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Everything posted by laurn321

  1. Hey everyone... I just posted a bit about me on the newbies forum. After lots of drama with work I think my fiance and I have decided on getting married in May of next year... and I think we're narrowing down to the Westin! (We're also looking at the Marquis). I'm in kind of the same boat where my fiance is from Mexico city (I'm from Los Angeles) and he couldn't imagine having a party that didn't go until 5 the next morning... but there's that silly rule about turning off the music at 10pm if your reception is outdoors. I've been in contact with the Westin and they did say that if we wanted to they would set up a ballroom with a "lounge" or "cocktail" atmosphere with lighting and music and that we could stay there until the wee hours of the morning without a fee for the location... do any of you have any experience with this? Also another side note... I thought I read somewhere that someone was able to arrange a corkage fee with the westin. I tried asking about it, but didn't get much info in return. Anyway thanks in advance for the info and thanks for the info that's already out there
  2. Hey everyone, My name is Lauren ... first time post, but I love reading the boards for useful information. I'm getting married in (hopefully) May of next year... been engaged since November of last year. We just started planning because initially we wanted April of next year, but then work conflicts came up on my end, so we changed to October of 09, then the work conflicts went away and we're back to now May of 09... too much drama. We haven't picked a date, but we're considering locations now... looking very closely at the Westin in Cabo. Thanks for all the useful information out there Lauren
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