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Everything posted by bobbysgirl

  1. Sorry if I missed it but did we ever get details about the dress?? I have so much spare time at work I would be happy to help search online to find it for you.
  2. I think you could definately use it just to tone. There is kind of a lot of cardio but the strength part of it is pretty kick a** too
  3. Thank you so much for this review! I have them booked for my wedding in October! Can't wait to see some of your pics!!
  4. So I wanted to lose 20 lbs before I started trying on dresses. I thought if I was fat and tried on something that could have been beautiful I would ruin the whole thing so I waited. It took 10 weeks. But The day I decided I was going to go dress shopping I stepped on the scale and that was the day... 20 lbs!!!! WOOHOO!!!! So I bought my dress
  5. Quote: @Bobbysgirl I am going to the Brides for Breast Cancer in Chicago on Friday April 2! What were the prices like? Your dress is beautiful are you going to wear that veil with your dress? I like the too of them together on you! Prices were great Everyone that was working there was a volunteer and SOO helpful.. I did get that veil also. You cant see in the pic but it has crystals in it too so everywhere I turn I sparkle! The dress on sale online was originally $1299 My sister paid $599. The tag on the veil was $199 and she got that for $50. *BONUS* it's tax free and it's a write off because it is considered a donation! I cried while trying my dress on a survivor came in and thanked everyone and said she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for people like us buying these dresses and the volunteers it made everyone feel really good.
  6. Ya, it looks like those are the best packages :-/ Sorry. I thought i remembered the disc being on there but it's an add on not just a package. Maybe francelia can just add on to your wedding package to have them for more than 15 photos and just buy the disk... that's what I would really like to do too, I don't need all that extra stuff at all.
  7. YAY!!! Here's mine!!! Purchased at the brides against breast cancer gown sale (my sister bought it for my as my wedding gift) Woo Hoo!!!
  8. ME :-) My dress is tucked under in the back we were working on the bustle. The Model My mom my sister and I went to the brides against breast cancer gown sale today it was great!
  9. I have the pricing packages for photoshopcaribe but its on my computer at home... I'll post them on here tomorrow sometime for you.
  10. Hey I heard this on the radio the other day and thought it was a great idea. I'm going to go check out the event in my town this friday. I'll let you all know how it goes, but I think it's a great cause! brides against breast cancer
  11. OMG Jo! That dress is so pretty! I think it may even be prettier than the original... And the fact that it looks too small... that's easy It's slimming ;-) just imagine how perfect it will make you look! Love the shoes too btw
  12. I swear I think I may be more excited for this than my own shower! I'm going to a baby shower today for my brother and his wife for my FIRST NEPHEW!!! They got married when they were 19 before he left for Iraq So they never had a big wedding or bridal shower they were both in college at the time... Now he is getting ready to graduate law school and she's a teacher. I'm so excited for them! I'm going to be the coolest aunt ever!
  13. AWESOME PICS!!!! Congratulations!!! I love the one at the pool bar, so fun!
  14. Anybody else going crazy already?!! Today was an awesome day of first round games!! This is going to be a really long month, I swear I'm not going to get anything done I can't tear myself away from the tv!
  15. I am getting married at Punta Cana Princess... There are actually a few Bavaro Princess Brides.. Search a little you'll find a lot
  16. Congratulations and welcome! I am getting married at Punta Cana Princess in October... There is so much info on here. Have fun planning!!!
  17. On our STD's we included our "wedsite" and everytime we talked to anyone we would tell them to check it often. We included the TA's info on our site. When it was time for the deposits we updated it with the prices and to contact her and I sent out a blast to everyone just saying Make sure you check our website prices are up... Contact Angie (our TA) ASAP for best rates.
  18. I felt the same way after level2... I figured out I was doing a lot of the stuff wrong kinda... The planks are easy to do wrong, if your hands are not directly below your shoulders on the ground you arent in the correct position and you aren't working the muscles you are supposed to. also in the part where you do squats front then back, you have to make sure your knees don't go past your toes or you won't be working the muscles in your legs just injuring your knees. Level 1 kicked my butt everyday I was almost scared to go to level 2, then i felt the same way about going up to level 3... I'm doing level 3 now, but most of the modified stuff, it's kinda like level 2.5 i guess SO just make sure you concentrate on your form and level 2 will surely start to hurt as much as level 1
  19. Hey! My name is Jennifer I'm getting married at Punta Cana Princess 10/9! Have fun planning! You'll find lots of great info here!
  20. 30 day shred level 2 and took the dogs for 2 walks today... I love spring!!
  21. When I first started I had that problem too... I just invested in the microsoft suite. If you plan on DIY-ing anything else it'll be so much easier for you to download templates if you have word and powerpoint.
  22. LOL Thanks... I'll just leave the post cards out.
  23. YES! Level 2 Day 2 Kickin a$$ and takin names!
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