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Everything posted by jamaicabride09

  1. Everything looks great. Have a wonderful time!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by beth We aren't doing reply post cards with our STDs or invitations. I have a place on our wedding webpage for people to RSVP. Good luck! Thanks for responding!!
  3. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  4. I am working on my STD packets and I would love to include a reply postcard printed by vistaprint. If you have created one, can you please share your photos and wording? Thanks in advance, Alicia
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN We are sending out Announcments to people who said no. I ordered them from Vistaprint.com . What wording did you use for your announcements?
  6. Welcome to the forum and good luck!!
  7. I love the starfish chams too..off to do some ebay digging : - )
  8. Great task list. Thanks for sharing. I love the format!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by quackquack Yesterday, I received everything to start my DIY invites! I can not wait to get started. I ordered pocketfolder from cards and pockets. I will definitely post pictures when done Good luck!! Did you order samples first from cardsandpockets.com?
  10. Hi Steve, Welcome to the forum!!
  11. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Jennifer Fantastic review Iriebride! Jamaicabride09- She had conceriege service as that is when you get the in room bar! If your hubby to be is really picky about what Vodka I'd say to go with the butler service as you can request what brands you prefer. Sky Vodka was in the conceirge villas and Absolute was available- if you asked for it at the bars. Thanks for the advice Jennifer! We have been going back and forth about the butler service...
  13. A RD is included in our package based on the number of guests we have. Otherwise, I would not spend the extra money.
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