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Everything posted by yamille

  1. As others have said it sounds sketchy. My gut reaction is that she is in a physically abusive relationship. Not wanting you to come over, being "gone" for 2 wks, unusual behavior, it all makes me think she has a black eye or something. You mentioned a boyfriend and that she realized that he wasn't right for her. I hope that this isn't what's happening, but If she is in this sort of situation I imagine she's confused, embarassed, and scared. I think just knowing that you care about her is important.
  2. Yolanda I am in the same boat. I think I am going to get the one that comes in the package- because I really don't want to spend anymore money on this. (remember this is my take 2 at this bd business!) I figure if it's really not something I want to give him I can make the shutterfly one. then again.. it's just easier to have her deal with it... oy!
  3. so sad. My thoughts and prayers are with both of them.
  4. I'm having 38 guests. We were 40 and I found out today that my aunt and cousin had to back out. I'm happy that everyone else is booked already!
  5. wow. i just read this and I hope everything turned out okay. Calia you are a good friend. give us an update when you can.
  6. beautiful photos. congrats on the engagement and your mommy to be status. Welcome to the forum!
  7. I don't think that you are making a msitake at all using SWANK.. I booked with Carlos because it would be less expensive than SWANK and people were giving him rave reviews. In the end it's becoming a little bit of a headache though....
  8. Happy wedding day Meredith!! I hope the sun is shining brightly on your day. *I emailed Carlos yesterday when that thread posted and he is NOT honoring the 30% off discount for me which I am bummed about. He told me that it was for those booking in April only. I guess you got lucky.. Maybe it's becuase your wedding is in April?? I am really trying not to stress but honestly I feel like everything is happening really fast and I want to physically MEET with perla to make myself feel better about the whole money thing. On another note. TGIF
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by sunsetbride1 For our shoot, when we first got there.. we chose the order we were going in. Michelle did the 1st gals hair/makeup and while she was being photographed; Michelle did the 2nd lady and so on... As far as hair goes, Michelle is really open. She will do whatever you like; in general, we all just let her do whatever she wanted which was big sexy curls. We were told to go with clean dry hair (no product) and no makeup. And yes, Kamila does provide some refreshments of the alcoholic variety. For ours, she did champagne and mixed drinks. This is exactly how ours went. I went first becuase I had to run to class later that day. That was fun- I was so not in the mood to talk about researching my thesis. I also had to tone down my look. My hair is pin straight- she did curls in mine. fun! You'll have a blast.
  10. Wow.. it seems like this thread helped boost business for Kamila. That's great becuase she was so good to work with. Yay for all you ladies goin for it. I look forward to your teasers as well in the future!
  11. my pet peeve. It annoys me when people do that to my books specifically too! I'm so careful with others things- it bugs me.
  12. I was going to suggest RK bridal as well. If not... there is a taylor in the west village and the name of the store is HONG KONG JACK. 136 Waverly Pl # 2 New York, NY 10014 (212) 675-0818 He taylored 2 dresses for me when I was a bridesmaid.
  13. Petals- so sexy. I also love that your BDW name is "petals" and there are rose petals on teh bed in your photo. Andi- Reggie will NOT be noticing the missing "e" on the spine of the book. He will be too busy looking at your smokin' pics! Nicely done ladies.
  14. I can totally understand how this is feeling like a little bit of a shaft when your sis gets a free vacation. I imagine i might feel similar. I don;t really have anything to say except that I can see where you are coming from. They really shouldn't have said that it was a wedding gift to you. Maybe they should have just paid for it and kept quiet. That's how I would feel.
  15. I had never ever heard of this tradition! I'm learning so much. so that's what all the paper talk was about... ha ha. Kelly I agree diamonds should NOT be a sixty year thing. I'm no spring chicken- that would stink.
  16. I agree with Sunbride. If you wear a bikini you are pretty much in BD wear unless you are doing nudes. I think as long as your face is not on the web then you are ok. Also.... I would ask her to crop angles of your face and stuff for her studio portfolio if you are worried. That's great that you have the opportunity but I understand your concern.
  17. Happy wedding day Ana! I know you will be a beautiful bride. I hope the sun shines for ya.
  18. Kristy it looks awesome! You look so pretty- it's great with the veil. Did you use my publisher or another site?
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 That is exactly what I was thinking. They are paper. Casey~ that last picture you posted is fabulous. Your FI is going to seriously pass out when he sees them. Question for you ladies, how long does it take before you will have the final product? It's 2 weeks till we get the proofs and then we choose. i have only gotten 1 teaser so far. I think something went over my head. what does everyone mean by "Paper"? do you mean money?
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