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Everything posted by yamille

  1. ha ha. today I'm not freaking out but I was yesterday. It's a rollercoaster lately. I'm like "everythings fine, we're doing a laidbak beach thing" and then I'm like, "under 3 months and no dress fitting yet, i still need to find shoes, i need to get all rsvps, blah blah blah..
  2. What?! That's outrageous. I hope they honor the cc transaction. That would piss me off too!
  3. RELACORE! I don't know if its still on but that ladie talking about stress and belly fat and yelling " STRESS CAUSES BELLY FAT-YOU NEED RELACORE" really bugged me she was stressful
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Thanks Amanda. I might try that. He might take me seriously if I take the time to write everything down and like you said he can read all of my thoughts and they won't be interrupted. I know that a huge part of the problem is our living situation. I feel unsettled because I know we aren't going to be in the apt I live in long. I just don't feel home, ya know? There are things in boxes, its not decorated in a way I like and I'm not going to put in that effort when we're not going to live here long. I'm the type of person who if I feel unsettled in one area then it throws off everything else. I'm having a hard time adjusting to the fact that there is someone else involved in my decision making and I have to WAIT for that person. I think we are going to try to talk tonight. Hopefully we get somewhere. How did the talk go Kelly? Just for the record I highly suggest therapy- not becuase of your situation- but I am an advocate for everyone to go. I am a therapist in training still BUT have been in therapy for years. It's just really nice to have an objective voice to bounce everything off of. Also sometimes just the way you communicate with each other may need to be tweaked so everyone is okay. A therapist can help you figure out how to do that for yourselves.
  5. Welcome! You are an amazing sis. This forum will be super helpful to you.
  6. I'm so excited. all the posts make me either freak out or get excited. I can't believe it's under 3 months for me.. today I am excited. Yay Paradisus ladies!
  7. what my best friend says: Do your thing
  8. Hi ladies I joined WW today online and will get to a meeting this week. I got up and went to a meeting this morning (in a snowstorm) and when I got there was told it was cancelled. I did WW a few years ago and had results but need to get bacl on track. Graduate school has been bad for my body and I am getting married in less than 3 months and need to feel good. So.. here I am. I just wanted to say hi to all you WW ladies.
  9. happy birthday and congrats on beginning to live a healthier life!
  10. Wow ana that's awesome. I think when that happens to me I may have to take my ticker off my siggy for my own sanity... Make a list and just check things off i guess right?
  11. Sorry you are having a hard time. I would be stressed if my brother's wedding was the same year let alone so close to mine. Ah...family.
  12. Wow. great deal. I ordered my bags 2 days ago and they don't include any sort of printing.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 I confess that DH and I have been fighting (more like bickering) fairly often recently, but when we fight we don't actually discuss anything or solve anything. Either he leaves or I tell him not to come here and then the next day we act as though nothing happened. Its so frustrating. We're still not living together 100% of the time and that makes it so easy to just avoid the situations. I'm so frustrated. Kelly- I'm so sorry that you guys are fighting. I would be totally frustrated not living together as well. You have a right to be and in some way I am guessing that your DH is feeling guilty- since you are married and all that. Not living together definately make it easier to avoid "resolving" anything. Have you sat down and really had a heart to heart about this with him? You are not holding grudges the next day (or at least not saying anything about it) so that leads me to believe that the argument topics are not important and the fights are really about something deeper. My only suggestion is to really sit and talk and tell him that things HAVE to change. I know you really want to live together and maybe make some sort of rule that if you have am arguement you can't just leave or avoid it- both of you. There may not be a resolution each time but at least you won't have the awful, frustrated feeling. It sucks. Relationships are hard. I am having a tough time over here too- but that's another post...
  14. Mel- your brochures look great! Ayita- I started a thread about wedding related dreams/nightmares a few weeks ago but there weren't many people that had tehm and i'm sure it's just buried. Yours was funny though. * yesterday FI and I spent HOURS going over budget, finalizing menus and payment dates and DIY tasks that we will "split". It was crazy. We were both getting so stressed. We were also getting excited. I mean in the end we just laugh cause we really don't need any of it but we (I) want the details. He's on board though. He has agreed to help a lot more now since I have been having nervous breakdowns becuase of my thesis and this planning business.
  15. I really like the colors. The only change that I would suggest is making the font larger- but like everyone said already... I think you did a great job!
  16. I ordered my bags so i can't taske them off your hands. Did you get something different or are you doing boxes or some crafty thing? just curious
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