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Team Gracey

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Everything posted by Team Gracey

  1. So if you don't have any kids would you just need 2 colors of sand to represent just you and him? What are the different options? I love this idea--very unique, original and lasting. Thanks!
  2. Yes, thanks. Those are also some more great ideas by placing them by the guest book and on invitations.... thanks for all the great ideas!
  3. Thanks! The digital slideshow and the prints to order at polaroid or snapfish is a great idea and will definitely have to be put to use!
  4. Thank you all for taking the time to write in this thread... I will do the same once married. I was able to make a book out of all the tips, so thanks!
  5. We're having our wedding at the Moon Palace in Cancun, MX and our honeymoon at The Royal in Playa Del Carmen. The 2 places are close, but far enough away so that we can enjoy our honeymoon together, as should the 2 of you. I would suggest having everyone get there early and have a welcome dinner for everyone that could make it to show you appreciate them coming and to spend some quality time with friends and family. That way once the wedding is over it's "y'all's time."
  6. Welcome!! How long did it take Moon Palace to get back to you on the date and time confirmation of your wedding?? We just put in for a date in June yesterday.... so we're waiting..... We're also going to check out Moon Palace, but in July. We can't wait!! Good luck to you and your FI and I'll let you know how it goes on our visit.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by kellywinter1 Thanks team gracey! The "Bank" works just like a real bank. You earn points by looking at threads, commenting, posting pictures and so on. You can use these points to buy things and view files like templates and such on threads. So the more points the more things you can look at and buy. In order to gain more points you can take the points you have put them in the bank and earn interest, just like a real bank. To put your points in the bank all you have to do is go to vbPlaza Menu and you will see the bank option. Click on it and it will ask how much you want to put in the bank. Pretty easy. For more datailed information on points and what to use them for you can do a search on points and you will find a thread that gives you all the info you need! I hope this has helped. Great! Thanks so much for all of your help! Now I will start the bank search.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by xandrafaye I think this is a really neat & unique idea! How did it go over Christine? well she hasn't responded yet... so we'll see.... I'm hoping well.
  9. Has anyone had a good turn out with raising money for your home through a registry or is it best to just ask for money?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Christine we wrote on our website that we were saving for a new home and that we had set up an account for it. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t13191 Great! So we're not alone!! Did y'all collect alot, meaning did people respond well to it? Also, was that all you had for a registry?
  11. Talk about coordinating!!! The pinks are gorgeous and look very well together~ great job! Also-- I have also searched and am wondering how and what the 'bank' is on your page. How do you accumultae the bank?? Thanks!
  12. So there's a few different ideas when it comes to wedding registries. We have almost everything we need for our home. We are having a destination wedding, with our honeymoon to follow.... so we can't ask for a honeymoon registry. This leaves the option of a new home registry. How would we go about labeling this fund?? It seems kind of rude asking for money for a home, so should we just label it as any other kind of money registry....? Thanks for your help
  13. Those are some helpful websites to use to gain $ as opposed to house stuff. Also, has anyone ever tried doing a house fund registry
  14. You know it really depends on your personal taste as well as your dress. I think a netted veil is classy and old fashioned. If your dress is real dressy and big I think a traditional, long flowing veil goes great. If your going informal I think a flower goes nicely.
  15. Thanks! I also like the lottery scratch-off idea. We'll be tying the knot outside of Cancun, MX. So anything that goes with the beachy theme should do, huh?
  16. Thanks for all the responses! I agree it all depends on the budget. As far as "earning the 2nd band" I think for the year anniversary it would be nice. Maybe buy it now while it's still on display and only give it to me on our anniversary.... again $$$.
  17. Can I ask why y'all got married at the JOP 3 months in advance? Did you get to wear your wedding band after that? We were thinking of just doing it the week before.... Just food for thought for my future plans. Thanks!!
  18. Will they allow your friends to take pictures the entire wedding?? We were thinking about that as a back up if their photographer isn't all we expected.... I'm not sure how strict they are on other people taking pictures the entire ceremony.
  19. There is a "newer trend" to have 2 wedding bands surrounding your engagement ring. Is this just for show and bling?? Should the 2nd wedding band come as an anniversary gift years after you've been married? I can't lie and say it doesn't look gorgeous with 2 bands.... but is this something you get up front or have to earn?
  20. Gorgeous! Was your ring 3 seperate pieces? I can't tell if it's 2 bands and 1 engagement ring or 3 pieces binded together.
  21. Wow! I voted for $300-$600 for my "dress to be" price range. I personally feel as though it's a dress most of us will only be wearing on this one day one occasion. Others have receptions and other parts of the wedding to wear it to. That's great to get that much wear out of the dress, especially if you're going to be wearing it 3 times. If you're only going to be wearing it once, I would suggest spending no more than $600 if you have a budget to stick to.
  22. We'll be getting engagement pictures taken (once we're officially engaged) and we're wondering how many copies of the pictures to get and who gets a pic? This seems like such a simple task, although with the amount of people we're inviting to the wedding, it's not feasible to send out the announcement with the engagement photo included. So who gets the pics and who will actually do something with them as opposed to just throwing it away? Should our family be the only ones to send them to? Thanks!
  23. Okay, so we're going to have a large list of guests we're inviting to our wedding. Not all will be able to make it (around 250 guests will be invited) so we're having a reception back home later that month as well. We're wondering if we should have a memorable party favor for our guests that come to the destination wedding and that's it (since they did spend a nice bit of money getting there) or if we should have 2 different party favors. 1 for the destination wedding and 1 for the guests who attend the reception back home. Also, some good ideas would be greatly appreciated as to what we can get/make the guests, as we are on a budget.
  24. We'll be going to the Excellence in July on a company trip. While we're there I look forward to being able to really check out the resort and everything it has to offer! That's great news about the photographer!! Thanks for sharing!!
  25. The Alice in Wonderland theme is an adorable idea! It's always hard to think of the perfect theme for our perfect day. So props to Ashlee or the wedding coordinator there!
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