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Everything posted by chell

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by beachbride08 Congratulations! Your ring and dress are beautiful. The cakes are awesome. Thank you!! I just saw that your wedding is on my birthday! and your name is Michelle too!! I like you Best of luck to you!!
  2. he he, thanks everybody! Yeah, he loved the groom's cake. He was very suprised, he said he had no idea what to expect. I just told Sheri what I wanted and it was perfect. It was a beautiful day, it called for rain, but finally cleared around 10 am, I was so happy. A bit windy, but still beautiful. I miss the island- A LOT!
  3. Hi all!! I am finally at a stopping point with the wedding, packing, moving, unpacking...finally, to be able to post up some pics. Even with a few kinks:The Rev. getting lost, the GROOM running 45 min. late, me forgetting the marriage lic. at my house... (can you believe it) It turned out great!!! We are married and that is all that matters in the long run. My cakes were by Sheri's Edible Designs, she is fabulous to work with and talented beyond her years. The cakes were soooo delicous!!! and they can be seen on her website too Sheri's Edible Designs - Truly Unique Cake Art - Hilton Head Island, SC - Hilton Head Wedding Cakes
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by WSUgal Hi Chell! You are getting married in 23 days..or maybe I should say 22 since the day is almost over. How exciting! How are you feeling? You must be busy, busy, busy. Getting wedding plans together and moving...wow! That's alot to take on. I got an email today from Sheri. I was so excited. Thanks for telling her to email me. I was thinking that the island time sounded yummy! My friend is turning 30 when we are down in HHI, so I am going to get this filling with the margarita glass design on it for a surprise. Yum! It is good to hear that you like it! I really liked Tim Z's work also. And he was so nice...he did a follow up call and sent me an album to look at. Unfortunately, he is just not in the budget. It took awhile for FH to convince that $2000 was a good deal! So, I know he wasn't even going to contemplate $4000. But, that is what is left after the wedding day, so it is important to spend the money on the photographs! I have never heard of Mitchellville Beach or Fish Haul Creek. When the wedding is over, we may have to go explore that area! Thanks for the inside info! Thanks again for all your help! Let me know if you need more info on Shelly, She has been so nice and she is very quick to get back with you. Have a great rest of the night! I am ready to either pull my hair out or start ,lol. It is starting to get a little stressful. I had my final fitting last night and apparently I have worked out too much the last six weeks in the gym and now my top is just as tight (after letting it out) now because of muscle, can't win for loosing!!!! So now I have to quit in order for it losen up, believe that!!! I just need to relax, chill, have faith that it will all come together. It is just tough, he's in Atlanta, along with my maid of honor...His mother hasn't been well the last 3 wks and hasn't been able to help, so I have been flying solo and it can get a bit taxing at times. And poor Will, he gets to catch ALL my b!tching, venting and crying about it all, hehe poor baby! But it will be fine, I know. yeah, your friend will love that cake! I agree with you on Tim!!! No, problem, let me know if there is anything else I can do. Good luck on your day. I have been kind of worried about us being too hot on the beach, but you are gonna have a little bit warmer than me. Keep your cool too!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by WSUgal Hi Chell! I have a fellow HHI bride! Yeah! Thanks for all your helpful info. I have looked at Sheri's Edible Designs for cakes. I love her cakes because they are so unique and affordable. Have you gone there for a taste testing? This is the vendor that I would like to use, but she hasn't contacted me back by email in a week or so. I couldn't download her contract because she has a program that she uses that I don't have. So, I asked her if she could send it in a different way like microsoft word or just snail mail it to me. She hasn't replied back. I just might have to call her! Ohhh...if you have tasted her cakes you will have to let me know which ones are your favs! I love the beach pics you sent. What beach is that? We decided to get married at Palmetto Dunes: The Dunes House. We will have a beach wedding and the reception will be right at the Dunes House. We are getting pretty reasonable rates because our wedding is on a Thursday. This is the best day to do it for us as bro-in-laws have to leave on Saturday. It has really helped to have a weekday wedding b/c vendors have been more available and rates are cheaper. Flowers are my next big adventure. I don't want a whole lot of flowers, just a bridal and bridesmaid bouquets and something for moms. You have a smart idea by bringing down your own! We will be down there all week, so I am going to have to rely on vendors down here. But, flowers aren't a big deal to me, so that shouldn't cut to much into the budget! Have you found a photographer? I am just signing a contract with a photographer right now. She is from Bluffton, so she is much more reasonable with prices plus she has great photojournalistic style! I am so excited about her! Her name is Shelly Hutchinson (Shelly Hutchinson Photography ~ Weddings, Portraits, Life ~ Bluffton, South Carolina). If you need her info, just let me know! I am so excited to have an HHI bride friend! Thanks for all your help! Yeah, I had my tasting already and OMG her cakes are to die for...the groom picked the flavors for me to try, as he lives in Atlanta. I tried the: Red Velvet, Dbl Choc. Pecan, Chocolate Cheese cake and the It's Island time. They were all so good, it was hard to pick, but we went with the Island time for the wedding cake (it was so lite and not at all what I had in my mind it would be like). She said another cpl just had their tasting and picked it as a joke and liked it so much, they picked it for their cake too, lol. And I am doing the Choc. Cheese Cake for the grooms cake. I am going by there today and I can tell her to get back with you!! PD is really nice. Yeah, doing it during the week is cheaper, smart Idea. We are getting married at Mitchellville Beach park, off Beach City Rd. I like it because it is undeveloped and secluded. That and Fish Haul Creek Park (actually where I took the pictures, MBP is just on the otherside of that pier, crazy if you ask me, BWE) are fairly new beaches so not many people, especially tourists (he he) don't know about 'em. Have not found a photographer w/in my budget yet. WE LOVE the photojournalic style, but the ones I like are through the roof, Tim Zielenbach is absolutely amazing and even more amazingly $$$$ like the cheapest pkg he offered was $4600 I will look up your girl, though forsure! Flowers off Island are probably more reasonable. Affairs to Remember Quoted me $325 for my bouquet I don't think so.... And we have used her for the last year and a half for EVERYTHING, so I was real suprised she couldn't do any better than that after all the money We have spent in there, but oh well. She did tell me she had six other weddings (big ones) that same wknd, so maybe she priced it so I wouldn't use her, IDK If there is anything you need me to do to help, let me know. I will only be here one wk after the wedding though. But I will help in anyway I can if you need it.
  6. ok, here ya go: this is at low tide...
  7. I am getting married here on Hitlon Head Island. I did find that it is much more exspensive here than other markets just because of where it is at. But there are vendors in Bluffton (which is right off island) and in Savannah that come this way that are cheaper and just as good. But I do have to say the ONLY place I would get a wedding cake here is Sheri's Edible Design's...she is so talented, she is so talented and her cakes are to die for!!! here is her web site: Sheri's Edible Designs - Truly Unique Cake Art - Hilton Head Island, SC - Creating Elegant and Unique Wedding Cakes, Birthday Cakes and Special Event Cakes. Wedding Cakes Hilton Head, Hilton Head Weddings, Hilton Head Bakery, Hilton Head Wedding Cake Flowers, IMO A Floral Affair does the most beautiful work...but are very pricey. You can see there work on the Platinum Weddings show in this area... I opted to have a friend in Atlanta do my flowers for about 1/3 of the price and my fiance' is going to bring them when he comes. Lowcountry Rentals for rental items...there are a lot of really good caterers, I am using Christine's Catering. She is a dream to work with, another good one is The Downtown Catering Company (they are in Bluffton too), they have done some of the Platinum Weddings here too. They all have website and will get back to your emails ASAP! If you are looking to keep costs down, which we are (since I am moving the week after the wedding to Atlanta) stay on the North end, way less commercial, very natural habitat and you don't have to worry about all the tourists or party animals. I will try to find a picture of the beach where we are getting married...hope that helps
  8. chell


    Thanks everybody!!! I am very excited and stressed at the same time. Holding up ok as long as I stay away from his mother, lol ~ My mom passed away a long time ago, so she has been my "step mom" for a really long time now. She is very old fashioned in her ideas and pretty much dislikes everything we have done thus far, except my dress, he he. But we are getting there. I still have so much to do it seems like...
  9. chell


    Just wanted to drop in say "hey"... My name is Michelle and I am from Hilton Head Island, SC (for the last year and a half anyway ) and am geting married here in 25 days!! (May 24, 2008 ) eeek, time is flyin'!!! So Haay!
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