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Everything posted by SgtPepperette

  1. I ended up going with this one... seashell bridal bouquet by HighTideCreations on Etsy If I can find some lace Ill replace the netting with lace, if not Ill just wear it alone. Im a little worried how heavy it will be on the plastic stem. There were some other really beautiful seashell bouquets I love on etsy, but I just couldnt spend $100+ on it! Shes shipping it today so Ill post a picture when I get it Here is the mock up of our programs... http://melissaandgrant.com/images/program.jpg We really wanted to print ivory on the green but we cant do it on our printer. And the brown is a little to dark. Im going to see what it looks like in the sun. If its still to dark we may just do ivory for the cover and back and use green font instead of brown to make it look a little different than the other pages. We have these heart brackets to put through the upper left corner to hold it together.
  2. Ashley, your shower sounds like it was wonderful! Hopefully your BM is understanding, especially since you asked her for an updated address. Keira....I was bursting yesterday with my one month away We got a lot accomplished this weekend. Caterer booked, reception setup decided, officant half booked, first dance song picked, bouquet ordered, and worked hard on our programs. We just need to finish the page of the ceremony details and it will be good to go. Wow this is really happening.
  3. So I was at Michaels this weekend, and all of the Martha Stewart kits were on sale. The tissue paper kits, and invitation kits. The tissue paper ones were $5.99. Thought Id pass the info along
  4. Awww Vikki, I got goosebumps at that picture. SOOOOO close! Ashley, cant wait to hear about your "surprise" shower So Im deciding on the design for our koozies. I really would like a palm tree with our names and date. But I love how cute the saying, to have and to hold and to keep your beer cold. But I dont want to put hearts so Im torn on what image I could use....
  5. So I dropped this plan to, it was just to hard for me. I went back to the portion size and exercise route to. I love those podcast. Thanks for posting those! Im heading out to try one right now
  6. I have a challenge Maybe we will make it for Monday. Squat in the pot! Everytime you go to the bathroom, (which should be a lot if your drinking all that water!) , do at min. of 5 squats, and a max of what you feel comfortable with! I got the following info from Free Diet Plans at SparkPeople on proper squat form First, your feet should be hip width apart...no wider, realistically that's about 12 inches apart. Next, you are going to SIT DOWN. You don't lean forward you sit back. Think of it this way...imagine you are in a public restroom and there are no seat cover protectors...you don't want your butt to touch the seat but you need to be as close to it as possible...that's how you are going to sink into the correct position. Squat in the pot! lol The most important thing is this...YOUR KNEES SHOULD NEVER GO PAST YOUR TOES! When you are in the correct position and are as low as your body will allow you to go without hurting your knees you should be able to wiggle your toes. Your weight is on your HEELS not your knees, not the balls of your feet. keep in mind the following things when doing a squat: * Keep your chest up and your back straight * Look straight ahead. Not up, not down...straight forward * Feet should be hip width apart, for a wider stance only go about one toe to heel move outwards (roughly 3-4 inches wider than your set stance) * Weight should be placed on your heels not on the balls of your feet * Stick your butt out!!!! If you keep your hips forward you're going to put too much pressure on your knees...that hurts! * Squeeze your butt on the way back up. Work those glutes!! * Push back up from the heels, they should never leave the floor Happy Squatting!!
  7. So yesterday I had a really bad eating day. I had a little wedding freakout, so fed it with food. Back on track today. I need to react like I did on Wednesday. On Wednesday I seriously had one of those bad days that you have once in a blue moon. Where the world feels like its against you! Instead of doing something unhealthy, I did something healthy. I went to cycling class to work out some frustration and sadness, and it worked! Now to do that everytime..its a work in progress
  8. It does seem crazy! I sort of had a little freakout last night. Im over it today though. Just feeling overwhelmed with things to do. Just have to tackle it one project at a time though
  9. Sorry to bring up this old thread...but I was wondering for those of you that bought these koozies, if they work with beer bottles?
  10. Im so anxious for my landybridal dress!!!! It should be here in two weeks, and I got custom sized.
  11. So Im trying to find us an officant and can find any reviews anywhere. Does anyone have any tips on how to find one? We are just looking for a non reglious ceremony.
  12. I was looking at those button bouquets The only thing Im worried about is the stem is plastic...I hope its sturdy enough!
  13. Verdict is .50 pound up. I thought it would be worse, so am okay with it. I like the water challenge. I drink around 72-96 ounces a day
  14. ooooo some lace would be pretty, and go great with my dress.....great idea! Im not to crazy on the ones that are like a round ball, I like it to be a little bit more dimensional. I think I may have to go with number 2
  15. So I want to do a seashell bouquet...but a little unsure about it. Surprised? LOL What do you girls think of these two? Bouquet 1 - I would be added green hydrangea flowers with the white ones already there. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php...ng_id=31618985 Or number 2 - I wouldnt use the netting thing. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php...ng_id=31048134
  16. Well they have a beach inspired cake on their website... I asked her if she could email me some pictures but she says they do not email. I was googling to see if I could find some beach cakes done by than but can only find this one.
  17. So I just placed the order for the cake. Check! We are totally going on a whim with it, so I hope it turns out beautiful. We used the Publix, which is a supermarket down in Florida. Everyone raves about their cakes and they are so reasonable....so why not. The woman was so helpful with my I have no idea what we want. She started throwing out ideas and we came up with a design. We went with a cassata cake vs just the cannoli filling cake. Its one tier, designed with a sunset, shells, and beach chairs. Im confused what a sunset means though....And she has our weddding colors so we shall see the day of the wedding what our beautiful cake looks like. LOL
  18. Thank you Kelly. Your right. Ill take it not just one day at a time, but one meal at at time. Lisa, thinking of you!!!
  19. I am struggling. Like usual. I dont know what I need to get me motivated and consistent. My wedding didnt even do that. I leave in less than 30 days..you think that would work. It doesnt. In the last week I worked out one time, and I barely got throught that. My eating isnt so great either. ugh. One day at a time I suppose, although each day it feels like Im starting over.
  20. So we are trying to figure out the wedding cake. Wedding cake talk confuses me, fillings, icing, cake....oh my. Unfortunately we wont be able to try the cake....but I have heard great reviews on the Publix so thats who we plan to use. Now my FI keeps going on and on about this casssata cake. They do have it at their bakery, so Im going to contact them tomorrow to see if its doable for a wedding cake. I still would like it to feel like a wedding cake though, not just a regular cake. Any cake tips for the confused?
  21. I agree to, it sounds great the way you have it planned. And what a nice welcoming for the late comers
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