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Everything posted by bobbysgirl

  1. Punta Cana is my favorite place in the world! Have fun planning your wedding there!!
  2. This morning I got a call at 830 (after just falling asleep at 7) by a bill collector for someone I don't know... I have had my phone number for over 3 years!!! They called 2x in a row! I know they want their money but damn!!
  3. Woohoo!!! I love them! I found them at OTC they are $21.99 for 50
  4. I have this site saved in my favorites... I check back about every week or so for new stuff I love the $1 store!!!
  5. bobbysgirl


    Welcome to the forum! Have fun planning!!
  6. We are not getting married before we go but.. from what I have read the symbolic ceremony is whatever you want it to be. The WC or some other english speaking staff member will do the ceremony instead of a judge... They will include as little or as much as you want them to, they just can't make it official (which you won't need anyway since it's already been made official here)
  7. YAY 2010 brides!! I just finished my registration form and sent it back to the WC 10/9/2010! (I wanted 10.10.10 but they don't do sundays :-/) Congratulations everyone! Happy Planning!
  8. Last week I was really worried Melissa was gonna go... My FI said he won't watch it anymore once she's gone and he controls the remote so I guess I'm hoping she wins so I can watch the whole season
  9. There is no residency rule in the dominican. Just FYI though, the priest will require that you complete all the normal pre cana you would have to do at home and they will require documentation from your parish priest that this was all completed.
  10. Well it's the middle of the night and a very slow night at work so I have been catching up on some remedial forum info. In reading the PSA's I realized how awesome this forum really is. I have slowly been more active and participating more and trying to help answer people's questions. As I have started to do that I have started to make friends (that also filter over to FB) and its really exciting to me to know that there are other girls out there just like me. I love that DWs are not just for rich people.. I love all the frugal ideas and helpful hints... I love that there are so many of us that think the Dominican is just about the closest place to heaven on earth! Most of all I love how welcome everyone makes me feel and I just want to tell everyone thank you. I am trying to keep up and find info for people. I'd love to pay it forward for all the brides who have helped me so much! Keep up the good work everyone... If anyone is ever sleepless, I am always up all night and I'm always willing to help:) and my wedding isn't until next october so I'll be around for a while OK enough mushytalk... back to serving the citizens of my great city.
  11. My cousin got married last year... she danced with her dad to "isn't she lovely" by stevie wonder... It was awesome totally upbeat and fun
  12. hey check out this link... Princess Info I really think that is the best way to contact Francelia for the first time. It does seem to take her a couple days to respond usually just so you know.
  13. UGH!!! I am so sick of my job, I think I have the most underappreciated profession in the world... I totally got yelled at today for refusing to send the police for this woman who called because "there was too much traffic on her street" seriously... She said there are too many cars driving on her street! If one more person calls and says "it's 2am I'm trying to sleep" I'm gonna scream... I know what time it is, it's 4 more hours until I get to go home and try to get some sleep amid all your noise! Oh! and if the neighbor's dog barks again today like it did yesterday my neighbor's might not have a dog by tomorrow... I am seriously considering quitting... The only thing that keeps me going is that i get 8 hours to BDW and FB without getting sh** from FI about how much time I waste on the computer! Have a great day everyone! (try to do it quietly so your nightshift friends don't go postal) p.s. I should only be on night shift for 2 more months You won't have to take too many more rants like this
  14. I'm including our wedding website, and the phone number and website for our travel agent. She is completely prepared to field any and all questions. she's even keeping track of who calls to let me know.
  15. LOVE Magnetstreet... Just looking for the perfect pic to upload to order our STD's I can't wait! I showed my FMIL and she is really excited with the options youall offer
  16. I don’t know if I completely agree with all of you. Imagine how the girlfriend feels. She is dating a man (who she very well may see a future with) and his EX called her and told her not to have anything to do with his kids?! Wouldn’t that piss you off?! I agree her response was harsh and hurtful and she should apologize. My FI only gets to see his kids once a week because his EX doesn’t want them to have anything to do with his girlfriend. If you put your foot down and tell your dad you don’t want her there, where does it end? What about holidays? I know weddings are all about the bride and everyone says this is “your†day but don’t you think your father has been looking forward to walking his little girl down the aisle since you were born? This is as much of an event for him as it is for you. If the new girlfriend is the one he wants to share this moment with why not allow it? I know you want to protect your mom, and you don’t want her to be emotional at your wedding but I think you should take everyone’s feelings into consideration. I think you should talk to your mom and ask her to be more accepting rather than excluding someone that is important to your dad. This is just my opinion from my experience being the excluded girlfriend. We are planning on sharing the rest of our lives together and I still haven’t met his kids...it’s been 3 years!
  17. Sorry... Totally off subject, but when I see "future Mrs. Norman" it catches my eye... That's my last name Jamaica721!!
  18. I only ever wear Eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss... That is all I plan on wearing for my wedding.
  19. Welcome! I am getting married at Punta Cana Princess --It's an adults only resort, but it's beautiful... From what I've been reading all the princess resorts are very nice... Good luck planning!
  20. I'm getting married at Punta Cana Princess (the adults only Princess resort) I have the package price list... Does it actually include the room price in that??
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