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Everything posted by Amarillis

  1. It's Official!!! We got our certificate! Our wedding took place January 28, 2009 (Varadero, Cuba) we received our certificate yesterday June 18, 2009 here in Ontario... How long did you wait for your certificate?
  2. ok... so some of you may have read that one of my dear girlfriends from university is planning a DW.. YIPPEE... another trip!!! Anyhoo... we were talking about what to consider when choosing a resort, what were your top five wedding related considerations when choosing... I mean aside from the obvious, beach, pools, etc.. that stuff is about your guests... but what wedding specific considerations made you choose your resort? Mine... full service hair salon private room for the wedding reception cost of wedding day activities, reception, set up etc ability to have the dance with a DJ in the private reception room a great site visit and meeting with our then future Wedding Coordinator
  3. It's between Jamaica and Mexico... I hope she picks Jamaica!
  4. Our invitations read as follows: -- you can see them in my planning thread! The journey of our love began on the beaches of the Atlantic Ocean. We find it fitting to have our wedding there as well. We look forward to sharing our day with those who can join us. It is our hope that you hear the sound of the ocean as loudly as we hear wedding bells. Although it would be fantastic to have all of our loved ones there as witnesses, we understand that limitations exist. For those who are unable to join us, it is our hope that you look south on our special day and say a prayer, wishing us well as we begin our new lives together.
  5. Ok... here is some background. So, my girlfriend from university is engaged ---YIPPPEEEE! and is planning a destination wedding (she is out west) AND WE ARE GOING!!! *insert crazy dance moves here*. We were talking about wedding planners, TA's, locations etc. when she informed me that one of the TA's she had talked to were charging her and her FI a service fee.... which, she is totally cool with b/c of the extras she is getting... - invitaitons - a website - built by the company - gift baskets upon arrival for the guests (LIKE ME!!! YAY) and a myraid of other goodies... I am curious to find out if anyone else paid a service fee... if so, how much? and what did you get ? ? ? (Or would you just forego the goodies and DIY that stuff yourself ? ? ?)
  6. I am curious to know what your resort/hotel/venue did that totally blew you away (in a good way) What was the best thing that they did for your wedding that you didn't expect and for your guests? Wedding Our resort took the decoration of the reception hall to a level I didn't think was possible, all of the linens were perfect! I did not expect that each table would have champagne buckets at every table that were draped in proper linens. Guests Everyone had a bathtub filled with water and petals, and a box of coconut (like bounty/mounds) chocolates. My guests were wowed! Let's Share!!!!
  7. I have no idea how I missed this thread! Quote: Originally Posted by ~Melissa~ Since this is a wedding forum and this is a wine related thread i'm going to post this here: lol Have any of you seen one of the newest trends for weddings is having the couples favorite bottles and assortments of wine out for their guests autographs and messages? The the guests are provided with gold or silver permanent markers to write their special notes or comments on them. I just saw this and thought it was a great idea/ keep sake.... just wanted to pass it on One couple had 25 bottles, one for every anniversary until their 25th. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t25850 This is EXACTLY what my Wine Club did as a shower for me last summer. My mom supplied labels to everyone to write 'reasons to open' on each bottle. It was a very exciting moment when we opened our 'first month of marraige' bottle, and I plan on Friday to open the 'thank you cards are finished' bottle - we are STILL getting presents for our JAN wedding. I love love love wine. Oh my where do I start. Red is my absolute favourite - right now DH and I are really into Malbec's -- from specifically Argentina. A fantastic one (which was also a wedding gift) is CATENA ALTA MALBEC 2005 it is kinda expensive -- but freakin fantastic. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv The best wine is the wine that you like. It is a totally beautiful and subjective experience. If you like it - then it's a good wine. That's what I tell my customers as well. And I love when I can find them wines that they love that are not expensive. I totally agree with Tami, a co-worker of mine and I had a competition going, every payday (bi-weekly) we'd buy each other a bottle of wine. The wine had to be good (obviously) but furthermore, had to be under $10.... IN CANADA THIS IS NOT SUCH AN EASY TASK. (I am totally jealous of the American girls, while in Florida last year - Publix (grocery store), had my fav under $10/$15 bottles -- for under $6.... and some had COUPONS -- so not fair. oops I am thrilled to see other's opinions of wines... keep em comin!
  8. January 2009 Amarillis (Amy) - January 28, 2009 Barcelo Marina Palace April 2009 Fudgie - April 13, 2009 - Sol Palmeras, Varadero Sarafish (Sara and Jeff) - April 18, 2009, Playa Pesquero, Holguin Erin0409 (Erin & Stuart) - April 29, 2009 Superclub Breezes, Jibacoa Pardisia (Karen & Mark) - April 22, 2009 Occidental Grand Playa Turquesa, Holguin May 2009 jax_the_beach_bride- May 8, 2009- Blau Varadero, Varadero BlissfulMsMiranda - May 12, 2009 - Melia Cayo Guillermo DWbride09 - May 21, 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero June 2009 Amelia & David - June 18 2009 - Iberostar, Varadero Virg – June 30 2009 – Melia Las Dunas Ash -- June 30, 2009- Melia Las Dunas, Cayo Santa Maria (TWINS!) July 2009 sweetie_bri - July 8, 2009 (7-8-9), Playa Costa Verde, Holguin maryyy -- July 28, 2009 - Melia las Dunas Oct 2009 LIW - October 28, 2009 - Melia Las Dunas Nov 2009 itsfinallyhere - November 16th, 2009 - Sirenis La Salina, Varadero Blooroze (Beth) - November 25, 2009 - Iberostar Varadero Jan 2010 Melissa & Kent - January 5, 2010- Playa Pesquero Kat & Daryl - January 17, 2010 - Tryp Peninsula C & I - January 22, 2010 - Playa Pesquero Feb 2010 Mark and Lolita Feb 12 2010 Iberostar Laguna Azul, Varadero. Lori and Travis-February 14th, 2010-Barcelo Marina Palace March 2010 jackobelle - March 17th 2010 - Blau Varadero Michelle and Jason- March 17th- Location to be confirmed soon!! April 2010 Lana&Craig- April 28th, 2010- Iberostar Varadero Krista & David - April 2 - Melia Varadero May 2010 Krista & Josh (K'osh) - May 4, 2010 - Playa Pesquero Lisa & Paul - May 5, 2010 - Iberostar Laguna Azul Jill & Alex (JTAlberta) - May 19, 2010 - Playa Persquero June 2010 Stephanie&Luke - June 2, 2010 - Melia Las Dunas, Santa Clara Oct 2010 Crystalballl - October 20, 2010 - Playa Pesquero, Holguin (I added my name in so that future Barcelo Marina Palace Brides may use me as a resource)...
  9. J.Crew.... check out J. Crew... that is where we found our BM dresses and they are/were amazing! They have some great shades of lilac and bright pink.. but not quite fushia... it's worth a look!!
  10. Great pictures Rosa! I love that blue dress!!!! The weather looked perfect too!
  11. I vote grey.... Originally we had bought teal dresses... (long story) and had grey to match... it looked good.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Wooooooooooooooooooooooooo Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! OK, girl..I gotta do it... "Don't stop-get it-get it! Don't stop-get it-get it!" Sookie sookie, Ma! You got the flames shootin outta my pc! Ugh, you are despicable. lol Seriously though, you look GREAT and those are so smokin'..Tommy boy is gonna lose his sensibilities and hunt you down before the ceremony. So I'd suggest saving these for..umm...later. MUAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I had to quote this... Savannah you kill me!!!! ---although her words are gospel... Very funny!
  13. you are quite a lucky girl!!!! I'd sure agree that was an awesome weekend!!!~
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by cdnvb9 We arent having an AHR frankly b/c we don't want to. If we wanted an at home reception we would have gotten married at home. I agree whole-heartedly!!!! We had a rather big DW (86 guests) and prior to leaving had a stag and doe (hosted by our wedding party) -- which I like to consider our 'local dance/drunk party' -- I never even considered an AHR, especially since so many see it as a gift grab. Don't do it, and don't feel guilty!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by katnip Thanks so much Amy! That is beautiful! I really like the hand ceremony...now I'm torn between that and the sand ceremony. So many decisions to make!!! Although a sand ceremony is quite beautiful... i had read that many brides/grooms sand ceremony containers did not transport well. Thus, the hand ceremony.
  16. Great photos and review... your day looked amazing and you were stunning! Congratulations!!!
  17. Amazing pictures!!!! did you say you were 40? what is your skin care regmien... you look AMAZING!
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