UGH!!! I am so sick of my job, I think I have the most underappreciated profession in the world... I totally got yelled at today for refusing to send the police for this woman who called because "there was too much traffic on her street" seriously... She said there are too many cars driving on her street!
If one more person calls and says "it's 2am I'm trying to sleep" I'm gonna scream... I know what time it is, it's 4 more hours until I get to go home and try to get some sleep amid all your noise! Oh! and if the neighbor's dog barks again today like it did yesterday my neighbor's might not have a dog by tomorrow...
I am seriously considering quitting... The only thing that keeps me going is that i get 8 hours to BDW and FB without getting sh** from FI about how much time I waste on the computer!
Have a great day everyone! (try to do it quietly so your nightshift friends don't go postal)
p.s. I should only be on night shift for 2 more months You won't have to take too many more rants like this