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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. Those are fantastic! Great find... and awesome that they have such a low min. order!
  2. tot he forums! You'll find a ton of useful info here... great ideas and great friends! Congrats!
  3. Every girl deserves a treat now and again!
  4. This is the same case that I have found... I know you are in the UK, but you should also be cautious about getting pricing for your trip, being that it is that far away! I too got antsy and started planning a wee bit earlier than I should have, I then found out that the travel rates I was asking for and receiving were not ACTUAL rates! but only estimates of what it would cost to go to the resort we had chosen. My TA advised that I wait for contracted rates to be available... which meant no planning till we were 8 months from the date of the wedding. My advice, don't book anything till you can get the confirmations you need. You still have lots of time!
  5. Wow... Amy, this is incredible. I love absolutely everything! INCREDIBLE /Amy.
  6. Sorry you are going through this, it is too bad because IMO, so many people, family and friends say that they are intereste, but when push comes to shove, many drop out. If you have always dreamed of a beach wedding - DO IT! Go elope, just the two of you! If you have always dreamed of a group trip and a beach wedding - maybe a local wedding and an exotic honeymoon is the better choice? A.
  7. Have a fantastic time... you deserve it!
  8. I agree... the last time I was an MOH - that cost me... a total of about 6 days off of work (vacay time), a couple hundred for an ugly burnt raisin dress, 3 (yes 3) showers that I was expected to go to, a bachelorette party that the Mother of the Bride requested that i hold, for which I forked out nearly $2500 (the other BM was the Brides sister who was in school and used that for an excuse not to help financially) + travel to her weddding (600kms one way, 2 nights at a ritzy hotel, food, gas, etc), $200 for my hair and makeup... wow... i could go on and on... I guess that brings me to my point which is.. I will not tolerate anyone mentioning the cost of our DW.
  9. Yay for a new CANADIAN BRIDE!!! Welcome to the CUBA CLUB!
  10. to the boards! you'll find a ton of useful advice here!
  11. those are fantastic! Thanks for sharing that website! I am definately checking these guys out! I looked in china town but couldn't find anything that was plain.
  12. they look great... and especially since you got them out so quickly (weddingbeller) the are truly amazing!
  13. I am at the Barcelo Marina in January 2009... we need to find some Canadian Girls to join this forum...
  14. I am so excited for you, and as I type this, I think.... what will it feel like when it is my turn to make this momentus post!?! Have a wonderful time... I can't wait to read your review upon your return!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva Since this is really about your husband and his relationship with his family and not their lack of money or wanting to go.. I would consider it a gift to your future hubby.. try to leave the hard feelings out of it. Positive spin.. a wonderful gift for your man and his peace of mind that I'm sure he appreciates greatly. I totally agree with Cheese Diva! She is right, this is really about your FI, and making sure that he is happy. I think that in the end this could strengthen your relationship with your FSIL and FMIL. Hang in there darlin'... and remember how lucky you are to have your FI, b/c it it pretty darn apparant that your FSIL and FMIL don't have the kind of love in thier lives that you do.
  16. Awesome review.. your pictures are gorgeous and you looked amazing. Sorry to hear that you had 'issues', but i am glad to hear that you rolled with the punches!
  17. ok... this is what i mean.. in a really great picture! Designer Portfolio : Bedrooms : Home & Garden Television
  18. I'd definately go with portrait layout... that way you'll get 3 across... other wise you could do four landscaped ... 2 on top of each other..
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by TammyB Hmmm, if I have a Queen size bed, what size frame & pictures do you think would look best? I think if I do a picture/s above our bed I would want either one large one or 3. A queen size bed is about 60" in width three 11''x14'' pictures with 18-20" frames would be perfect they could be lined up side by side with minimal (to no) gapping between them. Walnut Frame something like the above.?
  20. You look absolutely RADIANT! What fantastic photos... where was your DW?
  21. if your room is brown and blue, a sepia toned picture would look amazing! you could do a series of pictures in dark brown frames, with white matting that have a touch of blue on the edge of the matting, with sepia toned wedding photos... that would be STELLAR!
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