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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. OMG thank you for posting this... I LOVE The Victoria Secret 7 in one dress!! Too cute... now for the decision of what colour to order it in?!?!?!?
  2. Forced Fun What is fun about telling someone to have FUN? I have NEVER heard of that before? Sounds relatively common though... I'd be packing a nalgene bottle with wine in it...
  3. oooooh... both styles are fantastic! I think that different styles, all in the same colour is AMAZING! It allows each person to let their personality through, while maintaining the integrity of the chosen colour scheme! Great choices! Can't wait to see the pictures!
  4. ***HUGS**** I have 2 suggestions: #1: Talk to your mother, explain that you are upset and tell her how much it would mean to you to have her there Thursday-Monday - If you think it would help, tell her you need her assistance on Thursday and Monday getting organized!?! #2. Be appreciative that your parents are going in the first place. I have read many many posts that discuss the fact that some peoples parents (including some brides) don't have their parents there at all. You are fortunate to have them there. If they decide not to stay the whole four days, try not to let it ruin your four days... **hugs**
  5. Wow... you really pulled it all together!!!! AMAZING! I can`t wait to read your review upon your return!!!
  6. Yay! I am so excited to have this thread going! I too am a January Bride!!! Engaged: November 8, 2007 Engagement Photos: December 2007 (done by photographer as below) Photographer: Booked - it is my wonderful friend and professional photographer Kellie and her husband Jamie who will be joining us for the first week Research Trip: to find a resort - February 2008 Resort Chosen: Barcelo Marina Palace, Varadero Cuba Travel Agent: Megan Crouse of Oceans Travel and Cruises Megan's Brides by Oceans Travel - we got an amazing deal with Air Canada Vacations with incredibly cheap connector fares (as we live quite a ways away from the nearest internation airport) - we deposited and are holding space for 80 pp... hopefully that is enough. Wedsite: We chose to do a free wedsite with mywedding.com - I can't believe how useful it has been Chad & Amy - wedding website by mywedding.com Save the Dates: These were created by my best friend (who is also an accomplished graphic designer! They were sent out around the end of March - total of @275 people are invited Dress and Veil: ordered in April 2008 from The Dressroom on the Danforth in Toronto - expected delivery is late summer 2008 Groom and Groomsmen Shirts: Cuban Guyaberas from Old Navy (of all places) they are fantastic and exactly what we were looking for $30 Invites Sent: These were mailed out @ the last week of April, the results are amazing and we couldn't be happier with them - they were also created by the same graphic artist mentioned in the save the dates! Wedding Date Confirmed: We received confirmation from the resort that we are scheduled to be wed on JANUARY 28, 2009 @ 2:00PM Currently waiting on the July 31st booking deadline to see how many people are indeed coming! Still to do.... Groom's Suit, Groomsman pants, Bridesmaid Dresses, wedding bands, decide on flowers (whether or not to bring artificial), out of town bags (obviously dependent on the guest count at July 31), attendant gifts, ceremony, vows, newsletter, wow.... Lots on the go yet! Our Save the Date: Engagement Photo Sent with STD: My Dress: Our Passport Invites:
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by nolaroy724 Oops this is not me. I found her on a photobook album of hairstyles here: be_byte6/Hair - Long - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I like the flowers too but decided on an orchid. I felt like the lily's I played around with were too big for me. this is a great source of hair ideas!!! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Awesome pictures! Fantastic review! Sorry to hear that the resort wasn't stellar - and thank you for sharing that with others - this may sway a decision, and if their policies and procedures are less than stellar, other DWBrides have a right to know. Thank you for your honesty and CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I am so happy that all of the drama is coming to a close for you and your family. Take time this weekend to focus on happy thoughts and your upcoming wedding. *hugs* /A
  10. My baby Jackson is not afraid of storms, but rather by beeping - strange really, beeping of the microwave, the oven (when it beeps as it comes to the set temperature) and especially the smoke alarm, when it is accidentally set off. When he is afraid he tries to snuggle with me - my method to calm him is to literally offer to tuck him in on his bed - and that seems to calm him. He likes it when he is completely tucked in, and his eyes are covered - Sounds silly but it works!
  11. Very Fun.... Your Birthdate: November 2 You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense. You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends. Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone. Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive. Your strength: Your universal compassion Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings Your power color: Mauve Your power symbol: Butterfly Your power month: February I agree with this too!
  12. YAY FOR PROGRESS I can't believe you did it all yourself!!!! THAT IS AMAZING!!! They are fantastic... and your choice of stamps is absolutely stellar! YAY!!! Congrats! It looks like you put in a lot of effort!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMrsRust I haven't quite set the date yet, but the date we are attempting to get married is two days before the date my parents got married 30 years prior. So I hope to plan a suprise renewal of their vows while we are at our destination wedding, hopefully on the day of their 30th anniversary. My parents have done so much for me my whole life, not to mention they are still happily married, so I think it deserves celebration. I can't wait to see their faces OMG that is too cute... you are genius for coming up with this one!!!! Your parents will be so surprised! That is an amazing present! Kudos!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems I trashed my real dress and it was totally fine. I soaked it in the bath tub over night to get all the sand off, hung it to dry, then a week and half later when we got back home I took it to the drycleaners and it was good as new! There was only 1 bead that was hanging off and that probably happened at the disco. DH's suit was fine too. I haven't yet had my opportunity to Trash My Dress.... but I have heard similar comments - where TTD's don't really wreck your dress, and that a round of drycleaning makes it good as new. Anyone have a similar experience? I WILL DEFINATELY TRASH MY DRESS!!! PS> those shots are amazing! and the video is really cute too!
  15. You look fantastic... I love the ruffling effect that the veil has!
  16. Your info brochures are FANTASTIC!!!! I love the little snippets of trivia... i.e. the worlds longest engagement...
  17. Hang in there girl! You and yours are in my prayers! God Bless.
  18. Fantastic Review! I love your photos! You looked RADIANT!
  19. OMG your stuff is amazing. You have MAD SKILLS on the embroidery **holy patience!** Great job, Great Planning, Have a wonderful time, I can't wait to read your review and see the official 'day of' pictures!
  20. Those are all great shots!!! I love the informal beach ones! congratulations !!!!
  21. Happy Birthday to YOU!!!
  22. Great Story... that is too cute... I love the 'what would you do if I did something crazy bit!'
  23. mine is Chad & Amy - wedding website by mywedding.com It was FREE and it works GREAT!
  24. I read your post and understand your dilemma, https://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=421450 By most standards of etiquette, it is not considered proper to expect guests to pay for their own meals. Is this sometimes done? Yes. Does it receive a stamp of approval from people such as Judith Martin, the famous "Miss Manners"? No. The prevailing view is that if those who are planning a party cannot afford to buy meals for invited guests, it is better to structure the festivities around something other than dining out. Here are some online references regarding similar situations: "How Do We Tell Guests To Pay Their Own Way? Q: My husband and I will be renewing our wedding vows for our 20th anniversary on the beach at sunset on Waikiki... We would like to go out to dinner after the renewal of our vows with our friends, but are not having a reception. Everyone will order off the menu and pay for their own dinner. The question is, how do you tell people that will be the case? I will probably hand-write invitations after we arrive on the island and set up the details. I'll need to include the dinner details in the invitation. Your help with wording would be appreciated. Thank you. MaryAnn A: ...It is hard for me to advise you on the proper etiquette for handling this issue in terms of wording the invitations since having guests pay their own way at an event such as this would not be considered socially correct in the first place. If a group of your friends were to invite you out to celebrate your anniversary, they would be expected to pay, not just for themselves, but for your portion as well. However, when you are inviting guests to celebrate your anniversary with you, typically the expectation is that you intend to host the celebration. I'm afraid that there is simply no wording suggestion I can offer for the invitations which will conform to the standards of proper etiquette or social correctness... to extend invitations to a celebration in honor of such an occasion, expecting guests to pay their own way, is not a practice which would be deemed 'socially correct'." Even the relatively recent introduction of a "cash bar" at a celebration is considered improper by some authorities on etiquette: "A 'Host Bar' refers to the scenario in which the hosts of the wedding or function will provide alcoholic beverages for their guests. This is the opposite of a 'Cash Bar', which refers to the scenario whereby guests are expected to pay for their own liquor consumption, a situation which does not adhere to proper wedding etiquette. Although having a 'Cash Bar' at a wedding is highly discouraged, today some do it nonetheless." I guess the question I have is what sort of invite are you sending? The only way that I see this as possibly appropriate, is if you send all of your guests a newsletter style notice, detailing all of the events leading up to the wedding. You could detail that the bride and groom will be having dinner at 'restaurant x' at such and such a time and that if you (as a guest) are interested please make appropriate reservations with 'restaurant x'. This in my opinion would be appropriate, and would show that you were not on the hook for the bill. You could ask 'restaurant x' to seat all of you in the same area within the restaurant - but at separate tables, thus further solidating the fact that each table is billed unto itself. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
  25. stick with the palm tree bag... I agree with the other girls, the others are less than mexican beachy
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