Actually our kitten is the wild one, and she's much further down the line. The F3 is the biggest lover you'll ever meet... total attention whore! He lays between us every morning and night to get his belly rubbed and give kisses.
The kitten will only let you pet her when she wants to be in your lap, otherwise she looks at you like you're nuts and dashes off.
Yours are soooo cute!
I've always rescued cats, with the exception of the kitten, because I'd never had a kitten before. Our F3 was in a shelter in Oklahoma. They had 28 applications come in on him in a single day. I had been through all kinds of stuff with my previous cat who passed away (diabetes, liver failure etc), so I had a great reference from the vet, and the shelter liked that. After getting him I don't know that I'll ever have another breed of cat - they are so fun!
Oh, and yes, we do the leash thing. I use to take him everywhere, including camping, but she's a bit more wild and I won't do that with her so they are staying home more these days.