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Everything posted by DallasAshli

  1. Oh, I will totally join you...as soon as i get it!! I really want to lose inches around my waist to look better in a bikini. I already run 3x a week and Im going to start doing an hour long walk on off days with my SIL so she can get into shape for the wedding too (she's got more to lose than me). I hope Jillian can tone and sculpt me as well as help drop some extra pounds Oh - one reviewer said her heart monitor said she was working off 300 calories per work-out. 300 cals in 27 minutes? - SIGN ME UP!
  2. It said 3 business days from yesterday....so early next week? I only bought the one dvd, so it shouldnt take too long. It had great reviews and its only a 27 minute routine including warm-up so I can do it in the am. I hope it works!
  3. I dont know what the going rate is for a trainer, but I think the $7.49 DVD is better I bought it last night, so hopefully I will be in bikini shape in 30 days. I've got 85 days till the wedding!
  4. I got my dress there! They are really the nicest people! No pressure, encourage you to take pictures and let you bring a bottle of white wine to enjoy the experience. Love them!!
  5. I think they are cute! How big are they? Do they hang below the ear lobe or are they more like studs?
  6. Your resort needs to know the exact number 5 months early? Yikes - that seems a bit early to know for sure who will or wont be there. My guests are still booking and we're less than 3 months out. We have several guests that are saying "if x happens, then we will come OR if y happens, we wont". So really we are waiting to see if x or y happen Completely out of our control. But we gave the resort an estimate (plus or minus 10) and they are fine with that. I would think the resort would know that guests dont always book 5 months in advance? Maybe you could ask them for more time to have a definite number?
  7. OMG, you look amazing!! Beautiful bride for sure! I think it will be perfect either with or without the brooch. Whatever you decide will be perfect!!
  8. Here is my board....basically the main color is green, with accents in lime and yellow. We like how real limes have many shades of green, so we are going with that
  9. Ok - I think I get it. She got engaged, and mentioned that he was going to wait to propose in Jamaice (but obviously did it earlier). You said something like "if he had done it in Jamaica (during my wedding) I would have been upset". And now your friends is upset that you said that. Correct? If so, that's silly and it doesn't matter. Its all hypothetical anyway. I think she will understand when she starts planning her wedding. I would just let it go away. No one likes to hear "you will understand when...".
  10. I know you want to sell as a bundle, but if you change your mind...I would like all the "giraffe" bags and the striped green one. Sorry that I dont need more
  11. Let us know how it goes! I wish I had the money for that, but I keep adding things to the wedding, haha
  12. I'm thinking about getting this...has anyone seen good results yet? Thanks!
  13. Same here - no official invites, just STDs and AHR invites. With email, it was easy for us to confirm who was coming
  14. Danielle found the one I remember seeing. And in just 2 minutes. Dang she's good!!
  15. First...Congratulations on being a Mrs!!!! Second, great reveiw. Very detailed and you know I appreciate it!! Yikes about the WC. That was really not what I wanted to hear. But it sounds like you did have a great wedding anyway. One question - how did the cake taste? I know the decorations were messed up, but it taste ok?
  16. Yes! And I've been so busy, I haven't had time to get groceries and cook. It feels like the snowball effect. I gotta get back on track!
  17. Wow - major difference!! It looks great! And you're happy...so what else could you ask for? Disaster...fixed!
  18. They are great! There are so many that I love, but the hockey jerseys are so unique and fun! So...was the wait worth it?
  19. Another Dallas Meet-Up! When: Saturday, December 20th (next Saturday) Where: The Gingerman (2718 Boll St., Dallas - Uptown area) Time: 8:00pm The Gingerman is a bar with 100+ beers and some wine. They don't have liquor or a lot of food, so I would eat before you come. We would love to see you there! No need to rsvp, but if you let us know you are coming, we can watch for you Bring your significant other!
  20. I'm on holiday from planning!! I'm taking the whole month of December off from the wedding. We have too much going on this month without planning. After New Years, I will be back on it. At that point, I will be less than 3 months out so I will have to be on it!
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan Awww!! Teasers are supposed be good ones! We actually got access to all of our EPics in our online gallery today. YAY!!! I should have worn a different coat for sure - it was cold out up here that day - but my coat has puffy pockets, so I look like a bit of a pig in some of our pics. Oh well that's why I dont have to get them all, right? Most of them are awesome! Ill post some of them once I get all the proofs on CD next week. Hang on there, Ashli!! Im sure yours will come in soon and look killer! Oh, cant wait to see!!! I'm sure they are great. And you only need a handful of them to be fabulous, right?
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Sloan I confess that Im sick of waiting for my EPics to come back. We did them October 24th and Ive only got 1 teaser.... 4-6 weeks is making me crazy and a little bit annoyed. Me too!! We did them Nov. 15th, so it hasn't been as long but we were told we would have all of them the first of December. Since today is December 12th, I'm thinking that wont happen Also, I got 3 teasers, but one of them was so bad, I actually had tears in my eyes when I saw it. And I was at work, so I had to pull it together real fast. The good thing is that one of the teasers is amazing, so I'm still hopeful. Come on e-pics...I want to see all of you!
  23. Sorry I've been MIA, work is crazy right now! Updated list: Ashli & Matt Kat & Ryan Kristen & FI Jeremy & Sarah Shafina & Mickey My vote is to meet up at 7:30. Esparzas is a famous Grapevine restaurant but anywhere is fine with us!
  24. Just FYI - you can make a mirror image by going to the "Arrange" menu, going down to "Rotate or Flip" and selecting "Flip Horizontal". This is what control + H does.
  25. Sending great home buying vibes your way! Let us know!!
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