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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. to the forum.... happy planning! You'll find a ton of useful information in the Jamaica boards, and many many ideas from the ladies here!!!
  2. OMG I've been LMAO over these!!!! this is hilarious!
  3. to the boards, you'll find a ton of useful info here! there are lots of ladies to inspire as well!
  4. Congrats on your engagement -- welcome to the forums...you'll find tons of useful information in the Jamaica section of the boards!!!
  5. I am happy to read that you are moving forward... and honey... June 19th is just around the corner!!!!! GIDDY UP!!! YIPPEE!!! let the new planning begin!
  6. Nope... we didn't - but we were happy to be placed with our guests... it was a riot!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ Never heard of it! I checked it out and it looks neat but ......they, of course, don't ship to Canada!!! WOW.... you stole the words out of my mouth!
  8. Congrats!!! I know you;ll have the wedding of your dreams in Mexico... but the memories you had at your 'beating the swine flu' wedding will be difficult to beat... I love the piggy cake!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG I think you should listen to your FI and not a friend, for starters its his wedding too and it sounds like he is opposed to this idea. Also, he is right, you WILL lose friends, do not forget about that part. Also, you have not told any of us what you plan to do if "someone flakes", are you going to sue them? Is your intention for this contract to be legally binding, if so, you might want to talk to a lawyer about that, because I am pretty positive it will NOT be binding and will not hold up in court. . I am really interested in the response to whether or not one would sue their friends.....
  10. Awesome timeline Virg.... Looks oddly familiar thank you for the compliment... I love your OOT bags, your guests will love them too! on the aside: if anyone is looking for the timeline template, you can find it in my planning thread.
  11. Great stuff Cattie!!! I love the signature plate! That is a really cool idea!
  12. We did ours at the resort - the day after the wedding. It was great, at 11:00 on our first day as Mr. & Mrs.... we trashed the dress.. I say wear your dress to the falls... I'd love any excuse to put mine back on!
  13. I am a huge fan of MODEL IN A BOTTLE -- I ordered it from their website, it is amazing!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by CrystalM I wrote up a contract for my wedding party? ...FI says that bringing in a contract into something like this is going to make me lose friends, but I think it's important for me not to be out that money if someone flakes on me... ARE YOU FOR REAL?? I love all the discussion about this, but I am curious if you truly truly truly are serious.... don't do it girl!
  15. I too think that $2000/per person is a bit much to ask guests to pay. In planning ours, we were set on Varadero as a location, and felt that it was necessary to keep the price range in teh $1200/per person range - FI/now DH... said this was a good arguement to friends who wanted to come, and said they couldn't afford it... he would say ''$100/per month starting now, and you'll be all saved up and ready to go" our DW came in at $1100+tx = @$1250... per person.... pretty darn close. I think that the price will indeed dictate the number of guests you have joining you. We had 84... We wanted a big party, and we stayed at a great 4.5* resort... and made memories to last a lifetime, and it didn't cost an arm and a leg.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG I agree with Amarillis (sorry I don't know your name), . Amy. Quote: Originally Posted by JulieG I also agree with the other girls who said you should not have asked someone to host your AHR, if they offer that is one thing, but its a party for you, that you want to have, so therefor you should host it. Its great that your parents are having one for you, but that is not common, usually the bride and groom are the hosts. I agree with Julie and the other girls... on the AHR...
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Vikki So he's been living with me for the last two years and he proposed in March. His parents were out for Thanksgiving the year he moved here and then his Dad came out last summer and did a backpacking trip with us and my Dad. So I've had a chance to interact with them and they've met my parents. They were very uncomfortable with me in the beginning and still don't really like me (implied by my fiance). They did however LOVE my parents so that helped a little. Ok, so the part bolded above is my first major issue with your problem. WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOUR FI TELL YOU THAT? My concern is, if he tells you that... what is he telling his mom about you - why isn't he defending you to his mom? I think that this is the root issue, and is probably causing the issues with the AHR. Quote: Originally Posted by Vikki The entire time we've been together my fiance has talked about his family with disclaimers - "they're a bunch of crazy rednecks" "my mom is nuts" "you won't like them" "my mom says one thing and does another" "I've been married before so they've already had to go through this" "don't expect anyone to really get excited since I've been married before" "I think my Mom liked ( his ex) better" and so on. This is 90% of what comes out of his mouth when he talks about them. He does say he wants me to meet his family and he misses spending time with them but then he sets my experience up to be a negative one. So my reactions and perceptions of his family are based on these communications he has with me. With the way you have explained it (especially bolded sections) it truly does sound like he isn't giving you half a chance with his family in the first place. He is trying to skew your perception of them before you can make your own decisions. -- the Ex thing, that is totally uncalled for. Quote: Originally Posted by Vikki And of course I'm reading more into it because a) all I know of his mom is that "she's crazy" "she says one thing and does another" and c) "she likes (his ex) better". So between that and all the stuff he's said that makes me feel like I won't fit in with his family, they won't like me, I'll have a miserable time I'm getting the impression that they're not really all that happy about this wedding. I think they're only coming to Jamaica because they feel obligated to and probably they feel forced into it because I'm the one that made the decision to get married there. I think this whole thing is nuts, and if there is anyone to 'blame' or call out on this it is not your FMIL, it is your FI... he is not giving you the chance to shine, make your own opinions and get to know his family. I understand that they only get together at Thanksgiving and Christmas, but this is no reason that you and FI can't go there for a non-holiday time, to visit with his parents and simply get to know them better. I really think you need to develop a relationship with his parents yourself, and rather not through FI. I think you are blaming the wrong person.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by itsfinallyhere Hi ladies, Oh one other thing I am not sure if this makes a difference but this is FI second marriage he is 47 and my first I am 40. We have lived together practically the whole time and we have two kids (7 & 10). Thanks any help you can give. I realize I am too late for this comment, but thought I'd throw it out there... Why don't you note your children in the invite - i recently got one from a girlfriend and it went something like this Bobby and Annie cordially invite you to the marriage of their parents Jane Doe and Robert Smith May 10, 2009 I think this is the solution... As for paying for your own shower.... I DON'T THINK SO. I don't know what the solution to this is, maybe suggest your mom plan it somewhere inexpensive, i.e. at church, using the ladies auxillary from the church to assist.
  19. Good luck Savannah.... You are in my thoughts...
  20. I like this... Please call to Informally RSVP by: ____ or... if you've done a wedding website you could direct ppl there to RSVP, I know that the wedding website I did had this option - you could do both.
  21. We left our babies with a very close friend. they were fine, but we did advance play dates and meetings to calm my nerves... baby Jack and Turk were fine. .
  22. everything looks great! I love your menu... (makin me hungry) - can`t wait to see the pics and read your review!!! Congrats girl! your big day is almost here.!!!
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