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Everything posted by yamille

  1. We were planning on just having a meet and greet in the lobby area by the bar and no "rehearsal dinner" but now I am rethinking. I guess I was just thinking the sit down thing 2 nights in a row may be too much and there is no real rehearsal. What are you girls planning? We are prob going to be having around 50 guests. Will it seem like I'm being cheapo though if we don't have a dinner thing? I don't think so- but I would love some input. thanks!
  2. I have several different Spanx items and I like them for the most part. They really hold you in or smoothe out or whatever. The last time I wore one I took it off though because it made me look really tiny (great) but it was uncomfortable. It wasn't too tight it was just a little too restricitve. I think sometimes I just rather go au naturale and feel the breeze up my dress. If you are thinking about this for the wedding then I would wear it first and see if you really want to be in it with the heat.
  3. Have a great time ladies! So many places to eat- so little time (and room in the belly) Sometimes when we have guests in town we Have drinks and apps at pne place and eat our way around the places that they want to check out. Do it. It's fun!
  4. Maura- I agree with Alyssa's idea of metalic pens and the stamp becuase it may illeviate some of the having to have everything done before you leave anxiety. - Great idea though girls!
  5. Hi Girls, I am dead set on being barefoot for the beach ceremony but am thinking of wearing a shoe for the reception so that I can get my groove on When you went searching for a dress did you try on barefoot? I have a huge fear of tripping and falling- which I do very often so I don't want the dress to be too long. TIA!
  6. I've never heard of that but I have kickboxed for years and it will literally work your butt off. I also always feel really satisfied when I finish something that was really hard in the beginning. I did a bootcamp once that seriously almost killed everyone in the class. It was 8 weeks of working out in the middle of central park. Crazy! There were people that threw up and cried. Having said that- when we started noticing that we weren't completely dying anymore we all agreed that we were feeling pretty amazing. I say stick with it! I think you'll feel great.
  7. Awesome thread. Thanks so much for the input. It really helps!
  8. Thanks ladies. I think I am going for a look this Sunday. I have sort of been puting it off but not for any good reason. I just thought I had time- but in reality I should just get started I think becuase I am picky!
  9. Thanks for all the input ladies. On one hand I feel like I was being ripped off- but then again I think it's where you live. HArtyt- this is seriously the best money we spend because FI hates cleaning and early on it caused lots of silly arguements and my being passive aggressive when he left all his stuff all over the place. Now- he just pays which is fine with me because I do all the in between upkeep for the most part. ** he does dishes though
  10. Omg.. I need to keep looking. I know NY is overpriced with everything but it's really rediculous. NIce to have ballpark figured though. Thanks ladies!
  11. Yari- $90- I'm in shock! Alyssa those are great questions. Thanks!
  12. I think it is a sign from the universe that I am meant to clean my own apt. I hate major cleaning and FI does to so we agreed on a cleaning lady a few months ago. We are good on a day to day basis (for the most part) but tubs and toilets I hate. Anyway, after having three seperate cleaning women come I realize that I just need to clean my own place. I have a hard time being firm with someone cleaning my place I think. I feel bad or something. It's silly. We live in a 1BR apt with a tiny bathroom, large LR and Kitchen in Queens and the last woman was charging $70. I guess that's standard NY prices even though my friend living in West palm beach has a 3BR house cleaned for $85. I digress. The first few times the last one did a shoddy job so I went over what I would like to be done and she still was not doing basic- like moving the toaster and cleaning the crumbs. She would just wipe down the counter. I didn't care. She broke our ceramic cottonball/q-tip thing in the bathroom, I didn't care. I noticed that one of my necklaces was broken on mydresser. I didn't care. She then broke our french press when she was washing it. I think I'm done. How much do you pay for a cleaning person if you have one?
  13. I'm just curious as to what the deal is as far as dress ordering. I haven't started with even looking yet and I am just curious as to when I should start. I heard someone say that it can take up to 7months to order your dress. Is that true?
  14. I am a lover of PB and a hater of mayo so I would have to agree with your DH. But anything else combined with PB is awesome....
  15. I'm so glad you had a good time. Patsy's is exactly what I would have recommended for pizza. You both look like you had a blast!
  16. I just jumped on and switched my username. I was Phoebe75. Now that I am officially obsessed with the forum I thought I should come out of hiding and use my real name. I am on here way too much to be using my beloved puppies name. Yamille
  17. hmm i need to try that Courtney - I thought I went everywhere! I just learned how to give a gift though. I hope u like grapes!
  18. Hi I have gone to the user CP but still can't figure out how to change my forum name. Can anyone give me a hand. Sorry if it's blatantly obvious and I am just missing it. TIA!
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