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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. Amarillis


    Congratulations and Welcome! It is great to see an active groom!
  2. Welcome to the forum!!! Check out the Cabo San Lucas thread for a ton of help!!! :Welcome3:
  3. Welcome to the forum! You'll find a ton of help here! Best Wishes to you too!
  4. welcome to the addiction that is the BDW forum!!! Happy Planning!
  5. Welcome to the board - there are many Dreams Brides here - you should find a ton of help!
  6. Well, As many of you know - I am a self proclaimed Wine-o My favourite is a big fat beefy red - which is the major contributor to my common ailment of having purple teeth I do love some whites, but stay away from those that are sweet (Reislings, Savignion Blanc, etc) Being from Ontario we have a fantastic local selection of wine - but my favourites are from Chile! CONCHA Y TORO MARQUES DE CASA CONCHA CABERNET SAUVIGNON MIGUEL TORRES CONDE DE SUPERUNDA SANTA RITA MEDALLA REAL RESERVA ESPECIAL CABERNET SAUVIGNON At my first pre-wedding party (just a couple weekends ago) my FMIL gave me a bottle of TIGNANELLO 1995 - a lovely bottle, which I look forward to opening, however it is labelled to be opened when we begin construction on our new home... which I am in no hurry to get started on. I love our current home. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25850 YAY for all the wine-o's
  7. Hey Erin!!! WELCOME to another NEW CANADIAN BRIDE!!!! YAY!!! I am a huge advocate of Cuba! Congrats!
  8. have a great time camping! We'll see you when you are back and rejuvenated! PS> MaiTai's are great on a camping trip too!
  9. Amarillis


    Quote: Originally Posted by Lisa&Trevor Hi my name is Lisa. I think my wedding date is in Nov/09 however its not set in stone yet. I want to get married in the Dominican but I am running into some issues. My guests who are thinking of coming are asking me about prices and the travel agents are telling me its to early to get prices. Its frustrating because if I wait until next year to get prices, then some family members may think its too expensive and may not want to come and in that case I would plan a wedding here and I would be out of luck in booking anything until the following year because it would be too late by then. So thats my dilemma. Does anyone know of any nice hotels that are reasonably priced?? Lisa, First off - WELCOME! YAY a new Canadian Bride!!!!! Secondly, yeh - I bet it is too early for pricing. I do have some words of wisdom - because I was an early bird too - look at the pricing for November of this year - it should be a pretty good indicator of projecting the budget for the wedding. In my case it definately was. Thirdly, if a DW is your dream - DO IT - don't base your decision on your family - tell them what YOU and FI are doing and what you both want. Those that come, come... those that don't, don't - you'll stress yourself out trying to make everyone happy - believe me. And Lastly - be sure you have a great travel agent - planning will be all the more smooth! Welcome Welcome - and feel free to pick our brains on any subject~!! PS> CUBA is also an awesome destination!
  10. #3, #3, #3, #3, #3, #3, #3, #3, #3, #3, #3, #3, I definately love the way that #3 looks!!!! Gorgeous!
  11. Devina... I LOVE LOVE LOVE #2! Go with it girl! you and your tiny little waist!
  12. I guess on the upside - at least he is working on wedding stuff. Getting my FI to think about wedding stuff is like pulling teeth, he just makes jokes and claims we still have a ton of time. I hope this makes you feel better - this recently happened during dinner.... ME: What should we get engraved on our wedding bands - we are getting them custom made - dropping off e-ring on Sept 4th - and need to decide FI: I dunno ME: we need to think about this (FI looks around the kitchen table) FI: "I love you like mustard" ME: WHAT?? FI: I love you, and I love mustard... pass the salad.... I love you salad face... How can I not laugh at that?
  13. ooh... that sux.... You may be able to repair - or at least cover up your booboo! if your table is wood, at many hardware stores you can purchase antique oil - you simply rub it in and it will cover any scratches - but you'll have to live with the dents. Sorry bout that! I hope your invites are gorgeous! You'll have to post some pics when they are done!
  14. Welcome to another Canadian Bride!!!!! CONGRATS and Happy planning!
  15. Hey Ladies, I recently got a nike plus system for my IPOD nano... and I am wondering if any other BDW'ers use this? I personally find it super motiviating and would love to set up a challenge - to keep us all motivated as we move toward our DW - and get our butts bikini ready.... http://nikeplus.nike.com Who is up for the challenge?
  16. Where I live, traffic is never an issue, but I sometimes drive home slower to listen longer! LOL YAY Cocktails with Patrick
  17. I am crazy about anything related to wine - i have an extensive collection of wine - real bottles of wine, archivally stored. yeh.. wine.
  18. Welcome Welcome!!!! You'll find a ton of great resources here!
  19. Those shots are all fantastic! Congratulations on twelve blissful years!
  20. WOW those pictures are beautiful! You looked radiant - I love the photo where it appears you are doing a hand ceremony. Congrats
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Melissa24 Hi everyone! I too am a January 2009 bride. Adam and I (Melissa) are getting married January 29,2009 at Dreams Tulum. We are very excited. So far we have 11 people booked and 8 still trying to figure out when they are arriving and leaving. I ordered my save the date cards and invites this week and can't wait to see the finished products. I got my dress and my BM dress too, still looking for a flower girl dress for my niece, but have seen quite a few, just need to narrow it down. Still need to decide what my FI is wearing as well as the GM and Ring Bearer. I have almost everything planned at the hotel, and get more and more excited as the days get closer! Welcome to the January Club! We are near date twins - along with akitterll and seaprincess who are my date twins! Welcome Welcome! In response to the OOT bags: We have now decided not to do them - but to do something a little different. We are doing 'team wedding wear' tee-shirts - all of our guests will receive teeshirts, and to-go mugs in stainless steel, along with a welcome book and guide. In lieu of the OOT bags, we are planning on paying for a group excursion for all of our guests - right now I am thinking CATAMARAN! I love that.
  22. Have a wonderful time! Take a ton of pics!
  23. I am with Rayden's Mama! Top Right - second one on the page is stellar! Great Job!!!
  24. YAY Karen for loving Cosmo Radio!!! They really are funny... Cocktails with Patrick will be starting soon, he cracks me up with: Divo of the week!
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