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Posts posted by jamaicabride09

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyP View Post
    i've thought about it but becuase I have IBS I get nervous about things that mess with the bowel control systems.

    My principal had one along with detox and liked it. My soror does it at the change of every season
    Thanks for the feedback!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by becks View Post
    I started the ribbon at the top - mine are looped around where the handle meets the fan (through the fan part). So I did that first - sort of thru, once around and back thru, if that makes sense. And then I used a glue dot to attach the ribbon under the "once around" so it wasn't visible. Then I tightened up the loose end and wrapped the loop.

    Hope that helps!
    Yes, it does!!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by becks View Post
    The hats were done by customized wear (Custom Embroidered Caps, Custom Baseball Caps - Customized Wear Caps and Hats) - Joi Guarino there was fantastic to work with - and they got to me sooner than I expected.

    Theres a thread on the keycard/tip money holders here:

    I tied the starfish to the fans using a ribbon - just threaded it thru the loop on the starfish and then thru the fan. My starfish were metal charms from e-bay (not real ones).
    Becks, thanks for the link to the thread and for the link to the website. I am going to check out both of them right now!

    Also, thanks for the directions on the palm fans. Did you start the ribbon at the top of the handle or the bottom of the handle? I am so DIY challenged...
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