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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. bumped for AlishaDawn! This is who I was talking about!
  2. Hey Alisha! I happen to know of a great local photographer in Varadero - look in the Cuba thread - I'll bump the thread for you!
  3. My best advice is to do the buddy toe thing - keep it elevated as much as you can to reduce swelling and tonight lie on the couch - elevate your foot and throw a bag of frozen peas on your foot. Ask dear FI to pour you a lovely glass of vino and just chill! Hope you are feeling better!
  4. Ours was fairly barebones - at the time of sending the Save the Dates, We only had chosen a resort - and were in the process of securing the booking with a TA - we knew where we were going, then that resort refused children, so we picked a new one - our passport invite was later sent when we had everything set in stone.
  5. FI is CRAZY about doing tee-shirts... We are definately doing tee's!
  6. After reading this post: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...0-4#post494719 The crazy statistican came out in me, and I didn't want to highjack the post with this request but I am curious to know this info - i think it could be a neat study (i am a closet geek of a statistican). I read everyone's comments and am curious about the cost of a DW and it's correlation with the number of guests that attend - I ask this because as brides we worry that we are asking too much of our friends and family to spend for a DW - but I wonder if it matters. I am curious to know the following (fill in the blanks): _________ $ for 7 nights occupancy (double) - cheapest room option possible at your resort (inc airfare and taxes) _________ # of invites sent _________ # of guests attending _________ Resort Name _________ # of stars of resort ME: $1415 $ for 7 nights occupancy (double) - cheapest room option possible at your resort (inc airfare and taxes) 144 # of invites sent 77 # of guests attending Barcelo Marina Palace, Varadero Cuba Resort Name 4.5 # of stars of resort RESULTS as per ~*petals*~ advice! So I noticed someone looking to see what the ratio's were for guests attending a DW and the number of invites sent, when I realized that Results of my poll hadn't been posted... Without further ado... this is pretty neat!!! ALL $AMOUNTS ARE FOR PER PERSON BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY AIRFARE AND ROOM INCLUDED AT ALL INCLUSIVE RESORTS! The average cost to guests attending a DW is The median cost is very close as well The average number of invites sent to invite guests to a DW is The average DW has The median for attendance is slightly lower I think think this is really cool - regarding the number of guests attending versus the number of invites sent.... WOWZERS! Thanks for participating!
  7. I ran 5 kms last night in 31 minutes - as much as I didn't want to go, and the threat of rain was imminent I went anyway! YAY me. Anybody here doing the Nike Plus thing It is amazing!
  8. OOH lindsay! those are beautiful! I still haven't decided if I'm taking my own yet!!! I guess I should get on it, since we are date twins!
  9. Welcome to the forum - you'll find a ton of useful info here!!!
  10. I agree that the second dress is more "DW" but... the first is ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! hmmm what to do.... If you love the one you have, stick with it and change the attire and feel of the wedding to a more formal event - many DW brides have formal DW's. Just because your DW is on the beach does not mean that all formality goes out the window. If you wear the first one FI MUST wear a full suit to complement the dress... If you love it - keep it. bottom line! good luck!
  11. Those are beautiful! Congrats on getting one more thing off the 'to-do' list!
  12. I call it horseshoes! That is really good luck for you! You get the dress of your dreams at a discount!?!? WOW... the picture looks fantastic - and if the dress shop thinks it can be altered -they are the experts!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca * If you login to your account via this link you will get a 10% off coupon good for 30 days from the day you enter it. Shutterfly | Join The link will be online till 12/31/2008, the coupon is good for 30 days from the day you use it. * VS09-VISA = 15% off order expires Oct 31, 2008 * Log into your SF account through this link: Shutterfly | Develop, Print & Share Digital Photos: Create Photo Gifts Online for 20% off an order of $25 expires August 31st * 15% of $10 Shutterfly | Join AF61-URK8 Exp: 07/09/2008 "Affiliate: 20% off Prints" If you order through shutterfly, use all those codes for discounts. Their system will automatically use whatever they allow and you can save the rest for another purchase. There are always discounts with shutterfly. Never pay full price. Thanks to Bianca's Post (and coupon codes) - a couple of weeks ago I ordered my BD book - which reminds me I should take a couple pictures of that - To say the least - I was very happy with the results - an added bonus was that they didn't charge me duty on the book ( I am in Canada). I was thrilled to receive a leather bound book for $40 with shipping and all to my door! YAY I can't wait to give it to my FI!
  14. OOH that ribbon idea is fantastic! I am going to do these too and was thinking about providing 'zipties' to everyone for the attachment!
  15. I am wearing my wedding dress too! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my wedding dress and would like to have as many occasions as possible to wear it!
  16. Hey Alisha! The Cuba section is pretty quiet because it is only Canadian girls here. How are your plans coming? Do you have plans for a photographer?
  17. YAY Canadian CUBAN Brides!!!!! You'll have a fantastic time! If you need any Varadero Advice - please don't hesitate to PM me - I HAVE OODLES! (flowers, officiants, rules, process, local vendors, local photographers, hot spots etc) Congrats and Welcome to the forum!!!! Be sure to check out the Cuba thread under `the islands`
  18. YAY A NEW CANADIAN BRIDE!!!! Welcome to the forum! Have you picked a location yet? I am a huge fan of CUBA!
  19. Amarillis


    Welcome to the forum! Happy Planning!
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