Quote: Originally Posted by S2BLennon Hey girls, i didnt know where the best place to post this was. I saw a while back that one of the DW photographers was going out and writing the table #'s in the sand for people and taking pics of it. Well I was looking to do the same thing and couldn't come across any of them on here.... So I went to the beach this weekend and decided to do it myself!
It was kind of funny- people were looking at me strange. and FI was making fun of me while he was holding my purse. We were in Ogunquit, and there are a lot of gays so people were probably wondering.
Anyway, I thought I would share and post them..
I have them all on photobucket- here is the link to the album
kimba1177/WEDDING PLANS/sand numbers - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Feel free to use them if you wish.
I may take another shot at this at another time. The sun was not really out and i couldn't get close enough to the water.
and yes I know- my hearts have little "tails" to them, I think it's cute.
i also took a few pics of interlocking hearts in the sand
Very nice! What did you use to draw in the sand?