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Everything posted by JohnnyL

  1. yes i was on that episode. her assist matt forgot my gift bag Its funny because Matt and I ae alwasy joking around with eachother. But My friends ,family and clients that watched thought he was serious. He made the comment " Johnny Lavoy gets a gift bag? " it was all in jest.
  2. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. There are a few ways you can see my work. 1) Youtube: I have a collection of how to hair tips on there. One is very simular to Giuliana's its titled "evening hair in minutes" just replace the head band with a braided hair piece and there you have it. You can just Search Johnny Lavoy on YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 2) Like most i have a myspace page. MySpace.com - johnny - 103 - Male - WEST HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT - www.myspace.com/johnnyboi_1 a lot of my work is on there including some of my other celebrity clients. 3) I own a salon in CT i have a portfolio section on our website of my work and that is Moda-Rey Salon & Spa 4) And last but not least My agent is .: ford artists :. you can search under the ny division under hair or hair and makeup. enjoy and please feel free to ask me anything .peace
  3. Jacqueline, Im the hairdresser that did Giuliana wedding. please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I hope that i can be a help Johnny Lavoy
  4. Yes She informed me . Im not sure that she visited the site. But she got word someone was asking and passed it on to me. Boy and was it a process to fianlly be able to post . I almost said forget it.But im here now so if someone knows of the person asking please have them contact me. peace
  5. Hello every one , Im not a Bride. Im not even getting married. I am a hairdresser and makeup artist. This summer i did Giuliana Depandi/Rancic's from E! News hair and makeup for her wedding. I got word from her that someone was asking about her hair. They are looking for pictures. Please feel free to try and contact me with any questions.May be i can help you out. I dont have any photos but i think there are a couple publications with pictures from her wedding out there. Looking forward to hearing from you. Johnny Lavoy
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