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Everything posted by jamaicabride09

  1. Hi All, I am about to start addressing my STD envelopes and need to decide on a font. I would love to get some ideas. Which font did you use for your STD enevelopes?
  2. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  3. What team are you cheering for this year? Ravens all day and night!! Who is your favorite player? Ray Lewis And just for fun... Who do you think is the cutest player? old School...Jamie Sharper And if you were to play football, what position would you play? (minus the 300+lb line men,lol) I love the corners...they always get the job done!
  4. Adam got exactly what he deserved..what about Jack today..now he is startuing another war with Victor. I am so happy that Victoria is back at Newman.
  5. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  6. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  7. to the Forum and Happy Planning!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by KAMAY11 I'm so happy there's a Y&R thread! I have been watching it for longer than I'd like to admit! I love Cane & Lily together....Chloe aka Kate (new development! SHe's Esther's daughter!) needs to go away! Can anyone refresh my memory--what happened to Nina & Cricket?? I want Trisha to come back...she was awesome! Wow...you did take us back. I loved Nina and Cricket. Cricket returned for a brief appearance when John was locked up. Nina and Little Phillip left town. They mention her sometimes but you never see her.
  9. Hi Tanya, Yay for another Jamaica bride!to the Forum and Happy Planning!
  10. to the Forum and I am sure someone will be able to help with your questions!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by bridget917 Thanks again everyone. It was just such a wonderful day! The only other wedding I actually saw was in the pier gazebo...I know there were a few others while there, and at least one of them was in the Reef Terrace Gazebo where we got married. The beach is really small (I thought people were exagerrating, but I must admit I was somewhat disappointed when I did get to see it) so I'm not quite sure where they'd set the wedding up if there was one on the beach. Ok..Thanks for the feedback!!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by hollisandsteph I have a bunch on photobucket if you would like to take a look at them. I too can email anything you are interested in if they are not clear enough from photobucket. I will warn you, I have a ton on there. The Sandals pics start on page 6. Just let me know what you are interested in!! hollisandsteph - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Hi, Thank you so much for sharing the link to your pics. This is a huge help. I love the shot from the pier and the one with the Sandals boat in the background!
  13. Bridget, Welcome back and Congrats on becoming a Mrs.!! I love the pictures. You both look so happy. After seeing your pictures, November 2009 can't get here fast enough... Did you see any weddings on the beach?
  14. In addition to our STD magnets, I am including a STD brochure that has all of the booking information, pricing and information about the resort. We are also adding a STD reply postcard so we can get a general idea of who plans on joining us.
  15. to the Forum and Happy Planning!
  16. I am so over Chloe and Adam! Where is the bartender who knew Chloe was not drink that evening...Yes, Victor needs to return and put his youngest son in his place. I am over Jack too!!
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