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Team Gracey

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Everything posted by Team Gracey

  1. We are counting down with less than 12 months to go at the Moon Palace!! Had a favor.......could you attach the boarding pass invites? We are kinda stuck in a rut and looking for an easy way out THANKS in advance!
  2. I Love your dress!!! Now, is it a must have for something like the welcome dinner to have a special dress? Or maybe the same dress you wear there to wear at your AHR....?
  3. So I just contacted our resort about being able to do this or not.... I'm hoping to get the good news some of you received. We're also doing the legal ceremony here and then the symbolic there, so I don't see why not. I'm guessing they'll charge some sort of extra fee though....?
  4. These are some great ideas on how to get the Mothers involved.... thanks to all!
  5. I LOVED your pink flowers! Nice touch with the white dress! I look forward to having some great memories on film like y'all now have. I'm feeling better about having the regular photog as opposed to spending the $$ to hire an outside vendor. Thanks again!
  6. Talk about doing some serious leg work! You did such a great job researching many of the different resorts! Thank you~ We're also set for the Moon Palace. Yeah, the pics you took turned out great--the seaweed being the only bummer. Apparently that's always how that beach is. Oh, well nothing's ever perfect, right?
  7. Morgan, Thanks so much for all the effort you put into this thread! I look forward to taking alot of these ideas and putting them to use! Thanks for the details!!!
  8. I really like the 2nd one (choice . It's very sleek and classic. It'll never go out of style.
  9. I think it's nice having a welcome dinner getting everyone together a night or 2 before the wedding. At some all inclusive hotels, they'll allow you a free dinner if you book a certain amount of rooms through them. This way you'll have a dinner, but it's all included and not a seperate fee for you to pay.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Scott C Now thats the way to plan your destination wedding. Have Fun!! Thanks and I agree! It's too exciting not to visit and witness a wedding so we can "visualize our day."
  11. Welcome Laura! We too are getting married at MP in June '09! WE'll be visiting there next month to scope out the place and opefully catch a live wedding!! I'll be posting some info. on here to help everyone out more! Happy planning!
  12. I'm glad you can sense my humor It's so true though....but I am pretty proud of myself running at a higher speed on the treadmill tonight....
  13. Yes this helped.... it's hard to figure out what really represents the 2 of you as a couple and convert it into a wedding theme.... I need more help on this since my planning has just begun.
  14. I, myself am also not a runner (hence my last name is Walker). I've been inspired by my man to get into it, so I signed up to do the 1/2 marathon in Houston in Januray 2009.... crazy!!! So I'm now running for good for 2 miles but I obviously have a LONG ways to go. Again, the wedding is a big motivator!!
  15. The boarding pass invites turned out great! Thanks for the details on how to make them.... we'll definitely be using these.
  16. We are also doing 1 per couple and then 1 for singles and kids. Unisex items are ideal (less things to buy) and we were even thinking of just buying the one time only use bags with a printed sticker label to put on them. Koozies, currency counter, agenda for the trip and a MX trinket to buy there. Not to make it too much of an expense, but something personable and nice.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by azhuskergirl I can not be happier with them or the service I received from Kustom Koozies. I placed the order on May 18th, approved the artwork on May 19, they shipped out on June 2nd, & I just received them tonight! I even discovered that they threw in 2 extra ( I ordered 40, but there are 42 in the box!). Here's a picture ladies: We had them made to fit either a waterbottle (I don't have one in my fridge) or a beer bottle (shockingly I DO have several of these). What a great idea, as opposed to just doing the standard short koozies. Is this the main item in your OOT bag?? Thanks!
  18. Those are great and cheap--which we all love! Are you including anything else in your OOT bags?? We were wondering just how much is enough, ya know??
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Denise40 My WC place my sand frame in a DHL box and then I put it in my carryon. I didn't have any problems and no one asked any questions. Great! This helps, thanks Denise!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by eastman2be I'm happy to see that so many other "brides" did a civil ceremony at home before the DW. I've been thinking about it but wasn't sure how it would work. I originally wanted to get married on the date that we met but it's the day before Easter in 2010 and Jamaica basically closes down on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. It is also the 3rd busiest time to visit Jamaica. So we were going to wait until after the 15th since rates drop almost 30%. Maybe we could work it out getting married here first. What about getting married here 1 year early...Is that too far in advance. I just don't know what to do? Sorry for the rambling!! Any suggestions? I know this is corny but I want our wedding date to signify something in our relationship...We met on 4/3, first date 4/14, moved in 2/14 etc. Should I just pick a date to pick a date?? Yes, I think you should just pick a date if none of the other dates will pan out. If they can work so be it, if not pick something that's available and then you'll both have another monumental date.
  21. Yeah, it makes sense to just get legally married beforehand. As for the rings.... that's something to discuss. We'll probably just wait to go to the JOP a week before MX and then only have 2 close friends to witness it (maybe at lunch time or something). I like the idea with just friends and not parents so they can appreciate the special day as the first and last.
  22. Sandframes.com is the website to purchase the frames with your picture and sand in it with a stopper. It's another neat idea. $69.99 for the wood frame and 2 cylinders of colored sand. Either way I love the sand ceremony idea. At what point in the wedding ceremony do you do this?
  23. Ouch! This is a tough one... no straight answers. I suppose it's something to look into and to check with the WC at the resort in MX before we go, huh?
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