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Everything posted by niecy8

  1. Hello All, I am having a difficult time deciding on a theme for our engagment photo. My fiance and I are huge Nascar fans and I thought about taking pics at the race track here. We are also big basketball fans with opposing teams of course. So I can't decide if I should do something that represents us or do a traditional photo in the park. My photographer suggested maybe in front of palm trees since we are doing a destination wedding. Any suggestions would help. We have scheduled to take the photo in the next couple of weeks. Niecy
  2. niecy8


    Hello again, Thanks to all who gave a welcome shout.
  3. niecy8


    Hello all just wanted to say hello. I am new to the forum. I am getting married on June 21, 2008 in Negril Jamaica. I will post questions later.
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