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Everything posted by yamille

  1. Kristy I am in the same boat. I cannot find shoes that I love. I go back and forth between a wedge and am getting nervous because my fitting will be in the next 2 weeks I believe. Thanks for posting. I thinkyou should go for the hot pink. That's what yoy want. My friend has loaned me her wedding shoes which are beautiful but as I walk around my living room they KILL and therefore I am undecided if I will wear them. I am a baby. I want to be comfortable- and look hot!
  2. i ordered the teacher tote bag from Promotional tote bags custom sizes and styles from cheap totes now with t-shirts and screen printing I am happy with the quality. Still need to iron on the logo though.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by drtracy I confess that I'm about to start my period and I have a giant zit under my nose. It is driving me to distraction. I'm 34, when do zits stop? weird! I have a zit under my nose and started my cycle today!! I'm 33.. so maybe they never stop?
  4. Yes Julie I was there last June. All the sports are non motorized and included in the AI. Paradisus is on a environmentally protected reef and they don't allow motorized sports. Feel free to ask questions. Although I think you'll find many of them answered in these many many pages in this thread.
  5. Good afternoon ladies, Kelly- Good job on getting things done! I think you are doing what you need to do and showing him that it's important to you. Mummergirl- There is nothing wrong with you at all on the biological clock. I think it's different for everyone and we don't need to jump into "roles" that don't feel right in the moment. I mean I am 33 and while my clock is ticking so to speak it wasn't for a very long time. I loved kids but just wasn't sure if I wanted them. Go with your gut and the flow of what's happening in your life. For now.. focus on being a wife- that's what I'm doing. Kat- I just saw your siggy ticker- congratulations how exciting!
  6. No it was mainly that. Travel info- I know that technically my name won't be changed on my ID till later when I do that on a separate occasion but the way they word it made me feel slightly confused. So it doesn't matter then right? Hey Frazali- your reception is the day after mine!
  7. snorkeling is included but if you want a "private" trip then it's $20pp. I don't really know what is included for that fee- I believe it's just the trip to where you snorkel and the equipment.
  8. I don't think they are boring Casey. They are classy. I mean it's a hershey candy bar- what more do you want. As a guest- I am happy if I get chocolate- then it's just a little bonus that it has your wedding stamp on it. It's a nice detail.
  9. What? are you ladies tryin' to kill me? I'm trying to look good for my wedding and BD pics. I cannot look at this thread with cupcake recipes till after May 23rd.
  10. Looking for some help.. We are planning on doing our legal day a few days before we leave here in NYC. This may seem like a silly question but here goes. Since I will be taking his name- it says on the town hall wesite that it goes into effect that day. Does that mean that all my documentation needs to be changed prior? What did everyone else do. I would love to hear from you- especially if you are from NY. This is from the website: Name Change Options We ask you to carefully consider whether to change your surname. Various surname options are listed on the back of the application. You must state your choice of surname on the application. If you elect to make a surname change on your application, the surname change takes legal effect at the conclusion of the Marriage Ceremony. The name change option does not apply to your first name or middle name. If you wish to change your surname through this office after your Marriage Ceremony, you must remarry. Although you may correct mistakes in your Certificate of Marriage Registration, a surname choice is not considered a mistake and cannot be changed through our Amendment process. I just want to avoid any confusion... TIA!
  11. I love the one where you are kissing hom and he is smiling with his eyes closed. You guys are adoreable! great shots.
  12. they look great Mntego bay! I just sent him my request and can't wait to see my little prototype so i can place my order. I have everyone's sizes ready to go. yay!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Steph158 Ok so one of my best friends recently got married (shotgun wedding) and although I do not want to say bad things I would be embarrassed to have the wedding she did. At her mother-in-law's double-wide! There was folding chairs set up for the ceremony in the front yard. The the guests had to help haul the folding chairs to the back yard for the reception that took place under some tarps propped up as tents. With folding chairs, mis-matched tables. 2-liter bottles, pot-luck food, no photographer, no decorations. They put down plywood as a dance floor over the muddy grass and one of the groom's brothers played "DJ". There was no dress code, flip flops, tank tops, even some camo! The part that bothered me the most was the kids toys, car parts and other misc crap that was left in the yard! Why not clean it up for the wedding? no clue! Then if it couldn't get any better, these folks decided to get up and sing and even though they were terrible, everyone else seemed to think they were great! I about died. I have to say this one sounds kind of fun! I love that they didn't really care and got up and sang. Sounds like they have spirit! I also would have put plywood down over the mud to dance. But I'm a little weird.
  14. you look great! Lucky to find a dress that fits like a glove as a sample!
  15. Ok. I need to breathe. I missed a lot the past few days. Thanks all you ladies for posting your stuff. It is so helpful!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB Here's my trick for this one. If I am bartending and I see the bride or groom going down this road, I don't put alcohol in their drinks or I water them down as much as possible! I have done this a million times as a bartender. Sometimes I HAVE to save people from themselves!
  17. I agree with what the other girld have said about it being your day and about what you are comfortable with. I think if you don't consume alcohol then your friends and family know that and shouldn't expect it. I personally like having a drink at a social event BUT you better believe I won't be acting rediculous. You know your guest- that's the bottom line.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Royal_lady10 I dont hide it from him.. but FI knows its a MUST that I watch Housevives (of NYC, ATL), VH1 (I love money, For the love of Ray J), Hells Kitchen, and last but not least Snapped.. I love that show.. when he sees snapped.. he's like oh sh#@, here we go again..lol.. I think deep down he secretly likes it..lol Wow Jessica.. a girl after my own heart. Housewives of... and snapped are right up my alley. ha ha
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