I came to Canada from Australia for a year nearly 4 years ago. I met James right away, and fell head over heels. One thing he taught me to do so I wouldn't be inside all the time during the winter, was snowboard. I love it, and we spend lots of time in the winter snowboarding. He taught me to snowboard at Marmot Basin in Jasper, about 3 hours from here. We go there a lot.
One day we were having lunch with his dad, when he convinced me I should go get something I needed from the mall then, and he'd meet me in a bit. I didn't think anything of it.
The next day we were at Marmot Basin, and he was acting funny all the way there. We went to this little clearance in the trees where we hang out. I was sitting there chatting away, when he said "Baby", I turned around, and he had a diamond ring out, and he was on both knees (one knee is tough in snowboard boots). He was shaking like a leaf! (Like I'd say no! We'd been together 3.5 years!) "I love you, and want to be with you forever".
Best day snowboarding ever!