told him that I have to go first with vows, otherwise he'll sound all awesome and mine will be crap in comparison to his...lol... Anyway, I should get going! Ta ta ladies!!
  12. Jayreneewed, I'm so glad to hear that!!! YAY!! THat will save you a lot of stress that you don't need during your wedding week!! I wonder if there are any other July brides who will be there around the same time as us! It's so exciting to think that we will be there in about 2.5 months! I'm going to be there from July 6-17. Is your group planning any activities while they are there? We are thinking Xel-ha one day, Tulum Ruins another day, and the dos ojos cenote another day. Plus a shopping trip in there too. We don't want to do too much though cause we really want to relax and enjoy the resort!
  13. Or you could spray them with static guard, that might uncling them!
  14. does anyone know about coming back from Mexico and bringing maracas? I'm thinking about buying a bunch while I'm down there to use as favours for my AHR, I would split them up and have my mom, MIL, SIL, etc take 10 or so each in their suitcase, but do you know if this would be a problem?
  15. Hey girls! It's Friday!! YAYY!! And I'm done school for the semester - double YAY! Erica have fun this weekend with your boss' kids! that sounds like so much fun making cookies and playing wii!! I think this weekend should be productive for me, I'm getting together with FMIL to start on invitations for AHR, also getting passport extension submitted as well as finalizing our rings and getting those rolling. It's going to be a wedding packed weekend! I love it! Chris - I'm sorry to hear that you missed out on your DVD until Monday - I hate Fedex for that exact reason! I haven't put up a lot of pictures yet because I still have a lot of stuff to get, I have some stuff, but I haven't taken pictures. Now that I'm done school though, I will have lots of free time, so I can put more stuff up. I don't have a pic of me in my dress, but this is the dress: I also have "inspiration" pics of hair and makeup that I want: I also can't decide between putting a hair flower or a starfish hair clip in my hair. With the veil, I don't want it to be too busy, so I was thinking starfish clip because it's small, and I was thinking I could do something like the last picture, where the starfish is on top of the bun, then when I take the veil off for the reception, the starfish would be a little added bling... But FI mentioned he likes the idea of having flowers in my hair...mmmm... What do you ladies think?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by gettinghitched2010 Here is my dress. It is Brielle. Hi gettinghitched! that's a gorgeous dress! Mine's very similar. Mine's Maggie Sottero Parisia!
  17. I am also waiting on RSVPS to do my OOT bags and pick a package. What does everyone have left to do? I still have to get rings, decorations, oots bags, and have final fitting. I have to start tanning in May and get our music finalized. Also have to write my vows. Wow....there's still so much to do! I don't know how anyone ever plans a wedding in less than a year!
  18. Oh Krista, I'm so sorry to hear about the troubles you are having with SIL. That really sucks when people force you to cut them out of your life. The sad part is the people who always end up suffering are not the ones who caused shit in the first place. Stay strong girl and try not to let it bother you (although I know that's easier said than done). Ali - I haven't received my dress yet, but I had it sent to the inlaws, don't want FI accidentally seeing it, even though it's a TTD. lol....I'm going over there tomorrow so hopefully I can try it on! Chris - I'm so glad you got your pics!!! I love them!! Especially the one where you are walking away from your wedding site and the clouds are overhead. I know you said you wanted sunshine for your day, but the cloudiness of the sky really adds a dramatic backdrop! It's beautiful! I also really like the one where you are laughing/smiling when you hubby is kissing you in front of the beach. I like the sepia tones -gives it a unique feel! And your expression is priceless! I'm sorry to hear about your coworker. I think we can all empathize with having a crappy coworker! I feel the same way about being upstaged because when I started working here there was a pregnant girl in our office and she has had her baby, and now there is another girl who is pregnant who is due at the end of July, so everyone is all about her pregnancy, and no one, I mean no one has asked me about my wedding. sometimes I bring it up and everyone is just kinda like "oh, that's nice"... I'm planning on inviting my coworkers to my AHR (we have a small office of about 10 - mostly women - which is another reason why I thought they'd be excited about wedding stuff), but anyways, makes me not want to invite them...bah....LOL! Tricia - I saw your reception pics on facebook and they are gorgeous! I loved you centerpieces and the brick in front of the building - so cute!! I'd love to do fall in NYC (I've never been - well actually I went when I was weee young, because my fam lived in the GTA (greater toronto area) until I was 10, but I don't remember anything about our trip there, so it's like I've never been. Anyways, it will depend on when in the fall since I will be back to taking classes at that point. 2 masters classes while working full time can be a little hectic! Neuropsychology and Mental Testing....ugh...I have a feeling it's going to be a brutal wakeup call after my wonderful wedding and summer of bliss! Oh, if we NYC, can I bring hubby? Cause he's never been and I'm pretty sure he would hate me if I went without him...lol.... Speaking of school, tonight is my final assignment and then I'm done until September!! YAY!!! I think I might just have a couple glasses of vino tonight!
  19. Oh my I just stumbled on this thread and I think it's super cute! It's awesome to talk about what our FI's do to show us that we are special! My story: When my FI proposed, he had set up an email account for me under what will be my new married name. He told me the password and told me to log in when I was ready and there was a surprise waiting for me. Here's his email titled "To my future wife": Krista Love! There are so many things I want to say but most importantly, I love you with all of my heart forever more! Over the time we have been together we have faced many triumphs and many pitfalls. All of which we have grown from as individuals and grown closer as a couple. I have watched you, admired you, and loved you all this time knowing in my heart that I would spend the rest of my life with you... Your love has guided me and given me strength in times of difficulty. Your unconditional support and understanding has helped me through and continues to help me through all that I face daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and now ...officially ... for the rest of my life! Your steadfast desire to succeed, your unbridaled sense of adventure, and your deep and endlessly growing love for me has fulfilled all of my dreams, given me purpose, provided my life with meaning, and made me whole! You are my soul mate, my best friend, my lover, and now...my fiancee! I have imagined you walking down that isle many nights over the last year and 11 months and every time it brings tears of joy and happiness. I have been axiously planning this for almost 1 year, I hope that it has been a memorable experience that you will forever treasure as I treasure you and every moment we have together! When I look into your eyes I see our future, our life together, the wondrous experiences, the happiness, the joy, the triumphs, and the pain. I see our children and the our love growing and surrounding them ... our family ... you are ... my family! I cannot wait to begin planning, discussing, and working toward our special day! But most importantly, I want you to know that I swear to always show you that you are special, appreciated, cherished and loved...every moment of every day! I swear to treat you with respect and honor and understanding! I love you forever, until the end of time, and beyond...I am, and always will be, eternally and repeatedly falling in love with you! Eternally Yours in Love Sean
  20. Jess, I love your colours! I noticed you just have an e-ring, are you planning to use that as your wedding band as well? I'm asking because I've been thinking about doing that because my ering is really beautiful and unique on it's own and I think a wedding band may take away from it. Also, I love those purses you bought for your bridesmaids, where did you get them? Have a great wedding girl!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by michelle2011 here is mine! I love it...... Ambrosia - by Maggie Sottero OOOOHHHH!! Michelle I love that dress too! I think that would have been my second choice to my Maggie (Parisia). Gorgeous detailing and material in the Maggie dresses!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by bsf&jpg When I asked Claudia Wedd Coord, I asked her to break it down for me and this is what she said: Marriage Certificate $120.00 Blood Exam $165.00 Transportation $50.00 Thank you!! That's helpful because I didn't know the price of the blood exam had gone up. Is the marriage certificate an added cost, or is it included in the wedding package? I don't remember seeing any part about the cost of the marriage certificate - or is that for the certified translated copy that you can request to get 2-4 months later?
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