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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by memz OK but what if it isn't someone you know and that you are already paying the big bucks. I still think I should probably get her a small gift, I mean I'm sure she is going to be great and make my day and pictures perfect... Memz is right... this is my situation right now... Although I have yet to see my pro-pics... I know they will be amazing (I actually do have 2 printed 8x10 teasers and they are amazing).... I wonder what would be a good gift as well.... IDEAS LADIES?
  2. I walked down the aisle to the musical trio singing Besame Muchos... I did not want the traditional 'here comes the bride' song.... It was a good choice, and was recommended by my WC
  3. I am happy to hear that everything is fine.... as for pets having allergies... Jack our dog - can only eat lamb and rice based foods because essentially he gets dog acne all over himself. He also cannot touch any pork based product he gets violently ill.... these stories are gross. Turk our cat - looses his fur every 6-8 weeks down the middle of his back (like the reverse of a skunk) and we have to take him to the vet every 6-8 weeks for a 'vetcortyl' shot... YEH, Pets can have allergies... believe me!
  4. HELL YA... trash the tux too!!! As you can see below my DH wore his suit to the TTD!!! FYI, a TTD session really doesn't ruin anything! If anything at all my dress was cleaner after the TTD than it was after the wedding reception! I don't have our ocean pics yet... they are with my pro-photographer pics... but here is a pic my SIL took of us when we jumped in the pool to rinse out the sand from my dress!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KatyKo Another girl on here did a really cool thing with her BD Book. She gave her FI a card with a key on a chain the night before the wedding. Then the morning of the wedding, her father delivered a wooden box with a lock on it that held the BD book. So he was able to use the key to open the box...how cool! I might try to do that, but we shall see!! Good luck WAHHHHH GIRL DETAILED ABOVE IS ME!!!!!!!!! The boudoir book gift was amazing! my pro photographer has all the pics of DH's (THAT IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE WRITTEN THAT) reaction! I saw them on the LCD camera screen and many of them are just priceless. I will share them as soon as I get the pro pics! Here is how it went down... on Tuesday Jan 27th (DH's 30th Bday) after our rehersal dinner I gave him a small box, containing a key. Immeadiately after I left and retired to my brother's suite for the night, as DH and I were not staying together the night before the wedding. The next day at 12;30 my sister's boyfriend made his way over to our suite with a box custom made by my dad - it was locked. As I have heard, DH's reaction was a little slow - until the idea of the key kicked in. He then ran and got the key and opened the wood case. He says that when he opened the book he started to laugh and leaf through the pages - it wasn't until he got to page 3 that he looked up and said "wholy *eff! IT'S AMARILLIS!" The photographer has a ton of great pics!
  6. I vote on #5... I also would say... maybe avoid using the town's name on any of your print product, where it can be avoided... I apologize now... but I am killing myself laughing...
  7. So... here I am at my desk all teary eyed... needless to say, AMAZING... Erica, you were a stunning bride... ~~~~~Congratulations~~~~
  8. Thank you so much ladies... I wish that I wouldn't keep getting cut off from giving everyone rep points for their compliments.. every 24 hrs I return trying to thank all of you...
  9. Hey My January Brides!!! I realize that our weddings have all passed - but I thought I'd throw a shout out to all of you to say.... "I'm Back!" Missed you all terribly and I have so much to catch up on! Amanda - your photos are amazing!!!!!
  10. It is so surreal to come back to you ladies and see this post... thank you for your kind wishes!
  11. WAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a SUPER honour!!!!!! So... I log back on here for the first time to answer a bunch of PM's... Then I decide to go to my planning post to give more rep to all the positive comments... and I find that I am B2B for January.... A million thank you's - I feel so blessed to have all of you in my life. Some pics are coming shortly!!!!
  12. wow... I am so overwhelmed with all the compliments... I think this is key... I couldn't have done it without all of you! you all have been such an inspiration. Thank you...
  13. I love the first pic! BTW... your hair is GORGEOUS!
  14. My advice... have your mom`s ring rhodium dipped... and over time it will tarnish alongside your e-ring.... what a beautiful idea to wear your mom`s wedding band.
  15. Wonderful Review... Very comprehensive... WHERE ARE THE PICS!.!.!.!.!.!.!.
  16. What great news!!! You are so blessed to have such generous and supportive parents!
  17. I love love love the convertible dress! I have one in teal and love how versatile it is!!!! Great Choice!
  18. WOWZERS Kerri! What a great job!!!! These are just stunning, I am glad you figured out the envelope dilemma!
  19. Beautiful Dress!!!! You will be a stunning bride!!!!
  20. Thank you so much for all the compliments Ladies! I really appreciate it!!!!! I have worked for so long to put this all together and am pretty much freaking out at the fact that we leave on Saturday!!!
  21. Links to all the threads related to the planning – you can find the templates too!!! Week at a Glance http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34203 Table Numbers http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34179 Welcome Brochure http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34197 Kids Brochure http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34196 Packing List http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t34607 This seems to be the end of my planning thread… thank you so much for your many ideas, suggestions and support. Without you ladies, I don’t know where I would have turned! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Amy.
  22. PLANNING FOR THE ACTUAL DAY We have written our own ceremony for the actual day, and much of it will be performed by our wedding coordinator at the resort. Omitted from this section are Chad’s vows – they are written, and I must give him credit for writing his first! Opening (read by: our wedding coordinator at the resort) On behalf of Amy and Chad, I welcome you and thank you all for gathering here on this beautiful day to witness their marriage ceremony. The fact that you all have travelled such a great distance to be here today is a testament to the amazing amount of love and support they have. All of you have given them much happiness, love, warmth, and guidance through the various stages of their lives. They would like to sincerely thank you all for being here to celebrate their big day. A special and respectful acknowledgement must also be made to those friends and family members who were unable to attend, or have passed on, but whose spirit remains alive and strong in all our hearts. I have also been asked by Amy and Chad to thank their parents for the wonderful lives they have given them, for the hard work and guidance they have provided, for their everlasting love, support, and encouragement. It is from them that they have learned the true meaning of love, friendship and family. LEGAL CEREMONY * SIGN THE REGISTRY – MARIACHI BAND PLAYS A SLOW SONG READING: (WC TO INTRODUCE MY AUNT) “And now, a poem read by – Marie, Amy’s Godmother” From This Day Forward (author unknown) From this day forward, let us laugh together, and plan together, let us find our favourite places, and go together... Let us enjoy the sunshine, and the rain, being alone together, and in crowds together... From this day forward, together, Let us love! Let Us Walk Together Let us walk together yet not as one, but such that our shadows are separate and distinct, such that our souls are unbound and free. Let us share our time, yet do not give all your time, nor take all of mine for in order to develop to the fullest, to be free, we must have solitude and individuality. Let me wander in solitude, when I need to be alone, yet be near, when I need you. Let us share our love. Give freely of your love, but do not smother me, my soul must breathe a free air. Take my love, but do not demand it, for love given of obligation, is stale and without life. Let us share our lives. Share my life, but do not try to shape it. Let me share your life, but do not let it revolve around me. Let us share ourselves. Accept me as I am, do not attempt to change me to fit your dreams. Respect me for what I am, not for what I was or one day may be. Share yourself with me, but do not allow me to limit your freedom or bind your soul. Let us share our minds, thoughts, goals, values and dreams. Let us develop these within ourselves without restriction or loss of freedom Thus our two free souls, may wander together as they develop in freedom. As we share our lives, as we walk through life together, know my love is yours, but not my soul for it must be free. HAND CEREMONY (READ BY: WC) As an expression that you are joined together in love - will you please hold up your hands and hold one another, so you may feel the gift that you are to each other. These are the hands of your best friend, young and strong and full of love for you, that are holding yours on your wedding day as you promise to love each other today, tomorrow, and forever. These are the hands that will work alongside yours as together you build your future. These are the hands that will passionately love you and cherish you through the years, and with the slightest touch, will comfort you like no other. These are the hands that will hold you when fear or grief fills your mind. These are the hands that will wipe the tears from your eyes; tears of sorrow and tears of joy. These are the hands that will give you strength when you need it. These are the hands that will tenderly hold your children. These are the hands that will help you to hold your family as one. And lastly, these are the hands that even when wrinkled and aged will still be reaching for yours, still giving you the same unspoken tenderness with just a touch. VOWS & RINGS Sandra to request the rings from Matthew (Best Man) ***CHAD’S VOWS*** Amy, With this ring, I give you my promise that from this day forward, you shall not walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home. I, Amy choose you, Chadwick to be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know. I will respect you as an individual, a partner, and an equal. I promise to laugh with you when times are good, and endure with you when they are bad. I will always adore, honour, and encourage you. You are my darling, and I will love you always. Whatever may come, I promise I will always be there for you. Chad, With this ring, I give you my promise that from this day forward, you shall not walk alone. May my heart be your shelter and my arms be your home. CLOSING (READ BY: WC) With confidence and deep affection, we send you forth on life's journey together. May love and peace be with you always; a peace which the world can neither give nor take away, a love which the world cannot destroy. May you have courage and wisdom in your future years together, and may the happiness you share today be with you always. With friends and family, along with the sun, the moon, and the sea, I have the pleasure of announcing you as husband and wife. Chadwick, you may kiss your bride.
  23. WHITE LINEN SHOWER My bridesmaids hosted a White Linen Shower in my honour on Labour Day weekend 2008. Everyone brought gifts to fill my linen closet as well as a clipping from their perennial garden – for my perennial garden. The day was absolutely fantastic, and completely memorable. Stag and Doe In October of 2008, we were surprised with a stag and doe at our local community arena. The biggest surprise was our invitation for the stag and doe which was turned into a giant custom painting. It will hang in our rec-room bar in our basement. We later changed into tropical wear to better suit the theme of the event! Later in the month we ran a thank-you advertisement in the newspaper:
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