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Everything posted by sassybride

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura here's the email i just got from my planner. this is a really expensive price for the cake considering that we were only using it to cut for photos and for us to eat, not to share with our guests since they will each get individual desserts: I checked with the chef and he said is possible to prepare this cake is laborious but yes, we can provided this for your wedding. Just a few comments 1) For the purpose you need it, it would work better a 3 tiers cake. So as you know as per your e-mail below, it would be a little bit smaller. Tres Leches flavor is not a problem and guys here prepare this type of cake delicious. 2) Option 1 If the Cake is part of your 3 courses dinner and we prepare the roses with sugar, the total additional surcharge would be $250 USD + Tax and Service. We would need to invest a lot of time to produce them. 3) Option 2 If the Cake is part of your 3 courses dinner and we provide natural fresh roses, the total additional surcharge would be $180 USD + Tax and Service (roses included) 4) Option 3 If the Cake is additional to your 3 courses dinner and we provide either option 1 or 2, the additional charge for the extra course would be $9.00 USD + Tax and Service. as for the DJ, we are using adan mijares and having him for 5.5 hours if i were you i'd check out ron webber though - jackie just used him and said he was great, priced nicely and speaks english (he is an american) Thanks for the info Maura. We have booked DJ ricardo and we are paying $3.50 /per person for the 3 tier cake.
  2. send me your email and ill send you the tremplate that I started I'm soo not a DIY girl and it was really easy !
  3. Hey congrat's..your lucky!
  4. I got the trays with pro whitening from my dentist for 200$. It works wonders but I feel like ripping out my teeth the next day. I'm so sensitive. I think I might just suck it up and do it a few weeks before my wedding.
  5. I was really curious so did a little search and this is what I found: "You need to be seen by a breast surgeon/specialist. The bleeding may represent an intraductal papilloma, a cancer, or just fibrocystic changes. You will need a mammogram and possibly an intraductal dye injection. The observation that the blood is coming from just one duct is against fibrocystic change and is associated about 9 times out of 10 with a benign intraductal papilloma and about one time out of 10 with an intraductal carcinoma. Be sure to have it checked out. The odds are way in favor of being a benign process but even with the small chance of malignancy, if treated early it is entirely curable" I hope your friend is ok, Keep us updated! I will be keeping her in my thoughts
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel I wouldn't live by tripadvisor. In my experience, people are just a tad crazy. I only listen to the reviews that thoughtfully list the good with the bad. If they go crazy one way or the other, they probably are too easy to please or too hard to please. Our resort had TERRIBLE reviews before we left. People complained right and left of bed bugs and food poisoning. I didn't have encounters with either- not that I know what a bed bug looks like but I'm sure if there were some I would have known. And I also thought the food was good the two weeks we were there. Try not to panic. Plus all Dreams resorts are usually top notch. TOTALLY AGREE!!! I would not worry If I were you. Not one resort will have perfect reviews.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Cherielee im looking to make it and play it at my reception back at home? You just need to put it to a CD and put in into the laptop when your about to show your slideshow - very easy. Slideshows are also very easy to make.
  8. Welcome And Good Luck With Everything!
  9. Well I'm using Maye as well and I'm finding it alot cheaper to just got get my vendors on my own. Just a bit mad that she is adding so much to everything and still getting paid ALOt from us!!! urgh!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jackie We tried to use the Dreams horses but they only would book until 4:00pm I think. Our trash the dress didnt start until 5:00pm. I'm not exactly sure "which" stable I used because Juan directly booked them for me. Edyta got her photos taken with the horses on the day of her wedding. I dont think it was a trash the dress shoot but rather just part of her pics in between the ceremony and the reception. The good thing about Juans horses (I'm assuming Dreams horses too) is that you dont have to travel anywhere to get to them. The horses literally just appear on the beach. The stable is somewhere down the beach to the left of Dreams. Maybe you can get the Dreams horses for cheaper if you do the TTD shoot a little earlier. Thanks for the info. I will prob need the horses from 4:30 to 5:30 so I hope I can get them.
  11. I heard from the stabled near dreams today by email. They are 350$ for 1hour, but i'm going to ask 300$ and see what he will say. Maye is adding 100$ to the horses to make some extra $'s.
  12. Hi Ana, I spoke to Juan carlos today and he tells me that he can get the horses for 300$ for the hour..same $ amount for 30 minutes. I just emailed the stable asking for that price.
  13. she is so beautiful! I like all her little outfits ..polka dots, guitars, lucky girl!
  14. This is what I found from Edyta: "The horses for the photoshoot were $150 for the hour and we used them for about 30 min. This was one of the best decisions I made, the pics turned out AMAZING and it was tons of fun. The stables are 2 mins away from Dreams, here is their Email: Horseback Riding, Los Cabos, Private Trail Rides, Cabo San Lucas
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Thanks for the fyi! I emailed one stable this morning for pricings...so we'll see what comes of this Let me know when you find out!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Jackie You know what I think it is, I could be wrong. But, first of all I think they price higher because its not a "trail ride" with more people etc etc, they have to take seperate time out and go to a different location for a private horse ride. And secondally at least this is what Juan told me, was that the horses he got for us werent the beat up trail ridding horses they were nice "show" quality horses. If that makes sense. My sister did go on a trail ride and let me tell you I saw pictures of the horses they rode and they were not that great looking and were so small I thought they were ponies at first. The horses we had for the TTD were big and beautiful. But I agree I was shocked when i first heard how much it would cost us but now I'm kind of thankful. Thanks for the info. I just remember Edyta telling us how much she paid and it wasn't that much at all. she used the ones near dreams. Where did you get your horses Jackie?
  17. WOW! that's crazy..I seriously thought that 2 horses would cost like max 100$ for 1 hour. I think 30 minutes would be enough as well and I think that Edyta paid way less. I'll ask her what she paid.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by shellb One question, I know a lot of Avon products are scented, does the lip balm have any scent added? I just ordered my Avon lip balm for 79 Cents each. I asked a rep at work about the scent and she says that there is no scent added. I hope not, cause I don't like body products with perfume smells.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Ana Thanks Sandra! I just emailed them right now so I'm excited to hear what their prices are. Maye contacted them, they are the stable right beside dreams, I think the same one that Edyta used. Its $450 for 2 horses for 1 hour. ANA, 450$ Are you SURE? Ive never heard of two horses costing that much for 1 hour!!! did you make a typo?
  20. Ana, From what I understand you booked horses through Maye right? what horses are you using (near dreams?) and how much is this costing you? Thanks.
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