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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. Jen, your pics are just gorgeous! I love the group shot and the little girl who is leaning on your shoulder. too cute! Congratulations!
  2. Yeesh... this is a pickle... Quote: Originally Posted by DGG we very clearly labeled invites by name for these adults only - one couple already decided they would bring their 3 kids and booked their trips Ok, so the way I read this you labelled the invites for Adults Only - but chose a child friendly resort... I think this was your #1 mistake. If you did not want children at all at the wedding you should have chosen an adults only resort. Quote: Originally Posted by DGG ... FI had his aunt call and tell them kids weren't allowed at the wedding and she said they already booked so they were already coming. She said she told them the hotel won't allow them at the reception b/c of alcohol and so she said fine, they'll stay in the room during the reception.... This is really where the because you are lying... because... Quote: Originally Posted by DGG We actually are not having any other children coming (except our 2yo ring-bearer) I really think that if your guests that have hired babysitters attend your wedding and reception and see that there is a 2 year old present, they will be jaded on the basis that their children were not included. Quote: Originally Posted by DGG Two other couples said they might bring their 4 children (each!) but he told them we can't have kids, so they aren't coming now.. This is where the situation is sad, your FI's family is not coming based on the no-children rule, and they would have joined you for your big day. I really think you ought to reconsider your decision. In my opinion weddings are about family and sharing your big day with the ones you love. Quote: Originally Posted by DGG why do they just think they can add whoever they want? We haven't invited some other people we would like b/c we are trying to keep it smaller and then now we'll have extended family's kids that we don't even know... UNLESS You are paying for all your guests to attend - and being that you chose a location that welcomes children, the people footing the bill for the vacation can bring whomever they want, whether or not you put your foot down and say 'no children' is your call. Quote: Originally Posted by DGG So - here's the part I'm not sure about - so now they think the kids are not allowed at the wedding even though they'll be at the resort. Is that horrible if we really stick to that? We actually are not having any other children coming (except our 2yo ring-bearer) so we didn't really want any kids anyway.. especially ones that neither of us know.. In a nutshell, you will be wearing mud on your face if you have other children included. In my opinion it is an all or nothing thing. Quote: Originally Posted by DGG we are paying almost $300 per guest for our wedding and other events - we are paying for it all ourselves and we just can't afford it.. But our resort is very small so it is sort of awkward having them there and not including them.. I think at the end of the day, with some creativity there will be ways to reduce the $300/per guest tab ask the resort if they will offer a reduced or free kids dinner re-evaluate 'other wedding events' - if you were planning a group excursion, pay only for your immeadiate family and leave extended family to cover thier own costs At the end of the day (in my opinion) a big DW is a great celebration, we had 84 guests join us and it was the greatest day/week of my life - the 12 children under the age of 12 that we had join us had the time of their lives and we were thrilled to watch them experience the resort and the trip. There are ways around it... just be cautious that you aren't left with MUD on your face! Good Luck.
  3. Yep.... when you leave Cuba, you'll have the un-official copy with you. I am still waiting on my 'offiical' one.
  4. Hey Ladies, Email in Cuba is really challenging, Cubans do not have internet in their homes and accessing the internet is really difficult. There was a period of time when Roly had an email, but he has changed jobs again and is without internet. I will be talking to Roly soon, and will ask him any questions that are posted to this thread. I hope this helps.
  5. That is an awesome wedding story! Definately one you'll have to tell your children!!! Congratulations!
  6. Angel!!! you were absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations! Your lil man is just adorable
  7. Great Planning thread! the BM dresses are super cute! i can't wait to see your wedding day pics!!!
  8. I too was worried about the heat of the sand on my feet... that is the reason I wore the sandals on the beach... I initially wanted to do the barefoot sandals... they are a great accessory too!
  9. Great proofs!!!! What are you holding in the 'we tied the knot' pic a bunch of post cards You looked awesome and your hair looked amazing!!! Congrats!~
  10. Natural!!! Leave it brown... it looks so shiny and healthy!
  11. LOL... funny thread to read through on a Friday afternoon.... I cannot stand those "head on'' commercials.... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... "head on... apply directly to the forehead"... SO ANNOYING!
  12. My veil which was really expensive... was ruined after one use, on the day of my wedding... It is covered in swarovski crystals all along the bottom... with all the hugging that went on after the wedding many of them were torn off and left little holes in the fabric. I didn't notice the damage until the next day. I am a little sad, but will probably leave it in a trunk of fun clothes for possible halloween use.
  13. These were my beach wedding sandals, and these were my reception dancin' shoes!!! my shoes were also my 'something blue'
  14. Awesome planning thread - great job on everything. You look stunning in your dress... I love the simplicity of it! Congrats my dear, the countdown is ON!
  15. Chanel for both DH and I for me... Allure (signature fragrance for years and years), and for DH... Allure Sport (the non-sport version is too old man/old spice) I bought it for him when we first started dating.. and he loves it too!
  16. WOW!!!!! YAY Date Twin!!! You looked RADIANT... just amazing! Congrats Hun!!! ...ps. you beat me to getting the pro-pics posted!
  17. Wow.. Marie Sam !!! You did a fantastic job... and did it for a frugal cost!!!! They are gorgeous, and your guests are gonna love 'em
  18. Great pîcs Cathy!!! you looked simply radiant on your big day! I love the bridesmaid dress - the bling looks fantastic!
  19. Beautiful Dress Cat!!!! the detail is absolutely gorgeous!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by binzer hmmm...that doesn't sound like it would make for a very romantic wedding night! I'm definitely going to have to pick some up early so I can get any disasters over with :S That is some very sound advice... definately do a TRIAL run... My memories are so vivid that I refuse to even think of doing it again.
  21. Ok... So... On regular headed to the office days... it is non-waterproof... Maybelline in the pink tube. Because I wear contacts this is the best as I buy a new tube monthly and it comes off with ease - using regular face wash. BUT On the day of my wedding and TTD I wore waterproof Lancome Aquacils - it was a splurge from the regular Maybelline... but it was FANTASTIC! no smudges, even through tears and tissues. Although this is off topic... for my wedding day I used "model in a bottle" --- as seen on Oprah etc... I ordered it online - and it was FANTASTIC... I highly recommend it!
  22. OHHH Man... do I have a horror story for you ladies... I cannot recall if it was the brand 'nubra' but I have tried this.... Please, enter my time machine ~Prom 1999~..... I wore the stick on bra type things as you have described above... I did find that they were supportive (and I am a D) but..... I couldn't get them off! I am not at all kidding when I say that removal was EXTREMELY painful, and they tore the skin under both my breasts, leaving me unable to wear a bra for several days... no kidding... DISASTER.
  23. Great Website!!! PS> Sanibel Island is great! My in-laws have a place really close to there as their winter spot!!!
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