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Everything posted by yamille

  1. Thanks for sharing your stuff. It looked wonderful. I love the cover of your BD book and I think your OOT bags were great.
  2. well that's pretty cool! FREE is always nice. I have a suggestion and I don't want to be a bummer BUT... Will you please take someone with you? I don't know if you have heard about the "craigslist" guy that they are trying to hunt down right now. He has killed 2 women "allegedly" and they have his image on hotel video but can't seem to find him yet. These women answered ads on craigslist- or he answered their ads for a masseuse and they came to his hotel room or something like that. I'm not trying to scare you I just am very hesitant of craigslist. It's scary to go to a hotel? or is it his studio? alone and do a BD shoot I would imagine.
  3. Brilliant idea with the dress! It looks gorgeous- I can't wait till you are back and we can see teh pics.
  4. holy crap this post made me laugh. Obviously you are close since she is a bridesmaid- so tell her to chill. It's kind of cute that she is this excited though.
  5. It's pretty Katy! I can't wait to see it on you. I was in the same boat. No veil... then yes veil. I didn't wnat to regret not having it in mexico.
  6. I hope that's not true. Mainly because I like her and want her to have a real reltionship. I mean Arod is Hot but he's a player.
  7. ok. now I am rethinking it all. Maybe I will buy the wedge flip flops to have just in case. Ok for my second fitting I will walk around barefoot and see what happens. I also can't believe that we are paying over $200 in alterations and it's not even being hemmed. wtf?
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by bumbles FI calls me bumblebee I wanted to change it for job reasons. Yamille, we leave on the 19th for Playa del Carmen. When do you guys arrive at the resort? I remember reading that Paradisus has many color options for tablecloths. Is there a color they don't have? I plan on having 1 large white candle in a hurricane vase and a few smaller white votives on the table, all filled with sand. I attached my table signs but the colors will be changed to bold than pastel. What color should table cloths should be? White? Would that be too white? Maybe I should rethink the table number colors? Or am I putting too much thought into this... What do you think? Bumbles- We will probably get to the resort around 1:00 on the 19th. Our flight arrives at like 11:30 I think. bags, transport, checking in... Your tablescape sounds nice. Did you ever confirm the hurricane vase with Perla that I mentioned? I am going to send her a long email tonight. I have questions... what else is new. Quote: Originally Posted by navarrabrooke So I'm getting lots of questions about whether or not to buy the travel insurance along with the DWT travel package. We purchased it when we booked our trip. I'm waiting to hear back on what all it covers. Is it absolutely necessary? What do you think? I bought the insurance.. I was hesitant but I thought well what if something happens. So we did. I remember asking a while back and some other TA's said yes. It covers if any weather issues or if flight changes happen or any sort of "catastrophe" happens.
  9. Yes.. victoria's secret. That makes sense. Thanks Erin! Shannon- Maybe your can make it work. She was saying something about the material... I'm not really sure. She has a very thick Italian accent and she just kept yelling "shoes" at me. We did have someone else come and translate- but she just looked at me and said "no" -shoes- "yes". I adore her. She also literally stuck her hand in the dress and cupped my breast to make it fit into the dress. ha ha. That was a surprise. yeah I didn't want to argue about the shoes thing.
  10. So... I went for my dress fitting tuesday and after much discussion decided that I will need to get the big wedge flop as i walk down the aisle. The seamstress convinced me that nobody will see it and that is best because if the shoe that I want to wear for the reception. Now i know that some brides had suggested that before becuase it looks better but I sort of had my heart set on walking down the aisle barefoot. She basically told me that there was no way that she could make it work for both becuase of the material that is teh over lay of the dress- or something. So.. where did you get your big white wedge flip flops from?
  11. This is a weird trend. They showed a KFC and some otehr place where people did the same nastiness. WTF??
  12. Thanks ladies. Yeah I was surprised - but MAcy's came through. I will say it was the 34th street macy's which is HUGE. WE were there for hours and I was thrilled that my sis chose the dress that was NOT $400. It was between the two and I was buying.. I htink hers is different and quite Mexican with the tourquoise. Check it out if you are in NYC- I was surprised.
  13. Hey I just wanted to share their dresses. They were both bought at Macy's and I don't know the designer names but thought I would share my pics. My sis who is my MOH. We are not having bridesmaids. Just BM and MOH My mama's dress. I wish I had pics of them in the dress but I didn't even think if that at the store. Oh well!
  14. Here are mine. I switched over from inititally these: The new ones are more comfortable and even though the others were my friends wedding shoes I think these are more me- and comfy! So i can dance
  15. End of day 1. How exciting that the pot is that big! That's incentive.. um also that my wedding is a little over a month away.
  16. Lauren- thanks for the sash info. I'm going to check it out. Fanny- 1 month till you are in Mexico!! woohoo. I arrive on the 19th. I forget... will you still be there? I would love to meet the newleyweds even if it's just for a short bit. HOw exciting. Brooke- even though we are working with a TA I have checked out other sites and am annoyed that there are so many deals now! Good for you I hope you end up saving a few $. We booked a while back thinking that prices would go up becuase that was when gas was a million a gallon and whatnot. Also.. I think that term "apples to apples" must be a TA term cause mine said that too! ha ha On another note. I am so ready to just go get married and leave all this behind. I am so over school, planning and cold weather. I want sun, fun, friends and family!
  17. Thanks for sharing. Ana was a beautiful bride. can't wait to see more!
  18. Rachel! your photos are awesome. You were such a beautiful bride. Thank you so much for sharing them. Congratulations!
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