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Everything posted by jamaicabride09

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Fans: With thanks to Danielle who provided me with the 10 starfish I needed to get them done! Hang tag on the fans – many thanks to Tami on this one. I saw hers and got all teary-eye, so I borrowed her wonderful idea: OOT bag stuff: The bags: The hats: Front: Back: The mugs: The card key/tip $ holders: Hang on… not done yet! I LOVE everything!!! Who made the hats? Where did you find the keycard/tip money holders? Last question; how did you attach the starfish to the palm fans?
  2. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  3. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  4. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  5. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  6. to the Forum..Yay for another Jamaica bride. My vote is for Sandals Grande Ocho Rios! Happy Planning!!!
  7. I love the pink and orange. If you use a green envelope, I think that would be too much. Could you add a green border to the white square on top?
  8. jamaicabride09


    to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  9. I am soooooooo in! I refuse to go dress shopping until next year.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by S2BLennon Hey girls, i didnt know where the best place to post this was. I saw a while back that one of the DW photographers was going out and writing the table #'s in the sand for people and taking pics of it. Well I was looking to do the same thing and couldn't come across any of them on here.... So I went to the beach this weekend and decided to do it myself! It was kind of funny- people were looking at me strange. and FI was making fun of me while he was holding my purse. We were in Ogunquit, and there are a lot of gays so people were probably wondering. Anyway, I thought I would share and post them.. I have them all on photobucket- here is the link to the album kimba1177/WEDDING PLANS/sand numbers - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Feel free to use them if you wish. I may take another shot at this at another time. The sun was not really out and i couldn't get close enough to the water. and yes I know- my hearts have little "tails" to them, I think it's cute. i also took a few pics of interlocking hearts in the sand Very nice! What did you use to draw in the sand?
  11. jamaicabride09


    to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  12. I am back and forth on the whole AHR. My family is huge and I would love to wait until the weather is warm to have our AHR. My FI thinks that is too long after the wedding. How long are you waiting to host your AHR?
  13. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  14. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
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