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Everything posted by dainanewell

  1. Hey everyone I wanted to thank you all for all your support back in september when my fiancee cancelled our wedding....you were all a big help to me..we were suppose to get married tomorrow Dec 12...but I am really ok with the fact that it isn't happening...My children and I just recently moved back home after spending a couple of months at my parents house....My ex-fiancee and I are back together...I want to take things slow and wait awhile before thinking about getting married...I dont want to rush into thing even though we've been together for 10 years....lol...as we all know planning a wedding can be stressful...anyways thanks for everything...good luck to everyone and Happy wedding planning!!!
  2. Kids 12 and under are free to stay at the resort....you have to pay for the airfare...I think I was paying around $500 per child....hope that helps
  3. Thanks...he moves out tomorrow....so I decided to move to my parents in New Brunswick....get a new start at life....the hard thing is that he will always be in my life because we have children....I will always let him see them whenever he wants and eventually move back after I have had time to heal and get my stuff in order....his familly is being really supportive and understand why I m moving.....I feel alot better now....I think I always knew things wouldn t work out between us but I didn t want to realize the truth.....thanks so much for all your support!!!
  4. Thanks for all the support ladies....he told me last night that it was over for good....I told my parents and I'm starting to feel better.....I will be fine and so will my children.....Thanks
  5. thanks....yeah we have trip insurance but we will lose all our deposits........I m scared to tell everyone....but I m sure they will understand....i hope....
  6. trust me I ve tried everything I could think of....nothing works....maybe he just afraid that they will get mad...since they gave us money for our wedding and are paying for everything....
  7. Not good....one day everything seems ok...then the next day everything is off again....I thought maybe it was just wedding jitters but now I think he just doesn t want to get married because it would be to me.......but he still doesn t want me to tell my parents...I m so confused!!!
  8. We finally talked and agreed to try to make it work....i still dont know if he wants to get married but hopefully he will answer that question soon...thanks Ladies
  9. thanks ladies....He finally talked to me a bit and I dont really know were to go from here........he had to go out but said we would talk more when he gets home.....the last thing he said to me before he left was that he didn't want me to tell my parents yet........he needs time to think.....I just dont know if I can put myself through this anymore....I love him but the is so hard to deal with.....I dont know If this is cold feet or if he really doesn't want to marry me?....hopefully I get the whole truth tonight....thanks
  10. thanks...yeah we've been dating since I was 14 and he was 15....I think I will leave tonight....I'm hoping I will get some answers soon...thanks so much Ladies
  11. Thanks ladies...the main problem is he doesn't want to talk ....he keeps saying we'll talk later but it just not happening....my sister took my kids last night for a sleep over so we could talk....but he went out and I was at home all by myself....I feel sick with emotion...thanks for listening
  12. I am so shocked....I cant believe this is really happening.....my FI has been acting weird for about a month (he lost his job)....he seems really depressed....and yesterday out of the blue he just said he doesn't want to get married....because he doesn't feel the same way about me.........I'm so confused....we've been together for 10 years...have two kids and live together....how can he just all of a sudden say that....I dont know what to do.....He's still at our house and so am I.....he is acting so weird....he wanted me to go out to play poker last night but didn't want to talk about what's going on....I didn't go...I was to depressed to go.....so he freaked out and left till 3 am.......he came home and slept in the same bed as me........I dont know what to do.....do I leave?....DO i STAY?...do I give him time to think about it?......I really need some insight...PLEASE
  13. We didn't send out invitations...we only invited family and a few close friends...we wanted a very small wedding....we gave 50 people our travel agents information and right now we only have 16 people who put deposits down...and our wedding is in less then 3 months ...good luck to you...happy planning
  14. I agree with the other ladies...but they are super cute with the wings too
  15. I love the blue one....the other one is really nice too....it's your wedding so whatever makes you happy is what counts!....happy planning
  16. wow they're really nice....My FI and his BM haven't been suit shopping yet and my wedding is in less than 3 months.....I better get on it myself...lol
  17. lol...so true...thanks....your little guy is too cute!
  18. Beautiful pics....I love the gazebo and the water is auch a gorgeous blue.....congrats!!!
  19. Gorgeous dress.....I would do whatever makes you feel most comfortable....at first I wasn't gonna wear a veil but then I tried one on with my dress and feel in love with it!!!!
  20. My sister and her boyfriend always dress up for halloween and last year my sister was a hunter and her BF was a deer...sooo funny!!!
  21. Ok Ladies....I'm soooooooo NERVOUS....my 3 1/2 year old daughter starts school tomorrow and I'm freaking out....I keep having nightmares about her not coming home or getting dropped off at the wrong school....I've even had a few really bad ones.....I know she will be o.k but I just cant stop thinking the worst....I guess I'm just afraid to realize my baby isn't a baby anymore...
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