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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Alipires1 I think I'm making these with different shells. It is called a kissing ball and it symbolizes eternal love. You use hot glue and a styrofoam ball. (If you're going to do it make sure you put the ribbon around the ball before you glue the shells.) If you like the look, but want more of a bouquet then you can do this. I LOVE THESE!
  2. Here are some photos my FI and I took of the Melia Las Antillas! outside front lobby outside the El Romantico Restaurant - where we would have had our dinner/reception inside the El Romantico Restaurant in the cuban farmers kitchen - historic site on the property - where we wanted to have our cake and champagne toasts - this is adjacent to the beach wedding set up photo as sent by the wedding coordinator Kandy I have also attached some of the wedding documentation as sent by Kandy to us when we were planning the wedding that ended up being cancelled. I am still a little sad that we aren't having our big day there.... It really is a great resort! Perfect for a wedding! The suites were fantastic! Melia Las Antillas - extras.doc Melia Las Antillas - free_weddings.doc Melia Las Antillas - Glamorous_wedding.doc Melia Las Antillas - memorable_wedding.doc
  3. Check out the Melia Las Antillas Thread! I posted them there because it seemed to make more sense!
  4. Fantastic!!! you have done such a great job putting it all together! Congrats!!! Your big day will be here before you know it!
  5. I am going with the majority! That Monique Luo dress was MADE for you!!!! You look STELLAR!!!!!
  6. Wow... I honestly think your RSVP's are cute! We chose not to do RSVP's because we figure booking with our TA is RSVP enough. I love the wording it is really cute! If it makes you feel better... i got the gist of it!
  7. Congrats on picking your resort! That is a huge accomplishment... there will be many more! This forum is just the place to find a helping hand! welcome!!
  8. Congrats! A cruise wedding sounds wonderful! Happy planning!
  9. I am a Cuban bride, but there is a whole section dedicated to Cabo weddings! Happy planning!
  10. welcome.... my fingers are crossed for your pending engagement!!!
  11. Welcome... you may find some very useful last minute tidbits here!!!
  12. Awesome pics!!! thanks for sharing! Which one have you chosen for the wedding
  13. Isis Leathersizzle... ooohh yeh! I found my sister!!! Luckyk72!! Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 Roxie Leathersizzle. Pleased to meet you! lol. But after the wedding I’ll be Isis Giltter-Ridge! I guess that would make starchild and Iriebride my FSIL’s!! … Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Princess Glitter-Ridge Quote: Originally Posted by IrieBride08 I'm Bambi Glitter-Ridge! See y’all at Christmas!!! LOL
  14. What an incredible story. Your Gwen is just beautiful, I am in suspense awaiting the update that you have indeed made it home safely! Again, congrats!
  15. Great job! I love your monogrammed shoes! Too cute!
  16. We chose Cuba! Firstly because it is an incredibly friendly and clean country. Secondly, because they LOVE Canadians! Thirdly, becuase the beaches are absolutely pristine!!!! We can't wait!
  17. Those are an awesome find - I was looking for the same, and thought it wasn't in the cards to spend $12/book on all my guests OOT bags... great find! Did you order them? Are they good?
  18. Those 'big island' bags are great! did you use an iron on transfer?
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