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About LaFemmeNikita

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  1. I can't seem to hear back from her. I used the email address from her website. Any ideas?
  2. Yep they do! Try [email protected] I did also PM you earlier....once I get the personal email for the wedding planner I'll let u know.
  3. Hi, My thoughts... I have just decided on the Buenaventura hotel for our stay and wedding day. I loved the look of Velas and have visited it (not stayed) and it is beautiful but I couldn't get a response out of them. I sent several emails and even left a phone msg but with no luck. This didn't sit well with me; couldn't imagine the next few months of planning my wedding with their apparent lack of interest. And...its pretty pricey! Dreams came in a close 2nd but I chose Buena as its much smaller and I wanted a more intimate resort. Hope this helps
  4. LaFemmeNikita


    Hey Sherry and Welcome! We're planning for the same week. But, I too, still need to actually get it booked; partly for my sanity and partly cos we're running short on time...lol! Good luck. I'm off to Mayan for my girlfriend's wedding this October but that'll be too late for ya. And, have been to Cabo twice so lemme know if ya have any questions...I may or may not be some help Sonia
  5. Hola all! I'm very excited to be here and can't wait to see what you all have to say, advice, opinions, thoughts... Its not actually booked yet...I'll be SO relieved when it is!...but its looking like Feb 4th, 2009 at the Buenaventura Hotel in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. It should be a perfect time to escape the Canadian winter. So enough here, I gotta get planning!
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