I am so sad today - and just need to vent - yesterday while at a barbeque at a girlfrieds cottage - my baby-dog Jackson was bitten by another dog (Sophie). Sophie is very clean, well taken care of - thus, I was not worried about rabies etc. Sophie's owner was in hysterics over the situation, and was so worried about Jackson. I was surprisingly calm and FI was very proud that I didn't go into hysterics at the time.
Later last night when we got home, I cleaned the spot - assuming that it was just a surface scratch - near midnight, I discovered that he had been fairly badly punctured by the bite.
I took Jackson into the vet this morning (I have a fantastic vet) but, because he is a hyper Jack Russell Terrier, the vet needed to sedate him. Once the area was shaved and prepped the vet needed to to put 3 staples in his puncture wound, to seal it. Upon further investigation, another small puncture was found and simply needed surgical glue.
I have been sick with worry all morning and cannot wait for the day to be over so I can pick up my baby Jack from the clinic.
Thanks for listening - I actually feel better.