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Tulum in December

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Everything posted by Tulum in December

  1. I have added my wedding Date December 18 2008. I am new so I apologize if I did this incorrectly! Thank you! Quote: Originally Posted by SunBride Okay there are a ton of threads about Dreams Tulum and lots of people answering so there obviously a bunch of us getting married here, I thought I would start a list to see just how many and when. Past brides post too so we know who you are. I'lll keep udating the first post as I get more people (assuming it will allow me to keep updating it regularly). If you're already married, you can add a link to your review or pictures if you want so we don't have to go searching for it. ***If you have questions or comments about this resort, post them in this thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7767 Newlyweds: 2007 Tuluminjune - June ?? 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6247 Lucky_K72 and lambert13 - July 4 2007 : http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6886 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t6896 Laura_b - July 7 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t7952 LisaG - August 3 2007 David_and_Laura - October 26 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12951 calyx6 - November 3 2007 donandcorri - November 23 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12201 DreamsTulumBride - December 12 2007: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t12905 2008 bride_2_b08 - January 10 2008 SunBride - April 1 2008 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t18711 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19097 & http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t19708 SaharaTulumWedding - April 10 2008 Leamil - April 19 2008 Leamil's photos by del Sol associate photographer Vincent Iowachik22 - April 26 2008 "I just got back" post & Iowachik22's photos AmyInMI - May 10 2008 Debla1 - May 10 2008 babycow - May 17 2008 Olive - May 20 2008 Julieanddonnie - May ? 2008 - Julie's review chibi411 - June 4 2008 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t23169 Ellsbells - June 14, 2008 phalstead - June 18,2008 Sannjn - June 23 2008 - Sannjn's review monikabrandon2008 - June 27 2008 http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t24460-6 Upcoming brides 2008 Theresa08 - August 18, 2008 piggy - October 9, 2008 trisha0612 - October 10, 2008 B&J2008 - October 11 2008 Jodylynn007 - November 1 2008 Mel88 - November 1 2008 Alin & Mako - November 8, 08 nueland - November 12 2008 dreamstbride - November 13 2008 chandrathebride - November 21 2008 can't wait! - November 28 2008 amy706 - December 5 2008 (http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14954) Niels408 - December 7, 2008 Amesharp - December 12 2008 Callie - December 15 2008 Tulum in December - December 18 2008 Amodew - December 30 2008 2009 Seahagamy - January 15 2009 SBlake - January 17 2009 Neen - January 17 2009 Dollbird - February 18 2009 soontobeamrs - February 27 2009 Bernie - March 6 2009 Rachelannmartin - March 18 2009 April2009Bride - April 24 2009 Beach Bride - April 25 2009 Blkatz - May 2 2009 SGBrown - May 7 2009 Shelleq - May 9 2009 coquetayloca - May 25 2009 Krystalranee - May 29 2009 Virginialedoux / Virg - June 30 2009
  2. Congratulations! I'm new as well but I am getting married at Dreams Tulum in December 2008
  3. Hello Everyone! I thought that I would say hello to everyone who is also getting married at Dreams Tulum? Is anyone else eloping or is everyone doing a full destination wedding? I am interested to hear your feedback especially with regards to photography and videography. I am also curious about the hairdressers. Any feedback or tips you can give me would be great. Any new information I get from my travel agent or from Sandra I will let you know! -Jenn
  4. Hello Ladies! I am so happy I found this Forum as I can't wait to learn from all of your experiences. My fiance and I are eloping so all of you are the only people who know! It's so great to have a forum where I can find out information and discuss how excited I am as well as resolve my fears with people who understand. Our wedding date will be sometime around December 20th, 2008 at Dreams Tulum. We are going through The Mindful Traveller and our agent has suggested that we wait a couple of weeks as she is going to visit the area and will give us current feedback. We have been in contact with Sandra and she has said that December 18th, 19th and 20th are still available. We are going on my Winter Break from Teacher's College and plan to surprise everyone at Christmas. If you ladies have any advice for me or any unique ideas to make our elopement special please pass them along. Thank you and I look forward to getting to know all of you!
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