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Everything posted by Allison

  1. I leave on Saturday for my wedding in the Mayan Riviera (staying at the Grand Palladium). We would love to get some pics taken at some of the ruins. Is there ANY of the ruins that you are allowed pics at? Even small ones? We are also going to try and do jungle and cenote shots! Any info would be great!
  2. I might like 1 or 2 of the parasols. Are they paper or fabric? Do you think they would ship well?
  3. I purchased some starfish for my decor and they kinda stink! Has anyone had success in ridding them of the smell? Any tips would be great! Thanks! Allison
  4. I would like to find a starfish cake topper (not white) like the ones you have have crystals put on...but I do not care if there are crystals or not. I would also like to find a simple veil...one tier...butt length I guess...no pipping or crystals. Let me know if you have anything!
  5. I am looking for this dress also!! In a 6 or an 8. Can someone let me know if they still have one? Thanks!
  6. I thought I had heard there was one someone but I cannot for the life of me find it. Can anybody point me in the right direction...or does this not actually exist?
  7. I would love to be part of this! Does anyone have a larger clear jeweled starfish that I can use for my January 28, 2009 wedding? (I say larger because a lot of the ones I have found online are very tiny...and I want one that will stand out!) Thanks so much!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by rafa The next 2 couples will have a considerable discount if you want to hire me: - ALLISON & JESSE from Ontario Canada. Getting marry on January 29, 2009 at the Grand Palladium in Riviera Maya - ASHLI & TITO from Dallas and Austin. Getting marry on March 27th, 2009 at the Secrets Capri Resort in Playa del Carmen The rest of the brides will have access to a discount also. Just email me. THANKS SO MUCH for all your great stories and for your time invested in this contest. Warm regards, Rafa - OMG! Really?!!!!!!!! I never thought I would be soo happy to come in 2nd place for something!!!!! haha I cant wait to talk to you to see what we might be able to arrange!!! We are getting married on January 28 though (not sure if that was a typo!)...hope that is not an issue! Thanks so much for this! And congrats to the others! Allison
  9. Congrate guys! You guys have an awesome opportunity ahead of you!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by MissyR We narrowed it down to the GP and the Paradisus - I think for us the deal breaker was that the GP did up to 7 weddings a day and the beach was really crowded which we didn't love.. According to Rocio...the WC at the GP...they only do 3 a day! I got this info from her no more than a month ago so it should be up to date!
  11. Thanks Rafa! It is very generous for you to be doing this! I can't wait to hear what you decide...my fingers are crossed!
  12. I am getting married at the Grand Palladium in the Mayan. I also found that there were not many GP brides on here...but on another forum I frequent there have been MANY. And they all seem to have had really great experiences, and their pics are always nice! The resort is not that new for a pp who mentioned that it might be. Maybe 7 years old? not 100% sure on that but it has been around for at least 5 years. Maybe we should start a GP Mayan Riviera thread so we can get info from each other as time goes on!
  13. This is perfect timing...thanks so much for the opportunity!!
  14. Thanks everyone! I am stressing already!...picking a resort is hard...very hard. The one that I like is a bit pricey for my group (not big travellers), but hopefully i get it sorted out soon.
  15. Hey, I am Allison and my fiance and I are hoping to get married in January in the Mayan Riveria. We are just trying to settle on a resort (looking at the Palladium or maybe the Sunset Princess). I hope to be able to use this forum to get tons of info!
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