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Everything posted by DallasAshli

  1. We aren't using a TA since we have a small group and they are all internet savy. I am helping whoever needs assistance with their travel. There are several TA's on here who might be able to help...
  2. Here are instructions on that: In powerpoint, go to the "Insert" tab. Go down to "Picture" then "Autoshapes". That brings up a little tool bar. The third one is "Basic Shapes". Click that and the first one is a rectangle. Format the rectangle to have a white (or whatever color) background with no lines (to format it, right click and select "format object" and make sure you are on the "Colors and LInes" tab). Then, put your white rectangle behind your logo. You may have to right click and go to "Order" and then select "Send to Back" so that the rectangle is behind your logo.
  3. I am watching this right now on tivo! Haha...and catching up on BDW I have an opinion on this because....what is rude to one person is not rude to another. That's why you can say 80% of people are rude, but you aren't one of them. I am all for good manners, but manners are different based on your gender, age, location, likes, dislikes, culture, etc, etc. I had no idea asking for a different table was rude! Therefore, to me (before today) it was not rude. I love the saying "common sense is not common".
  4. I admit this is not my area of expertise, but here are some ideas: Pineapple Paradise Citrus Breeze Beach Bum Breeze Catcher Palm Punch
  5. Quote: Thank you for your advise, I guess the location where they are shooting us was what was making my wardrobe confusing Where are you shooting? That might help narrow the suggestions.
  6. What is your style? I think pics look best in your normal clothes, turned up a notch (I mean you do want to look your best). Are you super casual - then jeans, sandals, casual shirt would work. Always dolled up - then go for a dress. Somewhere in the middle - jeans and heels are always good. Think of shapes and colors that compliment your figure and skin tone. And dont forget...you can always change and have 2 outfits!
  7. Great Site! I love the first question - "What look are you going for?" Answering that really helped me plan the entire wedding including my dress, decorations, music, etc For those who can't visit the site right now, the choices are: Classic Romantic Vintage Diva Casual Beach Other Thanks for sharing!!
  8. I was on depo for 4 years in college...and it took me 17 months after my last shot (so really 14 months after I got "off" it since the shot lasts 3 months) to get my period. I got off it at my doctors suggestion because research came out that showed bone loss if on it for more than 2 years. I did love it when I was on it though. From what I read, it all depends on how fast your body metabolizes the drug. The shot dose is the amount a "normal" person will metabolize in a 3 month period (so it slowly wears off over 3 months). If you are "normal", you need a new dose after 3 months. The reason it often takes a while to get your period after going off the drug, is that most people aren't "normal". I had enough of the drug stored in my ass to last me another 14 months You might be metabolizing the drug at the "normal" rate but there is no way to know!! If I were in your situation, I would not get the next shot...and use another form of birth control until you want to get prego. I know more people where it took months to get their period rather than the opposite. You wont know if there are side effects until you stop taking it and try to have a baby Good luck!
  9. Very cute!! My favs are the ones where yall are sitting on the steps cuddling - they're so natural
  10. Oh, I know how you feel! About 2 years ago, I was getting the same guilt thing from my parents (about career stuff) and something in me snapped. From that point on, I realized I can't do things to please them. That was one of my biggest life lessons - I can't make anyone else happy - everyone gets to decide for themselves how they feel. That allowed me to let go of all the guilt/pain/regret. It also taught me to be more easygoing. Since I'm in charge of my emotions, I dont want to spend my time being upset, so I choose not to. Congrats for standing your ground! That takes a lot of courage. And I agree with you - God will be included because you include Him!
  11. I think the real purpose of a contract in this situation is to put the terms in writing so you both know what is expected and what you will get. Regarding the legality - what is the liklihood you will pursue legal action against a vendor in Mexico? Think of how much that would cost - you would have to hire an attorney licensed in Mexico. This is one of the risks of doing business in another country. Personally, I would not send a deposit without the terms clearly laid out - including cost (in USD or the current exchange rate?), services provided, cancellation policy, etc. If they want to call it a "contract" or a "term sheet", I dont think it matters. Can you research the vendor either online or on the forum to make sure they have a good reputation for being honest and fair? That would influence my poll vote. Good Luck!!
  12. Congrats and welcome! I live in Dallas too I like the second one! My fiance didn't want a strapless either so I know how you feel...and I'm in love with my dress with straps Have fun planning.
  13. Being a mediator might be an option. Its typically a 40 hour, week long training session to be certified. I know a lot of stay at home moms or older people do it. It's not selling things, but you have to be good at taking a neutral stance, listening to both sides, following rules, and not getting your own emotions involved. You deal with upset people a lot, so it's not for everyone. I like the consultant-bookkeepper idea the best! But the hooked idea would be my second choice.
  14. Brilliant! I dont need it anymore, but I wish it had been around a few years ago!! I'm forwarding it to my single friends
  15. Good idea for a thread! I love my FILs. They are the perfect in-laws - supportive, loving, our biggest cheerleaders and you can tell them the truth!! Yesterday, they sent us pics of some wedding flutes they wanted to get us. They aren't really our style, so we politely declined and their response was "we're so glad you can be honest with us - we dont want to get you anything you dont want". Love that! They never have anything negative to say - about us, the wedding or about life. They are very religious, but different from ours, and they never push or even suggest we follow any of their beliefs/customs. I could go on and on, but instead I will just say that I am sooooo grateful for them!! We are even trying to get them to move from Maryland to Texas to be around us and our kids (when we have them).
  16. I tried to search for this, but couldn't think of the exact term... Typically, the groom wears something slightly different than the groomsmen (different colored vest, shirt, etc). What if the outfit (ha - FI hates it when I call it that bc men dont wear "outfits") is the same? My guys (FI, his bro and my bro) are all wearing the same shirt and pants. How do I distinguish the groom? That sounds silly b/c of course I will know which one he is, but in pictures of the guys, I want it to be obvious that he is the groom. Different boutteneires? Here is the shirt:
  17. I cancelled my gym membership yesterday! I never went but it was only $25 a month so I didn't think it was a big deal. I did pull out those dusty workout videos (actually dvds) - does anyone remember Yoga Booty Ballet or Windsor Pilates? Some still had the shrink-wrap on them! I've actually used them 2 days in a row. The DVD player in our bedroom starting skipping this weekend and rather than go buying a new one (which we would have done 2 months ago), we "borrowed" the one from the living room. This was a big sign for me - we are now ok with a little inconvenience in order to not go spend unnecessarily. We are also saving for a home in the next 2 years. That way, we can help stimulate the housing market And we are asking all our friends to buy airfare to our wedding... does that count as helping the airlines? Haha.
  18. Personally, I wouldn't start trying until after the reception so I can enjoy all the champagne I want!! Plus, we are staying at an AI, so I plan on drinking my fair share of Mexican cocktails Like Kat said, it sometimes take a while, but other times it's instant. You can't know for a few weeks and I would feel guilty drinking if I didn't know if I was prego. Just my opinion. If you aren't a big drinker, go for it if you both want to!
  19. Absolutely we will have to meet up! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it. I bet you are about to burst I will definitely PM you when it's a little closer.
  20. Well, I am a Secrets bride, but I did consider Excellence. The big factor for me was the size. Secrets is smaller and more intimate. This also means there is less activity (which we wanted). Some people want night life options for their guests. Our guests are the party, even if they are in a black hole. So, we chose Secrets. I just pulled out my comparison list and neither Secrets nor Excellence had "cons" - it came down to 440 rooms vs. 290 rooms. So, I guess I could say that Excellence was my second choice. I think either would be great - just depends on what you are looking for!
  21. When is your wedding? We will be there for a site visit Oct 30 - Nov 2. MLB410 is getting married there on Oct 31st. EDIT - Oops, I just saw - your wedding is Nov. 7th. Duh!
  22. We are going on a site visit at the end of this month, so I am taking the pictures as well as the round placemat and ribbon for color samples. I am going to see what they have or what I could purchase at Costco when I'm there. The round placemats and sea glass are no big deal to pack, and the flowers and limes will be in Mexico, so the glass vases are the only thing I would rather not take. I'm also using these at my AHR, so I will have to get the supplies at some point.
  23. Oh gosh - I hadn't even thought of that! I will intend nice weather for all
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