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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. Great engagement photos... love the one of the two of you in the butchers shop.... so unique!
  2. My new favourite product is Clinique Redness Solutions Instant Relief Mineral Powder It removes redness and keeps a matte finish all day long!
  3. Lisa, the dress looks great.... i can't wait to see the pics from the BIG DAY!!!!
  4. The artwork was done by my sister`s dear friend and coworker Thadeus Maximus. Thadeus Maximus Artworks He does great work. The painting hangs proudly in my rec room!
  5. Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous!!!!! WOW... Stunning. You looked just radiant!
  6. Try and hit the penguin the farthest! (Not the most animal friendly game...but it's just for fun!) http://n.ethz.ch/student/mkos/pinguin.swf My high score is 311.0 - I couldn't get any higher than that...everytime I beat my score, it was by like a few decimal places! UGH! FUN FUN FUN Great way to procrastinate! What is your score?
  7. Gorgeous dress!!!! Congrats on checking another item from your list!
  8. Lilbit, If you are looking for someone to create a generic monogram for them -- I'd be happy to help -- PM me.
  9. Yeppp I like the beige pants and white shirt for the groom. Keep the groomsmen in the blue.... incorporate the blue into the bouquets.... Stunning combo!
  10. You have a gorgeous face and a complexion that can handle either extremes... I vote that you go darker with highlights to have the best of both worlds. Obviously you'd be doing this with a professional so the colour doesn't look botched or fake. Again... I love love love that dress!!!!
  11. We did this inside our passport invites..... "The journey of our love began on the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. We find it fitting to have our wedding there as well. We look forward to sharing our day with those who can join us. It is our hope that you hear the sound of the ocean as loudly as we hear wedding bells. Although it would be fantastic to have all of our loved ones there as witnesses, we understand that limitations exist. For those who are unable to join us, it is our hope that you look south on our special day and say a prayer, wishing us well as we begin our new lives together."
  12. Geeze louise.... tell him to get a life and stop creepin in your space. Furthermore, if you and he are/were close, wouldn't he know if you and FI were together or not? PS... I like Kellie Pickler as well!!!
  13. I liked #2 --- I love the blue... but completely understand why you went with the black dress!
  14. go with the one that makes you feel AWESOME... for that reason... I voted #2... (I think they are both gorgeous, but am a fan of #2 b/c there is no train. My dress had a train... and i cut it off for the wedding).
  15. it's just stock art -- modified... i cannot stop laughing at the quote... still... I guess it's true, small things amuse small minds.
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